7 NOVEMBER 1958, Page 19

POSTAL TUITION for Gcn. Cert. of Wm. (all examining Boards).

London Univ. B.A., I3.Sc..

B.Sc.Econ., B.Sc.Sociology, LL.B.. 13.I).. Degree and Diplomas. Also for Law and Professional Examinations. Prospectus , from C. D, Parker, M.A., LL.D., Director of Studies, Dept. B92, Wolsey Hall, Oxford (Est. 1894).

SECRETARIAL TRAINING. Intensive courses in Shorthand, Typewriting. Book-keeping and Secretarial Practice. Prospectus : The Oxford A County Secretarial College, 34 St. Ciles,Dxforid.

THE TRIANGLE Secretarial College, 59.62 South Mutton Street, W.I. MAY 5306 (3 lines).


OXTON HOUSE SCHOOL, KENTON, Nr. EXETER. Scholarships will be awarded on the results of Examinations to be held in February and March for girls between the ages of '10 and 14,--For particulars mully to the Head- mistress.

SCHOOL OF 5, MARY AND S. ANNE. A 13 BOTS BROMLEY, NR. RUGELEY, STAFFS. Headmistress : Miss M. E. ROCI-1, B.A., Dip. Theo!. ENTRANCE SCHOLAR- SHIPS AND EXHIBITIONS. Two scholarships of £200, two of £100 and one Music Scholar- ship of £75 a year are offered annually to can- didates under 14, two Exhibitions of £45 to candidates under 15.-For further particulars . apply to the Headmistress's Secretary.