7 JANUARY 1893, Page 3



FROM JANUARY 7th TO (JUNE 241h, 1893, INCLUSIVE, TOPICS OP THE DAY. AGRICULTURAL Labourer, the 665 Ag_ricultnre, a Pessimist View of ... 247 Albert Hall, Great Anti-Home Demonstra- v, — — the National Churoh in the ,.. 662 Lion at ... 560 IN, Alexander III.... 5

Ambassadors on the Defensive .., ... 217 America, Arbitration with ... ... 845 — Prehistoric ... 802

Amusements, Indolent 252

Animal Patterns ... ... 781 Arnold's, Matthew, Popularity ... 382

Asia and Europe, Cruelty in 660 Ascrth, Mr., his Speech on Home-rule (April 508

Australia, Bank Failures in... ... ..., 45-663 Authors, on Strike ... 44

BAW.2f,ouletAtrb.i.nogitiottile Literary Prospect Banque's Ghost ... „. .„ leefl...esttaatntd11)11sceum Theatre Belgium, the Suffrage Question in

Bengal, Juries in

Benson, Archbishop, and Emotional Charity Besant, Mr. W., on a Union of Authors... Stage Bible, the, and the St ...

Blaine. Mr., Death of .., Booklessness Bowen, Lord Justice, and Professor Maheffy Bright, Dr., on Shelley as Prophet ... British East Africa Company, Report of the ... Brooks Bishop Phillips M

Bryce, r., at Aberdeen ... Building Society Mischiefs • ' Bunkum," an Apology for Butterfly Farm at the Zoo, the ...

CABINET, Irishmen in the 214, ek) Calumny, the Ambassadors on ... ... 217 Capital and Labour Question, the... 562 Caprivi, Count von, and Count Kainoky... ... 765 Captain and Passengers 12 Carnet's, M., New Essay 443 Cerro," on the ... 157

Chamberlain, Mr., on the Modern Press ...123

— — on the House of Commons 444

— — his Great Speech at Birmingham against

Bome.rule .. 473 Channel Tunnel Bill, the, and the Government 847 Character, Property in ... 478 Charity, Emotional, and Archbishop Benson ... 41

"Charity Begins at Home" ... 219 Charity Commission, the, and St. Paul's School 084 Chicago World's Fair, Opening of, Sm. ... 450.594 Children, Report of the National Society for the

Prevention of Cruelty to ... „. 637

Christian Socialism in France 504 Christianity, Modern, Mr. B. F. Horton on .. 686

Church, the National, in the Albert Hall 662

Patronage Bill, the New... 318 Churohill, Lord R., on the Suspensory Bill ... 250

Churchmen's, the Liberal, ... 154 " City," the, and London ... 248 Clergy, Poverty of the ... 692 Clerical Poverty 216 — — Convocation on 350 Cleveland, Mr., an Prophet... 313

Cobbett, William 284,

Commercial Prosperity, Lord Roberta on 695 Commons, the House of, Bullying in ... — — Dullness of ,.. ... 762

Conservative Club, Meeting of the ... 312278 Conspiracy, the Law of, width() Irish Parliament 761 Contract, the Religious Side of 319

Convocation, the Reform of ,.. 186

— on Clerical Poverty ... .„ 350 County Magistracy and the Lord Chancellor ... 412

Cruelty, One Avoidable Cause of ... 637 — in Europe and Asia ... 069

Cuckoos and Nightingales 635 Culture, the Effeht of on Vitality... ' 479

Curates, the Supply of 707

DARK Raises, Future of the ... Decanal Functions ... Derby, Earl, Death of ... 561 Duchess, a, in 512 Durham, the Bishop of, on the Welsh Sas-

pensory Bill 377 "1"100NOMY and Ethics, Mr. Gosohen on 704, .2.11 Egoism, the Duty of ... 513

Egotism ... 701

Egyptian Crisis, the, 68416450 Elections — Meath, South ... — on One Day... ...

-- Result of (up to Feb. 10th) ... Electrical Railways Elizabethan Homer, the England the New Serfage in ... ..• — Wertherism in England's Primary Patron and the Pope English and Foreign Working Men ...

— Prosperity, the Sources of — Race, the, and Mr. Gladstone ... 383 566 473 253



41 44 155 152 568 74 846 769 124 694 72 800 668

• 6

119 181 100 515 475


696 280 7 848 Espionnseye as a Profession 281

Ethics and Cosmic Forces, Prof. Huxley onro Euan.Smith'e, Sir C., Mission to Morocco Europe and Asia, Cruelty in

Evicted Tenants Commission, Debate on the 'DAUB Witness

.12 Fashions, the Origin of ...

Jenne on

Federalism, the Creeping-on of ...

Female Extravagance, Lady ... Fen, Before Breakfast in the Ferry, M., elected President of the French

Fiction, the Decadence of — . Fletcher, Mr. A. E., on the Philanthropists Foreign and English Working Men Fowler, Mr. H., and the Parish Councils Bill ... Foxhounds and Greyhounds...


— and the New Crisis (Jan. 13th)

— Carnet's, M., New Essay... .„ — Chamber, Tinkering the...

— Christian Socialism in ... „, — 016menceau, M. (the French Parnell) — Clottn's Madame, Charge

— Ferry, M., elected President of the Senate... — Monarchical Dreams in ... — Panama Scandals, the „. French Piety in Foreign Affairs Fur Seals, the Future of ...

GARDEN Pets ... .. ... 73 Gee, Mr., and Mr. Gladstone ... ... 315 Germany:—

— Caprivi, Count, on "the Dangerous State of Ferment s' France ... 36 — Elections, the ... .„ 844 — Emperor's, the, Defeat ... ... 629

— the Situation in (May 26th) 693

Giffen, Mr„ on Wages... ... ... 120

Gladstone. Mr., and the English Race 7

— — his Task in connection with the Home-rule — —on Parliamentary — and Mr. Gee ... — — his Indictment of Property...

— — his Justification of the Irish Alarmists — — his Imaginary Musings ...

— — on Social Intercourse — his Meditations... Glidstonian Party Meeting (March 27th) Gladstonians, the Exultant ..;

Gosohen, Mr., as Conservative

— — at Glasgow (on Home-rule)... ... y

— on Economy and Ethics Government, the, and Egypt — and the Indian Civil Service Grant, Sir J. P. M. E.

Grant-Duff, Sir M, on M. Henan ... Great Ladies, the .. Greek Spirit, the, end Modern Life Greyhounds and Foxhounds

" HALLOWED" Supremacy, the ... 660 1.1 Harcourt's, Sir W., Liquor Bill... ... 277 Harrison, Mr. Frederic, on the Decadence of 461

Hawaii, the Revolution in ... 153 415 ro Henry in. Richmond Park, the .., 801 Holland, Canon Scott, on Welsh Disestablishment 697

Home-rule, the Home-rulers Against ... 4 — the Irish Unionists after, Ac. — Ono Social Effect of

— the Unionist Case ... — predicted overthrow of the Cabinet in Con-

nection with 245 — what an Irish Parliament may do anent it ... 240 — the Weight of Irish Authority against 346 — Mr. Goechen on _ 442

— and Banque's Ghost ... 473 — what about Ulster under it P ... 474

— great Delegation against at the Albert Hell 560 — Irish Irrepressibility in connection with .., 724

— and Irish Jecobiniem „, 760

— Sexton Affair, the.., ... 792 Home-rule Bill, the ... .„ 212

— — the Internal Result of 213 — — and the Irish Leaders... 378.

— — great Speeches against ... ... 472 — — the Second Reading passed 568 — — the " Threefold Impossibility" 592

— — a Bad Beginning of the Committee on ... 628

— — the Signs of the Hour (May 19th)... ,„ 661 — — "Subordinate" Legislature, a, How to Make it Impracticable — — from its Friends' Point of View ... 841

Honours, the Shower of ... „„ ... 761

Horse of Modern Fiction, the ... ... 43 Horton, Mr, B. F., on Modern Christianity ... 666

Household Pests 768 Hull and Belfast ... , 562 Hull Strike, the ... 512 Humility and Vanity... 218

Hyde Park, the Teetotalers in 799 TBSEN and his Plays

.L Imperial Institute, Opening of the ...

Inane Jocularities

Inoometax Schemes ... India :— — Bengal, Juries in

— Civil Serviee, the, and the Government — Society, the Variety of .,. Indolent Amusements

696 40 609 348 849 125 476 156 157 281 481 250 696 379 416 36 443 725 564 842 344 281 376 89 184 664 569

215180 315 409 411 593 699 843 408 182 151 442 9 17164

795 0


636 351 416 68 120 244 285 ...681 ... 75 ... 595


...795 .., 352 ... 252

— Jecobinism and Irish Home-rule ,.. 760 - Balkans, Improved Situation in the ... ... 477

— England, Franco, and Siam ... ... 727

— France and the New Crisis (Jan. 13th) 36

— French Piety in Foreign Affairs ... 664

— "International Arbitration" ... 845

Irish Home-rule and Irish Jacobinism ... 760 — Irrepressibility 724 — Leaders, the... ... 378

— Parliament, an, What it may do 279 — the "Spoils System" in 597 International Questions and Affairs :-

— Count Kalnoky and Count von Caprivi 765 — Military Preparations on the Continent ... 410 Investors, another Blow to ... ... 445

Ireland, a Humdrum,,, .„ 789

Irishman in the Cabinet 1., 214

— Egyptian Crisis, the (Jan. 20th), 68-116-150

— the La Vendde .„ ... 440

— Question, the Collision of Two Ideas ... 630

Parliament, the, and the Law of Cionspiresiy 761

TACOBINISM (Irish) and Irish Home-rule .,, 760 e) James, Sir H., and the Gladstonians ,.. 117 Jebb Prof., on the Greek Spirit and Modern951 Lite Jenne, Lady, on Female Extravagance ..., 156

Jocularities, Inane ..„.. 75 Journalists, Women as ... 800

Juries in Bengal „, „„.. „, 9 17 ALNOKY, Count, and Count von Caprivi .,. 765

IX Keats and his Works ... 515

Kingsbury, Dr., on the New Mesmerism ... 42

Knowles, Mr., on Tennyson„, 10

IABOUR Demand, the New ... ... 507 — Party, the Future of the ... .., 39

Ladies, the Great 636 Lancashire Cotton Trade, Look-out in the ... 153

Law, the, and the Railway Passenger 189 Law Society, the Incorporated, on Officialism— 446



Leo XIII., the Episcopal Jubilee of 249 Liberal Churchman")) Union, the ... 154

— Unionists, the Animosity against 117

Liberator Building Society, the ... 72 Lincoln Judgment, Protest against the ... 282 Lion-House at the Zoo, ..: 277220

Liquor Bill, Sir W. Harcourt's Literary Prospect, Mr. Balfour on the 566

Lizards at the Zoo ,„ 516

London, and the " City " 218 London County Council, proposed Palmas for the 796 Lord Chancellor, the, and the County Magis- 412 Lords, the House of, as Political Extinguisher 510 Lubbock, Sir J., on Shop Hours ... 381 Lyceum Theatre, Becket at the 253 MAIllAarIFLIPpreonf,,, and Lord Justice Bowen,. 74 730415 Magnificence, Modern, the Conditions of

Maori Chief, the Thoughts of a ... 187 Martineau, Dr., on School-Board Religious

Master Builder, the 599

285 May, the Woodlands in 601

May-!lies in March 385 Meath, South, Election thend Mesmerism, the Real Weer in the New ... 6

42 Millennium, Waiting the .., 322 383

Millionaire " iiirdue24.;4e Greek Spirit 851 — Self-Knowledge ... 447 Morle4, Mr. J., on the Multiplication of Politi. cal Morocco, Sir 0. Emu-Smith's Mission to 376 40 N Auenitr.,,,Cohraoter, Mr, C. H. Pearson ou New Issue, the: a Plea for Time ... Nightingales and Cuokoos

Noise and Nonsense ., „. Nonconformists and their Anxieties ...

