7 AUGUST 1915, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF Till "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—May I through your columns call the attention of those whom it concerns to the fact that there are a considerable number of district officials in Northern Rhodesia who desire nothing so much as to go to the front P All volunteered in August last for Imperial service, but having been given to understand that they can serve better by remaining where they are, they have remained. At present a certain pro- portion of the younger officials could be spared without any danger of trouble from the natives, and when operations in German East Africa have been carried to a successful con- elusion the security will be even more assured. Might it not be arranged that a proportion of available officials should be called home to join the Army ? Possibly some officers incapacitated for further active service might be found to take their places out here. It is, of course; for the Imperial authorities to say where these men can do beet service, but when England is fighting for her life in Europe and the call for officers is so urgent, many of them feel that they might be more useful in Europe than in Africa.—I am, Sir, &c,, Northern Rhodesia, June 21st, 1915. ONE OF THEM,