7 AUGUST 1915, Page 16



Sin,—As we are all looking forward expectantly to the work shortly to be performed by our "bantam battalions," it may be interesting to note that little men have already gained historical renown in fighting the Germans in Flanders. Caesar employed "bantams," notably against a German colony, the Aduatuci, on the present western battle-front. In the De Bello Gallica, Liber II., cap. a we are told the enemy, on seeing the Romans preparing their offensive, jeered at them from the walls of their fortress Quo tanta machinatio ab tanto spatio insiitueretur P Quibits. nam manibus, nut quibus viribus, praosertim bominos tantulaa staturae (nam plorumque hominibus Dallis, prat maguitudinu corporum suorum, brovitas nostra contemtui est), tanti ouoris turrim in mums seso collocare confiderentP " The men of small stature were not long in proving that the enemy's contempt was a mistake, as it was in the case of "French's contemptible little army," for the Teuton soon sent ambassadors of peace :— " Nen se existimare Remanos sine ope divine helium gerere, qui tantae altitudinis machinations tanta celeritato promovero, at ex propinquitate pugnare, peasant."

A compliment not strange to us, as the Kaiser frequently assures his subjects he also wages war by Divine help.—I am,