Nonconformist Decline, some Causes of— ... Nonsense and Noise ...

Noses, Character ...

POFFICIALISM . 446 Old Age in the Tillages ,„ ... 413 ANAMA Scandals — Cottn's, Madame, Charge Parliament - Anquith, Mr., his Speech (April 21st)... ... 508 — Banquo's Ghost .„ 473

— Channel Tunnel Bill, the, and the Govern-

— Church Patronage Bill, the Newe on t — Evicted Tenants Commission, Debashe

Federalism, the Creeping-on of „ .„ , — Fewer Members or a Larger House? .„ — Gladstone, Mr., his Speech on Home-rule

(April 6th)

— his Indictment of Property

— Gladstonian Party Meeting (March 27th) — Harcourt's, Sir W., Liquor Bill _ .• 277 — Home-rule Bill, the „. .212-213 — — a Bad Beginning of the Committee.on ... 628 — — the Second Reading of ... 563 — " International Arbitration"..:845

— Irish Debate, the First 119

— Magistrates, the Appointment of ...565 — Parish Councils Bill, the... „, 379

71 312

6375 6 414 354 76 353

344 347 318 848 476 185 ... 441.


parliament :—

— Payment of Members, Debate on .., 880

— Queen Speech, the (January 31st) 148 Seoond Chamber, Debate on the ... 632

— Shop Hours 881

— " Subordinate " Legislature, a, How to Make it Impracticable „. 840 — Suspensory Bill, the „, 250 — Unionist Case, the, in connection with Home- - — Victory, the First ... ... 345 — "Want of Confidence" Debate, the ... 411 Parliamentary Skirmishing, the Preliminary ... 118 Equality, Mr. Gladstone on .., .„ ... 21.5 Parnell, the French ... ... 842 Passengers and Captain ... 12 Pay meut of Members of Parliament Question, Peace, en Oppressive 410 Pearson, Mr. O. H., on the Decay of National

Character ... ..„.. ... 71

Philanthropists, 'Vagueness of the 250 Picture Case, the ... 728 Pity, the Progress of ... „. 320 Poachers' Exhibition, a 450 Pocket-Boroughs, the New, Lord Salisbury on 792 Pontestere, a League of .., .„ 252 Political Extingnieher, Our... 510 — Groups, the Multiplication of _ 376 — Grudge _. 766 — Precaution, Premature ... 37

Pope the, and England's Primary Patron ... 729

Prehistoric America „, 802 Press, the Mystery of the 123 Procrestination, the Policy of .„ 38 Property in Character _ ,„ ... 478

QUEENMIEN, the, Opens the Imperial Institute in , h Kensington .., 63 T. Queen's Birthday Honours. the ... 761

— Speech, the (January 31st) 148 Tes AILWAY Passenger, the, and the Law ,.. 189 110 Railways, Electrical ... 190 Renan, M., Sir AL E. Grant-Duff on ... 567 Richmond Park, the Heronry in ... 801 Roberts, Lord, in the City ... 695 Rosehery, Lord, and Foreign Affairs., 182

Russell, Sir C., on "Elections on One Day" ,.. 119

Russia, the Emperor of ... 5 ALISBURY, Lord, in Ulster 692.726

1i77— — on the Semi-Detached Empire ... 726

— — on the New Pocket-Boroughs .,. 793 — on the Indian Civil Service .,. ... 795 Salmon, the Growth of „. — 770 School-Board Religious Education, Dr. Mar- tineau on 599 "Seen and the Unseen," New Story of the .., 446

Self-Knowledge, Modern 947

Sententiousness ... 602 Serfage in England, the New „, 475 Sexton Affair, the ... .. 792 Shakespeare's Beer-jug 847 Shelley as Prophet ... ... 846

Slam! England and France in.........727

Snobs Guide, the ... 417 Social 1ntereouree, Mr. Gladstone on ... 690 Speed at Son, the Limits of,,, " Spoils System" in Ireland, the ..........507 Stage, the, and the Bible _. 155

Stephen, Mr. Leslie, on Cobbett• . .. 284 St. Paul's School and the Charity Commission... 634

Strike at Hull (the Dock:nen) „ ... 512 " subordinate " Legislature, a, How to Make it Impracticable ... 840 Suffrage Question in Belgium, the ... 509 Supremacy, the " Hallowed " 660 MAINE, M. 317 J. Took, Princess May of, her Betrothal to the Duke of York 592 Teetotalism, the Moral Basle of .„ 799 Temperance, Noise and Nonsense in connection Tennyson Was he either Gnostic or Agnostic P 10

— Lord (the late), on the Future Life ... 283 Trials:- "Cobb e. the Great Western Railway Co." 189

— Lawrie v. Wertheimer" ... 728 — Sutherland Will case, the _ ... 512 Tropical Forest, Ghosts of the 321

ULSTER, Lord Salisbury in 602.726 — the Rousing of ... 276

the possible Insurrection in ... ... 316 — What about her under Home-rule P ... 474 — the Cutting-Out of ... 510 ' Umbria,' Aocideut to the ... ... 12

Unexpected Wealth n

Unionist Case, the, in connection with Home-

.- 244

— Victory, the First ... 345 United States :— — Chicago Exhibition, Opening of the, &o. 450-594 — Cleveland, Mr., his Inaugural Address ... 313 VANITY and Humility ... 218 Villages, Old Ago in the V Vegetarian Triumph, the ... 767 413 Vitality, the Effect of Culture on ... 479 Vole-Plague, Report on the... ... 449

TATAGES, Mr. Giffen on ... ... 120

Wallis, Mr. J. P., on Home-rule... ... 245 Waters, Wintry .„ ... 14 Wealth, Unexpected ... .„ 11 Weld, Mrs., on "Talks with Tennyson" 283* Welsh Church, the Wrong and the Right Way of Defending it ... 477 Disestabliehment, Canon Scott Holland on... 697 — Suspensory Bill, tho Bishop of Durham on the 377 — — Meeting in the Albert Hall pn... ... 662 Wertherism in England 798

White, Gilbert, of r elborme... ... 849

Wild.ltabbit Farming ... ... 700 Wintry Waters ... 14 " Wise Women" 603

women as Journalist; ... 800

Woodlands in May, the ... 600 orking-Men, English and Foreign „. 696

y011ta,y the TDecuto of, his Betrothal to Princess 592 700, the Butterfly Farm at the- - the Lion-House at the

— Lizards at the ... 516

331 49 811 743 18 258 161 163 643 829 548 810 705 515 17 824 646 576 38




128 577 131 8


48 709 226 79 642


742 859 826 Connor, Made—The Heart's Awakening 396 Copleston, R. El.—Buddhism, Primitive and Pre- Craik, IL—English Prose Selections ...

Crawford, 31,—The Children of the King ... Crosse, Mrs. A.—Red-Letter Days,

Cross, 3, W. Impressions of Dante, &a- - Margaret B.—The Saffron Robe „.


Austen, to Miss Jane (A. Cochrane) Authors and Books, a Ballad of ...

Common Things ...

Cry of Desire, a (J. Truman) Dolly (8. L. Gwynn) _ Laleham Revisited (J. Truman) ... Loudon Garden, in a (Frances Wynne) Merry Month, the Old Friends, the ...

Sea-Side, at the (W. T. Webb)... Sea, the Sorrow of the (John Hogben) Stoic's Counsel, the .., Village Wife of Modern Days, a ,.. Vita Nuova (W. Watson) ...

Waiting (A, T. Froggatt) Wanderer's Return, the (G. Ootterell) Worlobury (J. Truman) ... 15 ... 673 ... 852 639 326 704 834 522 326 572 773 421 606 486 290


Academy, the Old Water-Colour Society and Architecture at ...

English Art Club, the New, and the Meiseenier Exhibition Grafton Gallery, the ...

New Gallery, the ...

Notes on a Recent Controversy Old Masters and Amateurs .., Philistine, the Standard of the Picture Galleries and a Portfolio ...

Portrait-Painters, the Society of, at the Grafton Richmond, Mr., a Reply to ... Royal Academy, the ...

Subject and Technique


A DAMS, 0. F.—Life of Jane Austen ... Adderley, 3,—Stephen Remark Addis, W. IL—The Documents of the Efaxateneh Argyll, Duke of—The Unseen Foundations of Arnold.Forster, H. 0.—Things New and Old Arnold, Sir E.—Adzutna

Arrowsmith (pub.)—Women Workers

13 ADEN-POW ELL, B. F. S.—Savage Isles and 1? Settled Lands ...

Baring•Gould, FL—The Tragedy of the Creme ... — Mrs. Cergenven of Curgenven Barker, E. H.—Wanderings by Southern Waters Barrett, F.—Out of the Jae e of Death ... Kitty's Father ... Barron, D. G.—Scotch Feudalism in the 17th Century Bseohing, H. C.—A Paradise of English Poetry Behrs,O. A.—Recolleotions of Count Leo Tolstoy Bell, Nam (N. D'Anvers) and the Marquis de Nadaillac—Mannere and Monuments of Pre- hietorio Peoples

Bengough, M. A.—Ina Promised Land Benson, E. P.—Dodo.

Bishop, Mrs. M. 0.—The Prison Life of Marie Antoinette... ..„.. „. Blackburn, H.—Artietie Travel Black, Helen 0.—Notable Women Authors of — W, Wollenberg — Blitz, Mrs. A.—An Australian Millionaire ... Boles, H. M,—Prisoners and Paupers ... Bonsai., S.—Morocco as It Is Booth, 0.—Life and Labour of the People in

Brewer, R. F.—Rhymes by Rule Bright, W.—Morality in Doctrine Brown, J. 0.—Ancient Finland, &o. — H. F.—Venioe

Buchanan, R.—The Wandering Jew ... Bnalcland, Anne W,—Our Viands ...

