7 JULY 1866, Page 2

We publish elsewhere a clear account of the battle of

Klinig- gratz, the immense Primien victory which led to the armistice, and need only remark here that it appears to have been one of the greatest on record, that the rout is admitted by Marshal Benedek to have been uncontrollable, that the number of guns taken, 112, is almost without precedent, and that the enormous number of unwounded prisoners suggests either disaffection or a degree of hopelessness among the Austrian soldiery produced by the needle-gun. We must add that the battle shows that the number of Austrian soldiery has been exaggerated, that the garri- son of Venice has proved a real and serious drawback to the army of the North, and that the failure to occupy Saxony and assist the Federation arose evidently from a deficiency of men, which has hitherto been concealed by systematic official falsehoods.