7 JUNE 1924, Page 13


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—My good friend, Mr. J. G. Gilchrist, appears to be excited that I should go to the working man and say to him, " Feed yourself and save your salary." Now, Mr. Gilchrist is a thinking man. He must see that if enough of that could be done. it would solve a lot of problems. He only does not see

that enough of it could ever be done. If he did, I have no doubt he would throw himself into the cause and help the matter on ; and few, perhaps, could help more powerfully. Is it too much to hope that he will yet purchase the book I referred to, and actually study the case on which I am founding my appeal, which his letter shows he has not read yet ? My appeal is to people to get to work and see what can really be done in this country on the same lines.—I am, Sir, &c.,