7 MAY 1887, Page 23

The Schoolmaster's Calendar. (Bell and Sons.)—The fall title of this

volume will explain its object. It is a "calendar and handbook of examinations and open scholarships." The idea is a good one, and when it is folly worked out, the book, which ie to appear annually (this being the first issue), will be an indispensable help to every schoolmaster of first or second grade schools. But at present there is much to be done. There is the head of "School Scholarships," for instance. We take the list of schools in " Whitaker," and find it headed by two of which this volume takes no notice, " Abingdon " and Aldenham." The present writer has an impression that there are scholarships at the first of these ; he knows that there are at the second, and more valuable than most of those here mentioned. As they are duly advertised, there is no reason why they should have been omitted. Then, again, no mention is made of University College, London. We know that the information wanted is not always easy to get ; but when a College publishes a calendar there can be no difficulty. It is a curious comment on Professor Freeman's recent complaint of the predominant importance of sport at the Universities, that the boat-race and the cricket-match duly appear in the list of ednoational events. We wish heartily that The Schoolmaster's Calendar may have a prosperous existence.