'1' •••

453 572 887 825 779 458 393 425 194 426 256 606 421 357 852 640 127 737


nAMERON. Mrs. L.—A Slater's Sin ...

Campbell, J. D.—Ooleridge's Works ... Carey, Rosa, N.—Sir Godfrey's Granddaughters Carter, T. T.—Nicholas Ferrer ... „, Ohillington, J. G.—Dual Lives ...

Chubb, P.—Essays of Montaigne ... Oherch, R, V.—Cathedral and University Clarke, H. B.—Spanish Literature Clifford, Mrs. W. K.—The Lest Touches.. Cobban, J. td.—The Red Sultan, &e. Cullignon, A.—Petronius Arbiter Ciellingwood,W. G,—Life and Work of 3. Ruskin Colton, H.—European Military Adventurers 612 641 895 99 489 824 MIDWARD3, Mrs. S.—Pushkin's Stories ... 227 ill Elton, Mary and Charles—The Great Book- Collectors „. 608 Embdon, Baron Ludwig von—Heine's Letters— 454 "MERE, F.—Bylviano ... .6 261

-U Fairbairn. A.. M.—Christ in the Centuries 390

Fenn, G, M.—Nurse 18

Field, M.—Stephania' .„ ... 163, Fletcher, J. 8.—When Charles I. was Kiug ... 131

Ford, J. N.—Tropioal America 830 Forrester, Mrs.—Dearest 711 Fothergilf, Jessie—Oriole's Daughter 527 Fowler, J. K.—Old County Life ... 806 Franoillon, R. E.—Ropes of Sand_ ,.. 708

Frauds, M. E.—Whither 131 Furnivall, P. 3.—Browning's Pr1150 Life of

Strafford ... .„ 492 • CIALTON, F.—Finger-Prints 1E1

lJf Garvey, Inn—ROSDM1111'S Story 259

523 George, IL—A Perplexed Philosopher, See. 327 Gluing, A.—Between Two Opinions _ 856 — G.—The Odd Women ... „, 707 Gollanez, I.—Cynewulf'e Christ ... 291 Gordon, Julien—Marionettes .„ 491 Gore, C.—The Mission of the Church „, 224 Geese, IL—The Seoret of Naroisse 51 Grand, Sarah—The Heavenly Twins 395 Grant Deft Sir M. E,—Sir II. Maine's Memoirs 18 Gray, E. IC—The Step-Sieters „, 18 J.—Bourget's Short Stories 269 — .7, M.—A Scottish Pepys 223 Groenhow, Surgeon-Major—TheBew of Fate.., 86

fADOW, W. H.—Studies in Modern Music .... 677 Rake, G.—Memoirs of Eighty Years ..20

Hamerton; P. G.—Man in Art, dzo. 362

Harper, 0. G.—The Brighton Road ... 196

Harrison, F.—Annals of an Old Manor House... 527 Hatton, 3,—Under the Great Seal... ... 812. • Hawker, R. 5.—Prose Works, die. _ 777

Hawthorne, 3.—An American Monte Cristo 543

Hayes, Alice M. and M. H.—A Guide to Side-

Henty, G. A.—Rujnb,-ihe J;legleuT g.111

Steidle Riding Hodgkin. T.—Italy, and her Invaders 257' Hogan, J, F., end A. P. Martin.—Life, &e„ of Viscount Sherbrooke ... 741. • Holmes, Eleanor—Through Another Man's Eyes 543 Hume, F.—Aladdin in London ... ..: 491 — — The Harlequin Opal ... „, 711 Hungerford, Mrs.—Lady Vorner's Flight ... 396 — The O'Oonnors of Ballimalineh .,. 491 360

Douglas, Sir G.—Now Border Tales ... 543

Dowden, E.—Introduction to Shalcspere 678 522 Doyle, A. C.—The Refugees, dto. ... 811 Drape, A. T.—Archbishop Ullathorne's Auto- bicgrappky Drury. G. T.—Poems of Edmund Waller ... 133

-FAA' LYS of Sodden Fen, Author of—Some ..1-1 Married Fellows 395,

Dale, D.—Lottie's Wooing .., ... 708 Davidson, J., and 0. J. Wills—Laura Ruthvon's

Widowhood ... 130,

Dawson, W. J.—Quest and Vision„. ... 227 Deland, Margaret—The Story of a Child ... 328 Donnie, J.—Jeremy Taylor's Golden Sayings ... 615 Dent, C. T.—Mountaineering 103 Dewar, J. 0,—A Yacht in Pad& Pleas ... 578 127 Diooy, A. V.—A Leap in the Dark... _ 763.853 Diokens, Mary A.—A Mere Qyphor 528 Dickinson, G. L.—Revolution and Reaction in Modern France Ditehfield, P. H.—The Church hi the Nether-

DEALA, Anther of—Singularly Deluded— A Blackwood (pub.) • 363 TIME-INS, E.—The Cavalier and his Lady ... Jocelyn, Mrs. It —Only a Horse-Dealer Johnson, R. 5.—Evefina Johnstone, E.—Lombard Street...

Jewett, B.—The Dialogues of Plato ...

KEGAN PAUL and Co. (pub.)—A Woman's

Kenealy, A.—Dr. Janet, of Harley 'Street Kevill•Daviee, A.—Miss Blanchard of Chicago Kitehin, G. — Winchester Cathedral 193 855. Marshall, F.—Rugby Football 184

Martin A. P. and J. F. Hogan &e., of Viscount Sherbrooke

— H. T,—The Canadian Beaver ...

— Mrs. IL—A Girl's Past ... Masters, Ellen T.—Art Needle-work J

Mayor, J. B,—The Epistle of St. J ete103 .• Melville, H.—Moby Dick

— — White Jacket Merriman, H. 8.—From One Generation to Another

Meynell, Alice—Poetry and Prose Milner, A.—England in Egypt

Mimande, P.—Recollections of Panama ... Minto, W.—Life, &e., of W. Bell Scott 81 856 259 673 84 47 709 824 18.

101 106 Knight, W.—Philosophy of the Beautiful, deo.— 607 Krause, G.—The Growth of German Unity ... 261

LAMBERT, J. M.—Two Thousand Years of

Gild Life ... ... 194 Laneiani, R.—Pagan and Christian Rome ... 710 Land Question, the, H. Spencer and H. George

on—H. George ... 327 Lang. A.—The Waverley. Novels ... ... 359 - — Homer and the Epic ... 423

Lawley, Hon. F.—Racing Life of Lord G. 0. 520 Lilly, W. 8.—The Great Enigma .. 104 Look, W,—John Keble .., 358 Lowell, J. L.—The Old English Dramatists ... 524,

Imeas, J.—Kalm's Eugland in 1748 ... 544

AARTENS, 11.—God's Fool ... 258.

IVA Me opherson, W. 0,—Baronage and Senate 487 Malleson,•Col. G. B.—Refounding of the German Empire

Marsden, S. P.—The l'ersonal History of J

741 131 708 197 609 858 SeS 853 858 326 483 391 181 820 364 457 292 17 855 390 010 130 525 700 290 573 259 Molloy, F.-His Wife's Soul ... Montenore, C. G.-Religion of the Ancient Moriarty, G. P.-Dean Swiftand his Writings Morocco as It Is-8. ... Murray, D. 0.-Time's Revenges

NADAILLAC, Marquis de, and Nancy Bell- Manners and Mouuments of Prehistoric Neede%Mrs. J. H.-Philip Methuen ...

Nichol, J. P.-Life of Victor Hugo

Noble, J. A.-The Sonnet in England, &e. ... Norris, W. E.-His Grace

- - A Deplorable Affair ...

nLIPHANT, Mrs.-The Heir-Presumptive and the Heir-apparent - - The Sorceress Oman, J.-Sohleiermaoher on Religion ... Ouida-The Tower oft Taddeo pARKE13, Sir H.-Fifty Years of Australian Polities

Pater, W.-Plato and Platonism „, Pearce, J. 11,-Jacso Treloar Pemberton, T. 13.-Life, ,ise„ of T. W.Robertson Pierce, E. L.-Charles Sumner ... Price, Eleanor 0.-Mies Latimer of Bryans Proctor, R. A., and A. C. Ranyard-Astronomy

RANYARD, A. C., and R. A. Proctor -Old

• and New Astronomy ... Remington (Pub.)-The Land of Ararat... ... Rhoades, 5.-The Add of Vergil- - W. 0.-The Story of John Trevenniek Rodger, Ella H. B.-Aberdeen Doctors ... Rogers, 5, E. T.-The Economic History of England Rosauf-Bladensburg, Major-Lord Hastings in Roy, J.-Melon Treveryan ..

SERGEANT, Adeline-A Broken Idol - L,-John Wyolif Shipley, Orby-Carmina Mariana Shipton, Helen-Alston Online ... Simon, Jules-Notices et Portraits ... Simpson, J.-Wild-Rabbit Farming

Smith, G.B,-history of the English Parliament "Son of the Marshes, a"-Forest Tithes St. Aubyn, A,-The Master of St. Benedict's Stedman, Hi, 0.-The Nature and Elements of Steele, R.-Media:mil Lore Storrs, IL S.-St. Bernard of Clairvaux Swynnerton, Nights' Entertainment

VTHOMPSON, Annie-A Moral Dilemma a Story of .Forgery and Thrift... ... •„ 361 ANCE, Ferrol-A Woman in Ten Thousand 86 Veitoh, J.-History and Poetry of the Sootti3h Border ... 706

Vincent, B.-Mayan's Dictionary of Dates _ 52 Vinogradeff, P -Villemige in England „. 260 Vynne, Nora-The Blind Artist's Pictures, Ao. 456

'W ALLIS, J. E. P.-Reports of State Trials 428 Ward, B.-The Story of a Catholic School, St. Edmund's College, Old Hall ... 808 Ward, W.-William George Ward and the

Catholic Revival ... 738-774 Warren, J. L (Lord e e Tabley) -Poems, Jo. 776

Watf 014 W.-Exenrelope in Criticism......488

- The Prince's Quest, Am... 674 Watt, J. 0.-Memoir of John Inglis, Lord Justice-General of Scotland 455 Wench, A.-A Study of Tennyson ... 82 Welldon, J. E. 0.-The Ethics of Aristotle ... 526 Whitman, S.-The Realm of the Hpbeburge 59 Williams, Montagu-Round London, Ac. ... 162

Wills C. J., and J. Davidson-. Laura Rutlaveniz

Widowhood ,.. 130 Winter, J. 8,-Aunt Johnnie 855

Wflod, H. F.-Avenged on Society 492 Worsfold, Visit to Java ... „. 3E0 YONGE, Charlotte M.-An 01d Woman's BOOKS-Subjeots.

