7 MAY 1887, page 3

We Have Now Got Another Clergyman In Gaol For Not

conform- ing to the ritual which the Ecclesiastical Courts enforce. Mr. Bell Cox, vicar of St. Margaret's, Prince's Road, Liverpool, was on Thursday imprisoned in Walton Gaol......

The News From Afghanistan, Such As There Is, Is Still

un- favourable. The India Office questions whether the Ameer is in any danger, and denies peremptorily that an intention exists of making any agreement with Russia ; but native......

Prince Bismarck Is Doing An Odd Thing. He Is So

anxious to prove to Russia that Germany is not hostile to her interests, that he is repeating the assertion that Alexander II. agreed, if Austria would remain neutral in the......

A Great Dinner Was Given To The :colonial Delegates On

Wed- nesday at the Mansion House, at which Sir Henry Holland announced that the Conference bad been most successful. Not only had the representatives of the Colonies ascertained......


Some Of The French Are Displaying A Childish, But At

the same time most irritating temper towards Germany. Because M. Schnaebele was unfairly arrested, and then released, a party of German students who had wandered over the......

The Attorney-general Replied On All Points But The Last,...

he left unnoticed; and, indeed, it seems to ne a very formal point, of no political or moral importance. There was not a case on record, he said, where the House had appointed a......

Russia Has Recently Been Quieter ; No Attempt To Assassinate

any Bulgarian has been reported for nearly a month, and there has even been a slackening in the massing of horsemen in Poland ; bat this week the stories of war preparation',......

On Thursday, The Government Carried Their Amendment To...

Lewis's motion, refusing to treat the Times' article as a breach of Privilege, by 297 votes to 218 (majority, 79). Mr. Gladstone, therefore, rose to move his amendment on the......