7 JUNE 1924, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Many readers of the Spectator mourn in a common sorrow the unexpected and irreparable loss • of .Mrs. Seton Christopher, who died on May 22nd. Her writings in your columns and elsewhere were typical of the varied channels through which her wide experience and kindly understanding flowed. All who came in touch with her found the same, quick, strong sympathy whether in joy or in sorrow.

Her home was one of friendship's happiest centres, and from it her many interests and activities radiated east and west. That Melesina Christopher was a Lady of Grace of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem speaks for her War service. In time of peace her music brought cheer to rich and poor, her love of Nature found expression alike in her Sketches of Italy and her work in her little Chelsea garden. Her wit was spontaneous and original ; among any company outcome from her, at the right moment, the precise word or phrase which illuminated and fixed the impression. As a niece of the late Archbishop Trench an inheritance of some gifts was to be expected ; to these was added growth of character that shone through all she said and did, character that was founded on a firm faith and permeated with a deep sense of duty. The memory she leaves is one of faithful service to her God and of loving kindness to her fellows.—I am, Sir, &c.,,