A BERrEEN Dootors-Elln. H. B. Rodger ..,

Ameries, Tropical-J. N. Ford ... Ararat, the Land of-Remington (pub.)... „, Aristotle, Ethics, Am-I. h. C. Wendon... Artmtio Travel-H. Blackburn .,.

Art Needlework-Ellen T. Masters Astronomy, Old and New-R. A. Proctor and

A. 0. Ranyard„, „,

Austen, Jane, Life of-0. F. Adams ... Australian Politics, FiftyYears of—Sir I. Parkes ARONAGE and Senato-W, O. Macpherson I.13 Beautiful, Philosophy of the, &a.- W. Bentluck, Lord G. C., his Racing Life, Am- non, E. Lawley Bernard of Clairvaux-R. S.„ .Storrs

Beek-Oollectore, the Great-Mary and Charles Border Tales, Now-iir G. Douglas ...

Brighton Road, the-C. G. Harper ... .. Buddhism. Primitive and Present-it, a. n /MARS, Tragedy of the-S. Baring.Gould canaelan Beaver, the-H. T, Martin 6,6 Carmine, Mariana-Orhy Shipley

Cavalier and his Lady, the-E. Jenkins ..

Coleridge's Works-J. D. Campbell ... County Life, K. Fowler Cynewulf's Gellithez ,„

DANTE, America, and Bimetallism-J, W. Cruel Dodo-E. F. Benson ...• .„ Dramas, Am

Arlzunia-Sir E. Arnold ... - Stephanie-M. Field 676 422 855 192 775 258 739 195 548 517 709 425 7.19 830 195 526 11 197 Mediaeval Lore-R. Steele ' Memoirs of Eighty Years-G. Hake Montaigne, Essays of-P. Chubb Morality in Doctrine-W. BeIght Mountaineering-C, T. Dent Music, Studies in Modern-W. H, Bliedow

NETHERLANDS, the Church in the-P. H.

825 V NGLAND iu Egypt-A. Milner.. 83 .12.4 - the Economic History of-J.. E. T. 807 Rogers 548 823 England, Vilienage in-P. Vhsogradoff • ... 260 576 English Dramatists, the Old-S. R. Lowell „, 524 259 - Parliament, History of the-G. B. Smith 239 - Prose Selections-H. Craik 641

Enigma, the Great-W. S. Lilly ... „. 104 Essays, &c.:-

- Excursions in Criticism-W. Watson... .

- Mouteigne's-P. Chubb

- Prose Works, Ac.-lt. S. Hawker ,„

- Quest and Vision-W. J. Dawson ...

384 VERRAlt, N., Life T. Carter .., 48

J,2 Fir:ger-Prints-F. Gallon .. 18

Finland in Archaic+ Times-S. C. Brown- -, 857 17 Flaubert's Letters ... 102 547 Food and How to Cook it-Anne W. Bnekland 577 641 Forest Tithes.-" A Son of the Marshes " 573 130 France, Modern, Revolution and Reaction in-

G. L. Dickinson ... 81

Francis de Sales, St. ... .., 228 488 226 777 227 rIERMAN Empire, ilefeunding of the-Col,

LA G. B. Malleson ..„. KrauseGerman Unity, the Growth of-G.ns ... 261 Gild Life Two Thousand Years of-S. M.

Lambert ..................131 TT ABBBURGS, the Realm of the-S. Whit- 739 1.1 man 50 Hastings, Lord, in India-Major Rose-of-

Bladensburg ... ... 675 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates-B. Vincent ... 52 Hebrews, Religion of the Ancient-C. G. Monte-

Bore 807 Heine`s Letters-Baron Ludwig von Embden ... 454 Hexatenoh, Documents of the-W. E. Addis ... • 458

648 FHomer and the Epic-A. Lang ... 423

675 INDIA, European Military Adventurers In- H. 826 301 Indian N ghts' Entertainment-0. Swynnerton 543 Inglis, J. Lord Justice-General of Scotland-S.

JItaly, and her Invaders-T. Hodgkin ... 257 AVA, a Visit to-B. Worstold......329 Jeremy Taylor's Golden glayings-J. Dennis 045

Tr ALM'S England in 1748 Lucas ... bit 11 Keble, John, Biography, &c.-W. Leek... 358

LEAP in the Dark, a-A.V. Dicey ... ,763.853 Lectures :-

- Church, Mission of the-C. Gore .......234 100 Lombard Street-E. Johnstone .., „. 84 392 London, Round : Down East and Up West-

486 Montagu Williams ... ... 162 643 London, Life and Labour of the People in-0.

Lowe, Robert (Visonunt Sherbrooke), Life, die.

-A. P. Martin and J. F. Hogan... „, 741 MAINE, Sir H., Life, Am-Sir Si. E. Grant DufY 16

Men in Art-P. G. Remerton . 362 Manor-House, Annals of an Harrison .,. 527 Marie Antoinette, the Prison Life of-Mrs. 705 392 20 226 19 109 677 - Dearest-Mrs. Forrester ..• - Deplorable Affair, is-W. E. Norris - Dr, Janet. of Harley Street-A. Kenealy - Dual Lives-J. G. Chillington - Evelina-R. B. Johnson...

- From One Generation to Another-H, S.

- Girl's Past, a-Mrs. H. Martin-, - God's Fool-AL &tautens

- Harlequin Opal, the-F. Hume ... 739 - Heart's Awakeniug, the -Marie Connor ... 825 - Heavenly Twine, the-Sarah Grand ... 676 - Heir-Presumptive and Heir-Apparent-Mrs.

487 - Helen Treveryen - llie Grace-W, E. Morrie 607 - His Wife's Soul-F. Molloy . - Jae° Treloar-J. H. Pearce 829 - Jim Duncan-Personal History of 486 - johnTrevenniok,t he Story of-W. C. Rhoades - Kitty's Father-F. Barrett • 604 - Lady Verner's Flight-Mrs. Tuugerford 543 - Last Touches, the-Mrs. W. K. Olifford 168 - Laura Ruthven's Widowhood-I. Davidson and C. J. Willa 612 - Lett's: a Wooing-B. Dale - Marlonettes-Julleu Gordon 49 - Master of St. Benedict's, the-A. St, Aubyn 131 - Mere Cypher, a-Mary A. Dickens 010 - Miss Blanchard of Ohmage-A. Kevill•Davies

856 Miss Latimer of Bryans-Eleanor C. Price...

804 - Moby Dick-H. Melville... .. gen3 - Monte Cristo, an Amoilean-j. Hawthorne 291 - Moral Dilemma, a-Annie Thompson ...

- Ns mime, the Secret of-E. Gomm .„ - Nurse Ensia-G. M. Fenn 489 - C Connors of Bellinabinoh-Mrs. Hungerford 810 - Odd Women, the-G. blissing

- Oin Q0-14, Melville..; 494 - Only a Horse-Dealer-Mrs. R. J000' )1 /63 - Oriole's Daughter-Jessie Fothergik

360 Notices of Portraits-Jules Simon .525.

Novels, Stories, :- - Aladdin in London-F. Hume ... 491 - Alston Oracle-Helen Shipton ... 130 - Aunt Johnnie-J. S. Winter ... 855 - Australian Milllooaire, an-Mrs. A, Blitz .„ 824 - Avenged on Society-H. F. Wood „. 404 - Between Two Opiuiens-A. Giseing ... 856 - Blind Artist's Pictures, &o,-Nora Vynne 456 - Bourget's Short Stories-S. Gray ... ... 260 - Bow of Fate, the-Surgeon-Major Greonhow 88 - Broken Idol, a-Adeline Sergeant ... 855 - Children of the Rine, the-M. Orawfosd ... 305 - Curgenven, Mm., of Cuarenven-S. Baring. 85 703 258 711 396 395 17 361 17 825 855 855 547 258 896 86 180 708 491 . 259 528 18 253 858

548 304 51 1 491 7587

0 6 259 527 811 7111 364 824 709 673 Novels, Stories, Ac.:- - Out of the Jaws of Death-F. Barrett ... - Philip Methuen-Mrs. J. H. Neodell... - Promised Land, in a-51. A. Bengough - Pushkia's Stories-Mrs. S. Edwards - Refugees, the-A. O. Doyle ... - Ropes of Sand-R. E. Franoillon - Rosamund's Story-Ine, Garvey Rujub, the Juggler -G. A. Henty ..; - Saffron Robe, the-Margaret B, Cross ...

- Singularly Deluded-Author of Iamb. ... - Sir Godfrey's Daughter-Rosa N. Carey - Sister's Sic, a-Mrs. L. Cameron - Some Married Fellowe-Author of The Denys of Sodden Fen... • _ - Sorceress, the-Mrs. Oliphant - Stephen ltemarx-J, Adderley... - Step-Sisters, the-6l. M. Gray - Story of a Child, the -Margaret Deland ...

Sylviane-F. Fabre „.

- Taddeo, the Tower of -Guide - Time's Revenges-D. C. Murray - Through Another Man's 131es-Eleanor Holmes 193 - Typee-H.Melville„ - Under the Great Seal-J. Hatton ,., - When Charles I. was King-J.13. Fletcher-. - White Jacket-H. Melville - Whither P -M. E. Francis Wolfenberg-W. Black

- Woman in Ten Thousand, a-Ferrol Vance - Woman's Crusade, a-K. Paul St C s (pub.)... (See also ” Cunene r LITERATUR E.") OLD Woman's Outlook, an-Charlotte M.

Yonge 425 Orthometry, Brewer .........574

D AC MO Seas, a Yacht in-J. 0. Dewar ... 578 Pautime, Recollections of-P. Mil:sande ... 391

Paseet-Hachette (pub.) 780 NV0111.118 Arbiter-A, Collig non 742 Plato, the Dialogues of-B, Jewett 47 - and Platonism-W. Pater ,,, 422 Plays (see "Dramas," itc.) Poetry, Ac. :- - America "De Arta Poetioa"-E, C. Stedman 100 - Dramatic and Lyrical-Lord de Tabley 776 - English, a Paradise of-H..0. Bee:Ming ... 103 - Prince's Quest, the-W. Watson 671 - Weller, Edmund, Poems of-G. T, Drury _ 133

- Wandering Jew, the-R. Buchanan _ 128 (See also CURRENT LITERATURE.”) Prehistoric Peoples, Manners and Monuments

of-Marquis de Nadaillno, and Nancy Bell 829 Prisoners and Paupers-IL M. Boles ,., 616

RQUEST and Vision : Essays in Life and Litorature-W. J. Dawson ... 227 ABBIT-WARRENS that Pay-j. Simpson 700 Rabelais-W. F, Smith ... ... 290 Red,Letter Days, Am-Mrs. A. Crosse „. ... 99 Red Sultan, the-J. M. Cobban... 855 Robertson, T. W., Life, &o.-T. E. Pemberton.,. 192

Rome, Pagan and Christian-R, Lam:haul 710 Rugby Football-F. Marshall .„ _ 134 Ruskin, J., Life and Work of -W. G.Gollitig wood 859

SAVAGE Isles and Settled Lands-B, F. S.

