7 MAY 1831, Page 10



We have been favoured by a correspondent with the perusal of a letter written by a member of the bar at Paris, well acquainted with the feel- ings of his countrymen. The following extract from this letter will be

mead with interest.

" Paris, 30th April 1831.

" You must be delighted with the manner in which your Government proceeding. As for our's, I shall say nothing, except that I feel both 'grieved and humiliated ; and I perfectly well understand how BENJAMIN CONSTANT may have died of vexation at seeing the Revolution of July thus dragged into the mire. All that the people have done, has been great and glorious ; but: othing has been done by the Chambers, which is not mean and disgraceful. LOUIS-PHILIPPE has in eight months made more republicans than CHARLES Dix in the whole of his life. In saying this, I judge from my own impressions. On the 29th of July, I, like many others, dreaded the republic, and desired nothing so much as to see the crown on the head of LOUIS-PHILIPPE. I said, that we ought not to form our opinion of Kings in general from the example of CHARLES Dix, and estimate the best on the scale of the worst. But Louts- PHILIPPE is tread- ing closely in the steps of his predecessor,-LouIs.PHtLIpPE, whose go- vernment the good and credulous LAFAYETTE pronounced the best r e- public's ! What, under these circumstances, is to become of my faith in monarchy ? I confess to you it is awfully shaken ; although your good William has just reinforced it a little by his noble conduct in dissol ring your Parliament-' quoique votre bon Guillaume vienne de la. raffermir quel- que peu par sa belle conduite dans la dissolution de Notre Parlement.' "