7 AUGUST 1875, page 2

The Dean Of Arches Gave Judgment In The Owston Case,

which involves the right of a Wesleyan Minister to be styled " Reverend," on Saturday. The case was in the form of an appeal from the Consistory Court at Lincoln, where the......

The Artisans Dwellings Act Has Become Law, But We Have

still to see how far the local authorities are disposed to make a per- missive law work. In London a beginning has been made on a small scale and with very bad cases. The......

The Proportionate Weight Of Ireland In The United Kingdom...

to decline. It was in 1815 a third, but according to the Registrar-General's Return for the quarter ending the 30th of June, 1875, the resident population of the United Kingdom......

The Scotch Entails Amendment Bill, Even As Pruned Down And

tempered by the vigilance of the lawyers and landowners in the Upper House, is a remarkable measure, though Mr. Disraeli forgot to mention it at the Mansion House. It gives the......

The Paris Municipality Is Very Angry Because Its...

not invited to the Lord Mayor's international municipal ban- quet. It appears that Alderman Stone was not to blame. He, poor man ! did not know whom to ask, so he inquired of......

Mr. Bates, The Member For Plymouth, On Friday Week Answered

the assertions of Mr. Plimsoll as to his personal liability for sending unseaworthy ships to sea in a manner which seems to have completely satisfied the House of Commons. He......

The Behaviour Of The Government Will Be Best Understood By

studying their action on the loading of grain. Grain shipped in bulk is a more dangerous cargo than gunpowder. Grain so loaded shifts like water, and if the ship gets a " list......

Colonel Baker, Deputy Adjutant-general, Was On Monday...

on the three charges of assaulting Miss Kate Dickenson in a railway carriage near Woking,—with intent to commit a rape, of indecent assault, and of assaulting simply. The Judge......