Baden-Powell ... 331 Sohleiermaoher on Religion-Oman, J. 614 Scotch Feudalism in the 17th Century-D, O.

Scottish liorder, History and Poetry of the-J. Veltoh - Popp', a-S. M. Gray ... Scott, W. Bell, Life of, &o.-W. Minto Senate and Baronage-W. O. Macpherson ... Sermons:- - Cathedral and University-R. W. Church ... - Christ in the Centuries -A. M. Fairbairn Shelispere, introduotion to-E. Bowden Sherbrooke, Viscount (Right Hon. Robert Lowe), Life, Ae.-A. P. Martin & J. F. Hogan Side-Sadie Riding, Guide to-Alice M., and 11. H. Hayes Society, the Unseen Foundations of-Doke of

Sonnet iu Eine Ind, the, A... Noble ...

Southern Waters, Wanderings by-E. 4.E. Barker Spanish Literature-H. B. Make.. St. Edmund's College, History of--11, Ward ... St. James, the Epistle of-S. B. Mayor State Trials, Reports Of-J. E. P. Wallis Strafford, Browning's Prose Life of-F. J. Fur-

TENNYSON, a Study of-A. Waugh Things New and Old-H. 0. Arnold-Forater Tolstoy, Count Leo, Recollections of-C. A. Behrs

ULLATHORNE, Archbishop, Autobiography

17'ENICIE-11. F. Brown ...

V Vergil's 2Seeid-.T. Rhoades Victor Hugo, Life of-J. P. Niehol Villenage in England-P. Vinagradoff Waverley Novels, the-A. Lang Winchester Cathedral Monastery-G. W. Kttohin Women, Notable, Authors of the Day-Helen Women Workers-Arrowomith (pub.) Wyclif, John-L. Sergeant ... 18 364 519 227 811 7


547 824 363 131 131 395 547 779 18' 328 263 130 259 548 858 812 131 856 131 17 86 709 492 Stunner, C. Memoir, Ao -E. L. Pierce 775

Surrey Hills, Wild Life A 13Ju of the Marshes .578 Swift, Dean, and his Writings-G. F. Moriarty 823 ACURRENT LITERILTIIRE. ME RICA, the Colonial Era in-G. P. Fisher 163 American Life, Silhouettes of -itainaluis American Railroads as Investments-S. F. van Osa 552 Anthropological Religion-Prof. Max Metier ... 108

Art, Wnere it Begins-d, Nisbet ... ... 397 Aspinall, C., Biography, 6m-W. Lewin 263 Astronomy, Am.- 551 429 864

WARD, W. G , and the Catholic Revival-W. Ward ... _ 738:774 359

101 708 223 161. 487 79 330 678 741 546 893 292 713 612 808 309 428 134 82 425 613 231, 827 528 457 260 515 426 390

558 Children of the Poor, the-J. A. Rife ... 819 China, and things Chinese-J. D. Ball ... 679 Christ and Social Reform-J. Adderley... 781 Christian History, Curiosities of-0. James ... 88 Christopher Columbus-C. A. Markham... ... 167 Church, Handbook of the-E. L. Cutts 616 Cloister Life, &c.-Dean of Gloucester ... 282 Clyde and Strathnairn-Sir 0. T. Burne ... 24 Coal-Pits and Pitmen-R. N. Boyd ... 231 Coffee-Houses, History of-E. F. Robinson ... 881 Coursing and Falconry-H. Cox and the Hon. G. Laseelles ... 712 Cowper, W., Letters, Benham ... 713 ra ANTE Alighieri, New Life of-0:E. Norton 550 Danube, the-F. D. Millet ... 199 Derbyshire, Bygone-W. Andrews -. .- 107 Devotional Works, /sa 24-200465-551480

Dictionaries, &o. 265479.746 Directories, &a.- 298.299494:

D011inger, Dr., Conversations of-Louis von

EDUCATIONAL Works, for Colleges, School,

and Homo Use 531452-818 England, Social Life iu-W. 0. Sydney ... 781 - the Steam Navy of-H. Williams 282 English Authoresses, Twelve-L. B. Walford ... 168 - Cathedrals-Mrs. EL van Rensselaer .. 397

- Landed Interest, History of the-R. M. Gamier... 167 - Social Reformers-H. de •B. Gibbine 552

- Statesmen in the 18th Century-R. B. Brett 579 Essays :- - English Writers-H. Morley. ••• 718

- In Miniature-Agnes Repplier..- 7 - In the Key of Blue-J. A, Symonds ... 8112

• •• - Making of a Man, the-I. W. Lee ... 713 2 - Old Shrines and Ivy-W. Winter ...

- Playthings and Parodies-B. Pain ... 8472f

- This Do-R.. F. Horton . ••• 831 Eton.of Old-" Old Colleger " Etruscan Roman mains-C. G. Leland ••• 494 Exodus, the New-11. Frederic ••• 234 'DACES and Places-H. W. Luoy • ... 51

r Falconry and Coursing-B. Cox and the

Hon. G. Les:cellos ... 712 Farm-Produce Realisation-D. Tallerman ,.. 648 Foreign Exchanges, &o.-G. Clare ... 551 Fox-Hunting, RadeliffeN Noble Science of -W. 298 Fragments of Two Centuries-A. Kingston ... 712 Frederick the Groat, Battles of-C. Raneome ... 813 French Revolution, Eve of the-B. J. Lowell ... 616

GARDENING, Town and Home-Mrs. T.

Chamberlain ... 861 Glasgow, the Anoodotage of-R. Alison- ... 680 Great Streets of the World, the-R, H. Davis ... 781 Greece, Excursions in-C. Diehl.........553 Greek Arehroology, Handbook of-A. S. Murray 87 Guide-Books, ese. ... 5E4.579413-832 TIANDBOOKS, &c. ... 554-579413432461

AIL Health, &a., Books on ... 531-551.553

Hell of Dante Alighieri-A. J. Butler ... 54, Home-rule, the Laud of-S. Walpole ... 781 House-Property, Handbook of-E. L. Tarbuck... 199 Hungary, Life and Character in-Margaret Fletcher ... 333 Hymns for Children-B. Waugh ... ... 109

-ILIAD, a Companion to the-W. Leaf ... ... 23

.L India, the Invasion of by Alexander the Great-J. W. MoCrindle 813 Industry, the Emancipation of-G. V. Crosbie... 54 Inns of Court and Chancery-W. J. Loftie 616 Ireland, the Church of-T. Olden .., E•7 Irish Idylle- Jane Barlow .. 199 Italy, the Humour of-A. Werner ... 282 JEW at Home, the-J. Pennell 54 KIRKBY-KENDAL, Record of-R. S. Per- Knight, C. a Sketch-Alice A. Clowns ... 264

LAKE Country, Rambles in the-E. Waugh 813 Lancaster, the Church of-W. 0. Ropes ... 232 Law, W., Nonjuror and blyatio-A. Whyte ... 530 Lectures, &c.:-

- Paget, Sir G.-C. E. Paget ... 861 - New Fragments-J. Tyndall .„ 108 Letters, the Highway of-T. Archer......579 Literary B:unders-H, B. Wheatley ... 718 Literature, the Real and Ideal in-F. P. Stearns 397 London and Middlesex Note-Book-W. 1'. W.

Phillimore 429 - during the Great Rebellion-C. M. Clods 493

MACLAGAN, Archbishop of York-Pastoral Letters .. 87 Magazines:- - Art Journal... ...

- Atlantic Monthly - Belgravia - Blackwood • - Bookman ...

- Boy's Own Paper ... - Cassell's .., BADMINTON MINTON Library ... 712

1.11 Biblical Works, &o. 107-553-713-747.831432.833

Biography, ... 552-812 Bombay and Western India-J. Douglas ... 782 Book•Lovere' Library-E Stook (pub.)......382 Books Received ... 53-88.163.299433494432-579460.747 -862 British Flies-F. V. Theobald 550 - New Guinea-J. P. Thomson _, 168 Byzantine Empire, the-C. W. C. Oman ... ... 200

CAIRO, its History, Social Life, &c.-S. Lane- Poole

Cervantes, Life of-J. F. Belly 615 Chambers's Eneyelopsadia, Vol. X. 333 Chandos, the Princely-J. R. Robinson ... 861 Chapman, Bishop, Memorials of-Bishop Abra- ... 53-299 58 23.136 ... 332 461 23495.446.614 332 461 .„ 108 Magazines :- - Century ... ... 136 - Chambers's Journal 108 - Church Historical Review .........647 - Church Quarterly Review.........647 - Contemporary Review 22.166-283-295460-618-614 -745

- Critical Review ... 648 - Economic Journal... ... 461 - Economic Review ...

- English Illustrated 186 - Expositor ...109 -7 Fortnightly Review ... 23.-167.2Es3-• 460..619-714035 - Expository Times ..,

- Forum .

- Gentleman's Magazine ... - Girl's Own Paper- - Globe Quarterly Review ... - Good Words..

- Harper

- Heretic - Journal of Education ...

- Juridical Review ... - Law Magazine and Review - Law Quarterly Review - Leisure Hour ...

- Library Review ... - Lippincott's... ...

- London Society ...

- Macmillan - Monthly Packet ... - National Review ... - Natural Soienoe - New Review... ...

- Newbery House Magazine ... 53 - Nineteenth Century 10-21-39466-296-459.744 - Portfolio - Positivist Review 332 Quiver 332 y at Home 108 - Sunday Magazine 461 - Temple Bar ... 53 - Thinker 108 - Victorian Magazine ... 53

(See also pp. 55-200-333462-648.) Mahratta Camp, Letters from a-T. D. Broughton 616

Man and the Glacial Period-G. P. Wright ... 333 747 Marguerite de Valois, Memoirs of-Violet Pane 167 Marriage and Family Relations, Law of-R.

Mediterranean, Afloat and Ashore on the-L.

Meriwether .„ „, ... 493 Middle Ages, Historical Documents of the-E. F. Henderson Middlesex County Records-J. C. Jeaffreson ... 199

NATURAL History, &c. 397-493

New Editions, Reprints, &o. 24-88-110-169.231 465-298.299-365-430494-530-531-550-680-747-834-862

Nile, Notes for the-H. D. Rawnsley ... 23 Novels and Stories :-

- African Forest, Stories Told in an-A. I. M. 232

- Aeenath of the Ford-" R to "... 551

- Bent on Conquest-Edith M. Nicholson ... 88 - Born Player, a-Mary West - 553 - Brilliant Woman, a-Hon. Mrs. H. Obetwynd 108 - Cab and Caboose-K. Munroe 583 - Captain of the ' Mary Rose'-W. L. Clowns.., 553 Carabas, tho Earl of-A. Watson and L.

