7 AUGUST 1875, Page 22

Therapeutic Means fur the Relief of Pain. By John Kent

Spender, M.D. (Macmillan.)—This essay comes before us with the recom- mendation of having been honoured with the Fothergillian gold medal of 187-1 by the Medical Society of London. Wo cannot profess to deal with the subject-matter of the book, which is of a special and pro- fessional kind, and lies beyond our scope, but wo may say that the work is remarkably complete and exhaustive, and has interest even for the lay reader. Most parsons are under the necessity of using or calling for the use of anoesthetics, and it often happens that a certain amount of choice falls to the patient or to his friends. To the medical profession, the volume must bo of value. The present writer has observed, not unfrequently, indifference about and even ignorance of the resources which science has put at the disposal of the healing art. A good text- book on the subject should help towards removing both failings.