7 FEBRUARY 1958, Page 17


SIR,—Your. correspondent Pamela M. Parsons is rightly concerned at the grave danger to health caused by the dumping of raw sewage in copses and the pol- lution of rivers and coastal waters.

The real answer to this problem is composting, i.e. mixing sewage with organic wastes to make a balanced manure. Efficient composting both disposes of the danger to health and restores to the land what it has lost by the removal of crops.. .

Municipal authorities throughout the world are experimenting with methods of composting town wastes (i.c...dustbin collections) and sewage sludge. In this country Edinburgh has led the way by installing a Dano biostabiliser, In rural areas dustbin collections would obviously provide insufficient organic materials for composting, but there is no reason why farm wastes, or any other suitable available materials, should not be used. So far nothing has been done officially in this direction. but the pioneer efforts of several public-spirited individuals have shown that the process is practical. safe and efficient, and produces a compost of high manurial value.--Yours faithfully, HENRY TONES 18 West MeadoWs Road, Cleadon, Siinderland