7 AUGUST 1915, page 12

The Restriction Of Output.

[To TRIM EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] San,—The best summary I have ever seen of that feature of Trade Unionism which Mr. Lloyd George on July 28th spoke of in the House as......

Armour And Shields.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") have just taken up my weekly Spectator with the usual keen interest of its intelligent and thoughtful articles. and I see the first......

Public Assistance.

[To TIER EDITOR OF TOE "ETECTILTOR. ° ] Sin,—In the article on the "Problem of Public Assistance' in the Spectator of July 81st you refer to the abuse of the maternity benefit......

The Coal Strike And Voluntary Enlistment.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOTC.1 SIR,—In your issue of October 10th last year you published a letter of mine entitled "The Biological Effects of Voluntary Enlistment." The......