7 JANUARY 1949, page 21

From School To Army

SIR, —Mr. Whitworth's article will be welcomed as throwing light upon a very human aspect of the National Service Acts in these days when the individual assumes a position of......

Painting As A Pastime

Sm,—The note of natural asperity which I detect in Mr. Alston's pertinent question warns me too late that it would have been safer to say " appear to have been painted on the......

Juvenile Crime Technique

Snt.—I had eaten my lunch in a dairy and left a tip. Looking back from the pay-desk, I saw two very small boys in caps and blazers, one of whom had placed his elbow on the......

Fellow Traveller

Sta,—As a regular reader of The Spectator and one who has especially enjoyed the articles of D. W. Brogan, I was much interested in his contribution, Douleurs de Voyage, in your......


siR,—If Miss Rose Macaulay had been educated at Rugby in the nineties of last century, she would have learned that a grammatical anomaly, when perpetrated by you or me, is a "......

War Criminals

SIR, —The waging of aggressive warfare is now, very properly, regarded as a crime. It would be interesting to conduct a retrospective historical survey or trial of those who (in......

The Kaiser In England

Six,—Mr. F. W. Hinde, in The Spectator of December 31st, " ventures to state" that Mr. Harold Nicolson's comment that " pale and solemn, the German Emperor William II had walked......

The Prince

Sut,—The Times uses the neuter pronoun in good company. See St. Luke II, 17: " And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this......

The Implications Of Figures

SIR, —As an admirer of A Spectator's Notebook I regret that Janus should quote a misleading sentence from The Recovery of the West. This sentence is a striking example of the......

Recognising Franco

Snt,—In his excellent letter in The Spectator of December 24th, Mr. Shackleton Bailey writes that had Franco decided to declare war on ns, " Gibraltar would again have been......

To Ensure Regular Receipt Of The Spectator

readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold copies are......