7 JUNE 1924, Page 15


GEORGE MACDONALD.—The Rev. J. Gardner-Brown writes:— Reading the recently published Life of George Macdonald and His Wife, I have been forcibly reminded of the following incident which you may perhaps think worth printing. More than forty years ago I listened to a lecture by George Macdonald on " The Moral Drift of the Play of Hamlet," in a Church Institute in Nottingham. Of the lecture itself I remember nothing, but the words which followed it I have never for- gotten. Acknowledging a vote of thanks, Macdonald said in the homely Scottish tones so characteristic of him : " I'm getting an old man, and I don't know how soon I may be away, but I would just like to say to the young men and women present that there's nothing in all the world worth doing except following Jesus Christ."

EMPLOYERS AND REDUCED OUTPUT.—" South African " writes :—In your issue of March 22nd (just received) a correspondent denies the truth of the statement made by Mr. Kiddy accusing Capitalists of cramping output and raising the price. A short time ago I got into conversation with a representative of a large home firm, and I asked him how it was with all this unemployment at home the prices did not come down, as I should not be exaggerating if I said there was scarcely a fanner in South Africa who did not require implements and machinery of all kinds, but could not and would not pay the exorbitant prices now charged. His reply was, " Well, the truth is that during the War manufacturers found out that they could make larger profits by a small output and high prices than by small profits and large outputs ; so they have all organized and arranged to keep prices up f " How about ca' canny ?