7 JUNE 1924, page 15

Extracts From Letters.

GEORGE MACDONALD.—The Rev. J. Gardner-Brown writes:— Reading the recently published Life of George Macdonald and His Wife, I have been forcibly reminded of the following......

The Origin Of Rotary.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Srn,—In the Spectator of May 3rd the origin Of Rotary seems to be referred to Chicago and the year 1905. Let me call your attention to the fact......

Starlings And Bees.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB, Knowing you are interested in strange stories in Natural History perhaps you would like to have the following. A swarm of bees took up......


STANZAS - FROM "BATEAU IVRE." By- ARTHUR RIMBAUD. As I was descending impassive Streams I felt no longer guided by the tows-men, squalling Redskins had taken them for targets......