Westermann ,„ ,„ - 016ves, the Princess of-Madame de la

- Come Live with Me and be My Love-lt. - Dark : a Tale of the Down Country-Mrs. S.


- Daughter of the South, a-Mrs. B. Harris on - Divers, the-H. Nisbet - Down in the Flats-C. Kenn - Dramatists, Tales from the-0. Morris ...

- East Anglia-S. E. Ritchie - Elsie's Art Life-Mrs. A. M. Diehl - Fairway Island-H. Hutchinson ... .„ - Fairy-Laud, Scenes in-Canon Atkinson ... - - Where is It 2-I. F. Charles-- - Fever of Life, the-F. Hume - Fifty Pounds for a Wife-A. L. Glyn - For Better, for Worse-G. Roy .„ - Golden Bowl, the-Mrs. Greet ...

- Inspector-General, the-N. V. Gogol... - In the Sunshine of her Youth-Beatrice

- Judith Grant-Jeannie Lockett ... 494

- La Bella, &o.-E. Castle 680.712.713 - Land-Smeller, the-E. Downey ... 430 - Lawrence Westerton, the Making of-F.

- Life in Him Yet-H. J. St. John Raikos ... 838 - Lost Soul, a-W. L. Alden .........108 - Marton House-Archdeacon Chiswell ... 109

- Master Don Gesualde-G. Verge ••• 862

- Medicine Lady, the-Mrs. L. T. Meade ... 200 - Mixed Humanity-J. R. Couloir 264 - - Marriage, io-Lady A. Kerr... 498

- Modest Little Sara-A. St. Aubyn ... 747

- Mrs. Juliet-Mrs. A. W. Hunt ... 396

- Mystery of St. Dunstan's, the-T. Wright ... 494 - Nevermore-Rolf Boldrewood.........298

-. New Eden, the-0. J. Hyne 861 - Nutcracker and Monse-Kieg-I. Hutchinson 812 - One Good Guest, the-Mre. Watford 615 - One Virtue-C. James ... „ 861

- Princes Heliotrope-P. Gryph 862 - Renunciations-F. Wedmore..........530 --Rose of a Hundred Leaves, a-Amelia E. Barr 233

- Roma Harvey-Hannah Lynch 109 Schoolmaster, Romance of a-E. de Amick.. 429

- Scrape, &o.-E. M. Green 831

- Shifting of the Fire-F. H. Hueffer 233 - Ships that Pass in the Night-Beatrice - Ten Tales-W. Learned ... 632 - Through Thick and Thin-Margery Hollis... 833 - Time and the Woman-it. Puce ... 429 - 'Twixt Snow and Fire-B. Mitford ... 109 Vanites-Vernon Lee 551 - Wedded to Sport-Mrs. E. Kennard 109 _ 332 .., 108 ... 136 461 64.332 ... 461 ... 461 ... 461 28-749 5.4 156-295460 232 297 160 - After Twenty Years, Sturgis ... 494 - Allan Gordon, the Story of-Capt. L. Ander- 107 397 107 812 193 550 365 552 834 832 .554 364, 169 108 199 '298 • 163 861 Novels and Stories :- - Woman's Ambition, Cresswell ... 199

- Zero, the Slaver-L. Fletcher 781 (See " Books-Subjects ; " also pp. 23,87.10840D-199- 200431.233-234-263-261-265.297-8614117-493 - 530.531-550- 551-552.553.554.615.616.680.712.713-746.781.831.832.833.


OLD Rabbit the Voodoo-Mary A. Owen ... 832 Oregon Trail, the-F. Parkman 264 Oriental Religions and Christianity-F. F. Ellin- wood 298

Orion, the Apology ai-.T. Patrick SEt Oxford and Oxford Life-S. Wo/ls.., 281

POETRY, &s.:- - Ballad of Beau Brocade, the-A. Dobson 365

- Besse, W., Poetioai Works of-R. W. Bond... 812 - Dermot and the Earl, Song of-G. H. Orpen 87 - Matthew Prior's Works-R B. Johnson ... 107 - Passion and Reflection-W. L. Longetaff ... 430 - Poems, lo.-Hon. Roden Noel 679 - Quatrains, &o.-W. Martin ...430

- Quo Mum Tendis-J. K. Stephen 430 - Songs of Sunrise Lands-0, Soollard531 Property, its Origin and Development - O.

Letourneau ... 747 Public Finance-0. P. Beatable ... .., 54 RAILROAD, Every-Day Life on the-W. J. Registrum Cris/ewe-C. L. Shadwell 746 Reprints, New Editions, &c.... 24.88410-169-231465

.298-299465430-494-530431-550-680-747.831.862 Roman Poetry, Fragments of-W. W. Merry ... 493 SARDOU, V.-Blanche Roosevelt Science in Arcady -G. Allen ... Science, the Year-Book of-T. G. Bonney ... Scotland, Culture in Early-J, Mackinnon

- Plisce•Names of-J. B. Johnston ... Sketches in Sunshine and Storm-Canon K. 10 Smith, "Shepherd," the Universalist-W. A.

Sondem, Seven Years in the-F. Gessi Speeches and Addiesses-W. C. Magee ...

Steel, Madame de-A. Sorel... ...

Statesman's Year-Book, the-J. S. Kettle ... Stray Records-C. Harrison ... Sultan to Sultan-M. French-Sheldon MENNYEION, Essays on his Works, &e. ... 551

▪ Theological Works, ... 109

Tonbridge School, Register of-W. 0. Hughes- Hughes . ... 832

Translations, &C. -531451.552553434 Traiel, dce. :- - Levant, in the-C. D. Warner 168 - Madeira, Holiday Wanderings in-A. E. W.

• (See also pp. 108-169.551-552-553-746.832433.)

Tuscan Republics, the-Bello Daffy ... 110 UNDER Pressure - Marchese Theod,oli Scenes from Roman Life 284 VINE-COUNTRY, in the-E. Somerville and WENDISH Lands, our Wherry in-H. M.

Doughty 1379

White, Bishop, Life, &c., of-J. H. Ward 713

Woman, the Emancipation of-Adele Crepes ... 812

Worldly Wisdom, the Art of-B. Grecian ... 552 TEAR.BOOKS,Ize.... ... 136 ▪ Yonge, Charlotte 111.-An Old Woman's

Outlook in a Hampshire Village... 297 CORRESPONDENCE.

AGE and Youth, the opinion of "An Elder's Friend "

on the relationship of, 15.

Animals • the courage of, 191 ; stories about, 4.45-

180.191.387.528-672.773.851; the instinct of locality in, 289. Architecture, Character in, 73G, Arnold, Matthew. 452.

Asia Minor Miracle, an, 703.

Aylesbury, Mr. Fowler's Reminiscences of; 851.

par./Ponies, Mr., hopefulness, 605. •

" Beavers at the Zoo, 191,

Beethoven, 701-772.

Bird-names, 804-852. Bird-stories, 324-387421. Board Schools, religious education in, 639-671-702.

735.771 Bread, the prioo of, 325-420. Bullanehes and apple-blossom, 605.639.

Burney's, Mies, " Beeline," 704. Business, the Decline in, 324.

CANPVIOLL-BANNERNAN, Mr., and Lord R. Churchill, 702. " Christianity, a Common," 638.

Churchill, Lord R., and Mr. Campbell-Bannerman, 702.

Church of England, smaller livings in the, 672,

Cicero and CLOSEIX, 79.

Clericalism, Irish and Continental, 222. Clerical Poverty, 288.323.356.851; and Convocation, 386.

Cobbett, William, 324.

Collies at work, 387. Co-operative Congress, the, 734. Corrections, Re., 572-704. Cosmic Forces, Prof. Huxley on, 736. Crocodile's tears, 522.

Cuckoo, the, 672. Culture, the effect of, on vitality, 522. Curates, the supply of, 850.

DEANS, 78. " D. B. If.," an answer to, 494. Dying, a Home for the, 100.

88 298 680 862 680

396 107 87 233 87 430 616 333

EAST Africa Company, the, 771.

Easter Scamper, an, 451.483-518. Education, the disadvantages of, 520.571, English Prosperity, the sources of, 325. "Enigma the Great," 160, Eton of Old, 458.

FALSE Witness, the punishment of, 367. Family vote, the, 571. • GAVAN DUFFY, Sir C., and the Irish Civil Service, 702.771.803; on the "Spoils System" in Ire- land, 638-671.

Gladstone, Mr, : and Irish Cabinet Ministers, 254-255- 288-323 ; and Lord Melbourne, 452; his obtuseness, 521 ,• and Mr. Parnell, 570, Gladstonlan, a Sanguine, 521.571. "God's Fool," 328. Gothenburg Lioensing System, the, 15.

HAWAII and the Southern Americans, 387. Home-rule Bill : Is it on the lines of true De- mocracy 519, Home-rule: How will it affect Irish Unionists P 78; Ulster after, 126-158 ; Irish Unionists under, 255-257; and the British taxpayer, 255 ; alternative 286.323; the Bill, 287; the crisis, 418; and Will.o.- the•Wispf, 454. Hull, Two Morals from, 604.

IRELAND: Religions Animosities in, 324; Intimida- tion in, 886; the Church of, and Total Separa- tion, 4 9; the Public Service in, 785; the "Spoils System" in, 638.

Irish Cabinet Ministers and Mr. Gladstone, 254- 255-288.356.

Irish Loyalists, the policy of, 159. Irish Question, English credulity on the, 605.

Trrrrens, new foster-mothers for (a hen and a parrot), 737.

LANCASHIRE Look-out, the, 191-256. Lanoiani's New Book on Rome, 772. Lawson, Sir W., on the Veto Bill, 850.

Local Veto Bill, the, 356.571-850.

:tjAGIBTRACY, appointment of the, 604. -1"1- Marie Antoinette, the death of, 736.

Marmoset, the, 45. Martineau, Dr., and " A Common Christianity," 633.

Medical Women in Scotland, 420.

Melbourne, Lord, and Mr. Gladstone, 452. Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Women, 772.

Missionary Theology, 703.

NESTS in peculiar places, 704436-804. New Zealand, labour in, 325.851. Nonconformist Decline, the alleged, 536-419.

,OLD Miehaelmos Day : Does it fall in September or

• -•'' October P 290.

Over-crowding iu railway-carriages, 223.

DARNELL, Mr., and Mr. Gladstone, 570.

" Philanthropy, the New," 288-325. Pope's Jubilee, the, 324. Pronunciation, the change in, 452.486.605.

RADICAL1SN, the New, 79. 11' Radical rush, the, 484. Hallway-carriages, over-orowding ill, 223.

