7 JANUARY 1949, Page 13


The Spectator, anxious both to encourage and to benefit by the considerable literary talent which many undergraduates of British universities possess, has decided to set apart a page in every issue, on and after February 11th, for contributions by undergraduates, men or women, of any of the seventeen universities, or students at the four university colleges, of Great Britain. Articles may be on any subject on which the writer has facts to impart or ideas to convey. They should be as nearly as possible 1,400 words in length, need not be typewritten and should be addressed to The Editor of The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.r, envelopes being marked " Undergraduate." The best article each week will be published on the Undergraduate Page. A fee of eight guineas will be paid for any article used. Unsuccessful contributions can only be returned if a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.