7 JANUARY 1893, page 11

On Sunday The Anxiety That Had Been Felt In Regard

to the Cunard Liner, the Umbria,' was relieved by the news that she reached New York early last Saturday morning. The delay was due to "the breaking of the shaft at the thrust-......

We Can See Little Hope For Agriculture In What Is

known as Lord Winchilsea's Plan, which is to form a National Agrieul- -turd Union. It was accepted at York on Thursday ; but it was evident that many of those present thought......

Mr. Harrison's Lecture On " Humanity" On New Year's Day

was still vaguer and less interesting. It appears to have been merely a diatribe against Imperialism, pointed by a declara- tion that England should retire from Uganda. But Mr.......

It Is With Real Pleasure That We, As Unionists, Note

the official visit of the Lord Mayor of London—who is a Roman Catholic and a Unionist—to Dublin, to assist at the inaugura- tion of a Protestant Lord Mayor, which took place on......

Dr. W. H. Russell, The Well-known Correspondent Of The...

publishes in that journal on Friday a remarkable letter -On. the "Sea-serpent." He says that in 1851 he heard from a venerable lady of unmistakable character a full account of......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (21) Were On

Friday 98i.......

Senator Chandler's Bill Against Immigration Was Presented...

on January 5th. It provides that an intending emigrant must obtain a passport from the United States Consul at the port of departure, and must prove that he can read and write......

A Severe Ecclesiastical Struggle Has Begun In Hungary....

the Premier, is pledged to allow civil marriage to be legal, and the Bishops are issuing manifestoes against the innovation. They not only declare civil marriage con- trary to......

New Year's Eve Is, In The Positivist Church, "the Day

of Holy Women," and on New Year's Eve Mr. Frederic Harrison spoke on " Womanhood," Positivist religion being very fond of words ending in " hood." But the main line of remark......