Religious Education in Board Schools, 639.671.702- 735 773.

Richmond, Mr, and our Art Critic, 420. Rooks in the Corn, 672.

SANTA Fina of San Gimigniano dello Belle Terri, 732. School-Board religious education, 039.671-702.795- 773.

Scotlend, Medical Women in, 420. Sherbrooke, Lord, anecdotes about, 772. Snakes : heve they the power of Scent ? 357421. Spiritual Personality," the, of a nation, 735. " Spoils System," the, in Ireland, 688. St. Andrews medioel degrees for Women, 522. Stork monopolist, a, 160.

" Subject " in Art, 420, Sympathy, the caprice of, 337.

flizemorAL blasphemies, 127.

J. Temperance agitators, 160.

Templetowe's, Viscountess, Newspaper Fund, 356. Tennyson, Lord his Faith, 160 ; hie " Oroselug the Bar," 160.

Titmoueo, the, 773.

Tits' nests iirpeouliar places, 704-736-804.

lir,srun after Home-rule, 126-158. Unexpected Wealth, 127-191. Unionists, dispirited, 419.

Union Jack, the, 804.

1TETO Bill, the, &o., Sir Wilfrid Lawson and others T on, 856571-850.

WAninsioron, M, and Rugby, 255. '

Wellington, the Duke of, as Irishman, 289. Welsh Church, the wrong and the right way of de- fending it,4521,

Venen and Age, the opinion of "An Elder's Friend" 1 on the relationship of, 15.

LEADING PARAGRAPHS. HOME NEWS, ACADEMY, Royal, banquet at the, 581. Agriculture, Lord Winehilsea on, 3. Anarchist demonstration, the (May let), 590. Asquith, fir. itt Liverpool, 113.

Astor, Mr., his purchase of Olivedon, 471.

g ALF01311, at Ealing, 310 ; on tho late Mr. W.

Smith, 374 ; said the Belfast deputation against

Home-rule, 606 ; the Ulster Hall, 437 ; his recep- tion in Dublin, 469 at Limohouse (on Home-rule),

507 ; at Paddington (on the prospects of the Home- rule Bill), 625; at Manchester, 658, Belfast Chamber of Commerce and the Iffemoran• dam to Mr. Gladstone, 507, Blood, Mr. B., the persecution of, 723. • Bowen, Lord Justice, on Education, 87. Brio-a-brao, the price of, 891, Bryce, Mr., at Aberdeen, 690. Ballet-proof cloth, 375.

CAMPRELL•BANNERHAN, Mr., at the Eighty Club, 658.

Chamberlain, Mr.: on the relief of the poor, 63 on Ireland, Uganda, and Egypt, 114; and Mr. T. P. O'Connor, 242; • on the Direst Veto Bill, 438; his great speech at Birmingham on the Home-rale Bill, 470; at the Guildhall (on Home-rule), 589; at Bir- mingham 658.

Churchill, Lord R. : at Liverpool, Perth,. and Birnam (on Home-role), 433.471 ; Paddington (on the prospects of the Home-rale 5:11), 625; at Bolton, 690 ; on Irish and Canadian Home-rule, 758 ; at Leicester, 839. Oirencester, the by-election for, 242.

Conservative Party, meeting of at the Carlton Club, 309.

Conybeare, Mr., at Belfast (on Irish dynamiters), 2, Co-operative Congress, the, 690.

County Magistrates, the appointment of, 375. Courtney, Mr., at Plymouth, 438. .

DEVONSHIRE, the Hake of : on England, Ireland, and the Union, 114; on the Home-rule Bill, 211; at Bradford, 310; at Bristol, 438; his great speeches in Scotland on Home-rule, 507; at St. James's Hall (dinner to the Irish delegates), 557 ; at Henley, 838. Direct Veto Bill, the antagonism against, 373. Drought, Might break in the, 659; effeots of the, 837.

VESICATION, Lord Justice Bowen on, 67. 1,, English speculation, 243.

Dam the Duke of, at the Institute of Civil 1: Engineers, 374.

GEOGRAPHICAL (Royal) Society, and lady members, 723. Gladstone, Mr.: on the English race, 1 ; his return from France, 33 ; on the eight-hours day for miners, 311 ; his illness, 341; and the Belfast deputation, 406; and the City of London deputation, 406 ; and Mr. J. Hope Scott, 591; hissed at the Imperial Institute, 657; his plans, 790.

Gladatonian Party, meeting of at the Foreign Office, 405.

Goechen, Mr. : in Pimlico, 343; at Glasgow, 437; at Free-trade Hall, Manchester (on Home-rule), 471.

HWILY, Mr., at Neweastle•on•Tyne, 2 and Mr. Sexton, 791. Herechell, Lord, at the Royal Academy, 591. Hexhana, the by-election for, 242.

Home-rule ; Mr. A. Jones on, 147 ; an Irish manufacturer on, 311 ; deputation of Southern Irish merchants to Mr. Gladstone on, 342 ; Mr. Gladstone and the Belfast and City of London deputations, 406; Mr, Balfour and the Belfast deputation, 406; the Quakers in Ireland on, 407 ; the Irish labourers' expectations from, 439; the. Ulster demonstrations in London against, 557 ; at Hatfield, 558 ; at the Mansion House, 558 ; City demonstration egaiee.% et Guildhall, 589 ; English Roman Catholic opinion on, 729.

Honours, the Queen's birthday, 759. ' Hope Scott, Mr. J., and Mr. Gladstone, 591. Howard de Walden divorce Bait, the, 343.

Howarth, Sir H., and the Royal Society, 723. Hull Hooks, strike at the, 439.

IMPERIAL Institute opened by the Queen, 627. " Independent Labour Party," Conference of, 86, Ireland :-The Lord Mayor of London's visit to Dublin, 3; the dynamite outrages, 34; the Ulster Unionists, 85 ; the condition of County Clare, 115 ; Mr. Justice O'Brien on the terrorising of $1:1110E in County Clare, 273 ; Anti-Home-rule meeting in Belfast, 274 ; Ulster Easter demonstration, 437; rioting in Belfast, 559; Archbishop Croke and Mr, Davitt, on refusing to pay taxes, 627.

Irish Parliaments and Lotteries, 311. - Irish securities, fall in, 243. Iron trade, depression in the, 691.

TAMES, Sir H., at Rugby, 114. u Jones, Mr. A., on the conditions of a satisfactory Home-rule Bill, 147.

..snotronEnn, Mr., on the House of Lords, 759. Labour Department, the New, 66-115.

Lanoashire cotton strike ended, 407. . London the rating of, 274, London County Council : defeated on the London Improvement Rate, 179 ; proposed palace for, 791.

livrAr, Princess, her pedigree,' 839.

Meath, North and South, the by-elections for, 242. " Miming - word " ease, Mr. Justice Stirling's judgment on the, 178. Morley, Mr. J.: his circular to the pollee, 147 ; at the Institute of Civil Engineers, 874, Moziey, the Rev. T., death o?, 839.

NATIONAL Liberal Club, Ministerial demonstration at, 179. Newspapers, the clearest-coloured paper for, 179,

O'Corszson, Mr. T. P., and Mr. Chamberlain, 242.

p pre's Diary and payment of Members of Perna- meat, 115.

Positivist New Year's celebrations, 3.

QUEEN, the, opens the Imperial Institute, 627 ; the `045 honours conferred on her birthday, 759. RAILWAY Rites, correspondence on, 35.

Recruiting in 1892, Report on, 275. Redmond, Mr. W. at Cork, 68..

Ridgeway, Sir W.,,his proposed Mission to Morocco,


Rosebery, Lord, and his work, 275. Russell, Mr. T. W., and the Daily Chronicle, 407,

SALIBBIIRE, Lord : at the Primrose League gathering, 507; on "ethical persecution," 659; in Ulster, 689; in Londonderry, 721; in South London, 789.

Sandgate, landslip at, 811.

klavings•Banks (Irish), withdrawals from, 439.

Sea-Serpent, Dr. W. H. Russell on the, 3, Sexton, Mr., and Mr. Healy, 791. Stockport, the by-election for, 242. Steer Suicide, the 791.

Strikes : Hull docks, 439, Symonds, Mr. J. Addington, death of, 559.

TILLETT, Alderman Ben, tried and acquitted. 507.

Torpedo-gunboat, launch of one to steam 25 miles an hour, 659.


Howard de Walden divorce ease, 348. " Melford v. the People Newspaper," 115. " Missing - word " case, Mr. Juetioe Stirling's judgment, 179.

"-Morley v. Loughnan," 114. "Wallace v, the National Observer," M.

WALLACE, Dr., and the National Observer, 147. Wells, C., convicted for swindling, 343.

Welsh Suspensory Bill, demonstration against at the Albert Hall, 657. Winehilaea, Lord, on Agriculture, 8.

YORK, the Archbishop of, on "Sacrilege," 439. York, the Dolce of : at the National Society for the Protection of Children, 179; his betrothal to the Princess May, 589.


11- A menses, the: Mr. Balfour on, 145; Mr. Glad- stone on, 145; Mr. Chamberlain on, 146 ; Mr. J. Morley on, 146.

Agricultural distress, debate on, 178.

"Aliens" and the proposed Irish Legislature, 759. . Army (Annual) Bill, all-night sitting on, 406. Arnold-Forster, Mr., on Clare, 722, Asquith, Mr., and the dynamiter prisoners, 179; introduces the Employers' Liability Bill, 242; his speech on the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, 505. -1-1ALFOUR, Mn,: on the Address, 145; on the Home-

rule Bill, 210. Barton. Mr., on Ulster separation, 46e. Blake, Mr., his speech on the first reading of the Home-rule Bill, 241.

Bounties and the proposed Irish Legislature, 758. Breach of Privilege, 211. Bryce, Mr., and the Lancashire Magistracy, 558. Budget, the, introduced; 559.

Building Societiee Amendment Aot, the, 211. Bpelections, the result of (up to Febrnary 10th),


CARSON, Mr., his speech on the second reading of the dome-rule Bill, 506,

Chamberlain, fir, : on the Address, 146 ; :speech on the first reading of the Home-rule Bill, 241; his speech on the s000nd reading, 470; on the Ulster question, 626. Chaplin, Mr., and Mr. Gladstone on the Home-rule Bill, 470.

Churchill, Lord R., on the Homo-rule B111, 210; his speeoh on the second reading, 506.

Clare County, dismission on the state of, 310. Clarke, Sir E. on the Home-rule Bill, M. Collings, Mr. he38, his amendment to the Address

(on agricultural labourers), 176. " Conspiracy " and the proposed Irish Legislature, 758.

