7 JUNE 1924, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—With your usual kindness, will you again allow me space, at this time, when many are making plans for their holidays, for a short letter that may catch the eye of some of your readers, who know how difficult it is for many of our poorer clergy to get away, for even a brief rest and change, owing to want of means? The Clergy Rest House at Merrow enables a certain number to obtain what they so badly need, and which would otherwise be denied to them. But as there. is no endowment, it has to rely each year upon voluntary subscriptions and gifts for its maintenance, and a sum of £500 is wanted to supplement what the guests are able to contribute. The Committee hope that this appeal may: find a response from some who will spare a fraction from their own holiday fund. Donations will be gratefully acknowledged, if sent to Miss B. Kingsford, The Clergy Rest, Merrow, Surrey.'

—I am, Sir, &c., GODFREY LAGDEN. • Oatland's Chase, Weybridge.

[The social and spiritual work of the clergy cannot be done by tired men: Therefore a place of rest for the clergy is a want which must be made good.—ED. Spectator.]