County Magistrates, the Duke of Richmond and Gordon on, 759. Courtney, Mr., speech on the first reading of tho Home-rule Bill, 242; on Customs and the proposed Irish Legislature, 758, Customs Bill, the amendment to, 591,

DAILY NEWS, the, and Breach of Privilege, 758. Devitt, Mr., his speech on the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, 470,

Bilks, Sir C., on Egypt, 590. Disestablishment (Suspensory Bills) promised in the Queen's Speech, 146. Dully, Sir C. Cavan, on the Home-rule Bill, 210.

ELECTORAL areas, the inequalities of debate en, 243. Employers' Liability Bill introduced by Mr. Asquith, 242; second reading carried, 553.

Evicted Tenants Commission, the, 342.

Extradition excluded from the powers of the pro- posed Irish Legislature, 758.

VOLEY, a dynamiter, discussion anent his release from prison, 375. Fowler, Mr. H., introduces the Registration Bill, 242.

aLADSTONE, Mr. on the Address, 145; ou Uganda,. " 178; his speech on introducing the Home-role Bill, 209 ; proposes to take after Easter all the time for Government business, 405; his speech on the second. reading of the Home-rule Bill, 438; and Mn. Chaplin on the Home-rule Bill, 470 ; his Irish finance, 839.

Gosohen, Mr., speech on the first reading of the Home-rule Bill, 242; his speech on the second read- ing, 506 ; and Mr. Mellor, 658.

HAMILTON, Lord G., his speech on the second read- ing of the Home-rule Bill, 505.

Harcourt. Sir on agricultural distress, 178. HereoheLl's, Lord, Committee's: report on Um Silver question, 723.

Home-rule Bill: to be hung tip after the first reading, 177; provisions of, 209; Mr. Balloar on, 210; Lord R. Churchill on, 210; Sir 0, Gamin Dully on, 210; Sir E. 'Clarke on, 210.; conclusion of the ushate on the first reading of, 241; Mr. Chamberlain on, 241; Mr. Blake on, 241; Mr. Courtney on, 242; Mr. Gosohen on, 242; Mr, J. Morley on, 242 ; speeoues ou 'the second reading,558; the first night in Committee on, 626; is the Irish Legislature subordinate, or is it to be celled the Irish Parliament ? 626 ; in Committee, the first clause carried, 657; discussion on the Named clone, 668 ; Sir H. James's amendment carried, 656; debates on (May 20th), 722' (June let), 722; (June 0th), 790 ; dsouseion on the Fourth Clause, 836. ' Hull strike, the, and Mr. J. H. Wilson's motion, 591.

Iurinxonsmosr of destitute aliens, debate on the, 211. Irish light railways, yore on, 310. Irish finance, error in estimatee, 790.

Irish indignation at Mr. Gladstone's concessions, 757.

LEGISLATIVE Council in Ireland, debate on the, 626. Lows' Option Bill: its introduction, 274. Lords, the House of : on the Irish question (debate on the Address), 116.

Lubbock, Sir J., his speech on the second reading of the House-rule Bill, 506,

11,Tooremsor, Sir C. Mike's resolution on the, 627. -LY-ir Mellor, Mr., his dant as Chairman of Com. mittees, 275; and Mr. Gosohen, 658.

Miners' Eight-Hours Bill, second reading carried, 520.

Morley, Mr. J. on the Address, 140 ; his speeches on the first reading of the Home-rule Bill, 242.505; on the Evicted Tenants Bill of Mr. McHugh, 407; on Irish savings-banks, 429.

NYATIONAL Education (Ireland) Bill, debate on, 275. -LI Naval construction, Lord Spencer on, 659. Navy Estimates, discussion on, 310.

OPENING of (January 31st), 145.

PARISH and District Councils Bill, the, 375. Plunkett, Mr., his speech on the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, 500.

Private Members' rights, 274.

ZQUEEN'S Speech, the, and Disestablishment (the promised Suspensory Bilks), 110. =moms, Mr. J., his speech DU the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, 470. Registration Bill introduced by Mr. H. Fowler, 242. Itentoul, Mr., his speech on the second reading of the Homo-rule Bill, 506.

Itosebery, Lord, mi Uganda, 374. Russell, Mr. T. W., his speech on the second read- ing of the Holm-rule Bill, 470.

QALISBURY, Lord, on the Indian Civil Service, 791. Saturday sittings, resolution anent, 342. Saunders, Mr. W., his speech on the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, Mi.

Sannderson, Col., on Father McFadden, 146; his speech on the second reading of the itome.rule Bill, 506. Sexton, Mr., his speech on the second reading of the Home-rule Bill, 500.

Siam, discussion on in the House of Lords, 791. Suez Canal shares, the value of, 839.

VOTE of Censure, the, 375..

'Watts', Church of, Suspensory Bill introduced, 242.

WALES, Mr., his speech on the second read- ing of the Home-rale Bill, 470.

" Want of Confidence" debate (March 27th), 406, Welsh Local Veto Bill, second reading of, 312.

rELECTIONS.] BANPPSHIror.-Sir W. Wedderburn (G.), 343. ' DERBY, W EST.-Mr. W. Long (0.), 34. GMAT GRIMPB1r.Mr. Hensage (U.), 311. HORSHAM (Sussex).-Mr. J. H. Johnstone (0.), 274. LINLITIIGOIVSHIRE.-Mr. Hope (C.), 7:;.


Bread, the pride of, in England and France, 248, Cholera, the, 243 Egypt, the Khedive of, and Mr. Wilfred Blunt, 407. Mail-shirt, the, of Herr Dews, 407, Photographs in Colours, 625. • Umbria. accident to the, 3. 'Victoria,' ironclad, loss of the, 837.



British East Africa Company, the, and Mr. Mackenzie, 759. Dahomey, the cost of, 275; French troubles in, 757. Uganda, the Catholics in, 659.


Argentine liquidation, indignation about it, 711. Nicaragua, insurrection in, 689.

AUSTRALASIA, Bank failures, panic, Ac., 657. Federation, resolutions in favour of, 35. Financial disasters, continued, 559. Melbourne, suspension of banks in, 471. New South Wales, the currency of, 090. ti..YilnuY, heavy bank failure in, 507. Victoria, bank failure in, 439. • BELGIUM, Compulsory voting question, the, 721. Manhood suffrage, rioting in connection with, 505.

Miners' International Conference at Brussels, 690. Universal suffrage, proposal for rejected, 409.


Quebec, the condition of (May 26th), 091.


Belgian proposal to import Chinese Coolies, 2. CONTINENTAL AFFAIRS AND INCIDENTS.

German visit to Italy, 557.

Aldwardt, his assertions disproved, 557, EGYPT.

Crisis Ac., 65; Khedive's action, panic anent, 113-140.

French report of British policy in, 757.


Carnet, 111., his health, 709. Carsignac. M., the rise of, 177. Challemel-Lacour, M , elected President of the Senate, 405.

Clement:man, IL, the charges against, 837. Condoms, 11., at Toulouse, 759.

Currency Bill, the, 67. Dodds, Gen., his realption at Marseilles, 025. Dopey, M., accepts the Premiership, 437. Ferry, M. Jules, proposed as President of the Senate, 241; elected, 273; death of, 373. Immigration, proposed Bills to cheek, 591. Lessens, M. de, on the Panama bribes, 273. Ministry, resignation of the (Jan. 10th), 133. Opportunist party in the Chamber, 209. Panama scandals,; the Press on, 114 ; the trials and sentences, 177-341, Pdrier's, M. Casimir, speech on the Conservatives, 469.

Pion, 11., and the French Catholic Republicans, 34. Press, the, on the Crisis in Egypt. 65. rtibot's, M., fall from power, 405. State Savings-Banks, 146.

Talus, M., death of, 311.

GERMANY, Agrarian League formed, 211. Aleace-Lorralne, political feeling in, 178. Army Bills, the, 209.309-341 defeat of, 025. Caprivi, Count, on the Army Bills, 33. Centre Party, manifesto by the, 089. Dissolution, an impending (May 5th), 589. Elections, omens about the, Asc., 057-789. Emperor, the, on the Army Bills, 33. Finance, the Prussian Minister of, 089. Guelph scandal, the, 1. Malcontent Party, a proposed, 66. Mail-shirt invented by Herr Dowe, 407, Reichstag, the, and Samoa, 07.

Second Ballots, the system of, 837.

GREECE, Financial question, the, 627.

HUNGARY, Ecclesiastical Straggle in, 2.


Bengal, tine census of, 559.

Budget, the, 373. Khelat, outrage by the Khan of, and fine by the Government, 439. INDOCHINA.

Anam, a description of, 243.


Ambassadors, the, on calumny, 211.

America, arbitration with, 838. • American Government, the, and the Chinese, 723, Behring Sea question, the, 438. Bulgaria, Prince Ferdinand of, in Vienna, 439. • England and Morocco, proposed British Mission to, Ac., 34-65.

French ambition anent Laos and Madagascar, 659. Germany and Russia, 113. Hawaii, the annexation of approved by President Harrison, 243.

Miners' International Conference at Brussels, 69). Norway and Sweden, differences between, 589. Russia and Germany, 837. Siam, French aggressions in, 721.791. Sweden and Norway, the union between in danger, 211.

Uganda, the British flag in, 721.


Peter's Pence, offlolal return of, 27.1.


Agricultural Crisis in, 35.


Atlas, dwarfs in the, 34, PERSIA.

Russian capital invested in a road from Teheran to the Caspian, 757. PRUSSIA.

Religious liberty question, the, 209, ROUMANIA.

Marie, Princess (of Edinburgh), and Prince Ferdi- nand, marriage of, 35.

SANDWICH ISLANDS. Hawaii, revolution in, 117.


Coup d'etat in, 505. ling Milan and Queen Nathalie to he remarried, 147. SIAM.

Government, the, and the French Governor•General at Ha, 691. SOUDAN.

Ambigol Wells, engagement at, 1.


Agriculture, depression in, 691.

Chandler's, Senator, Bill against immigration, 3. Chicago Exhibition, opening of the, 590. Cleveland, Mr., his policy anent Free.trade, 274; at Washington, 309; on the Silver question, 749. Hawaii, the annexation of approved by President Harrison 243. Hibernian Societies of New York protest egaiust the giving of Irish names to ugly animals, 471, Immigration census, 47L " Irish National League " of America, manifesto by. 147. North Carolina, rumoured lynching in, 1. Pension question, the, 67.

(See also " AMERICA, CENTRAL and Sourn.")


Baird, Mr. Abington, 303. Blaine. Mr., 152.

Brooke, Bishop Phillips, 124.

Derby, Lord, 561: Ferry, M. Jules, 373.376.

Grant, Sir .7. P., 70.

Kemble, Fanny (Mrs. Butler), 67.

Mosley, Rev. T. (the oldest lender-writer), 819.

Summers, Mr. W., 2.

Symonds, Mr. J. Addington, 559.

Dane, M., 311-317.