7 NOVEMBER 1958, page 19


BOOKS FOR SALE, Bibliography, Palreoaraphy and Books about Books.--Ti. I 14, from W. Forster, 8.ia Stamford Hill, Londm, NTS. FICTION-WRITING. We are specialist turots:-- -No......

The Medici Galleries, Of Grafton St.. London, W.i And...

St.. South Kensing - ton. Invite you to visit their Christmas displays of cards, pictures, books and other attractive Rifts Christmas Mail Order Catalogue free on request. YOUR......

Clear Duplicating-letters, Bound Book- Lets, Designed...

Seven Levels, North Place, Cheltenham, Glos. LITERARY TYPING, 2s. 6d, 1,000. Carbon 6d. Accuracy assured. Min. charge 4d, - E. R. Jennings, 55 Brockman Road, Folkestone. MSS.......

Postal Tuition For Gcn. Cert. Of Wm. (all Examining Boards).

London Univ. B.A., I3.Sc.. B.Sc.Econ., B.Sc.Sociology, LL.B.. 13.I).. Degree and Diplomas. Also for Law and Professional Examinations. Prospectus , from C. D, Parker, M.A.,......

Poppy Day

British Legion, Haig's Fund Pall Mall, London, S.W.1 (Registered under the War Charities Act, 1940)......


They Are Training To Everyone's Benefit!

Lads now learning to he seamen may be th e skippers and men who help to keep our Se a lines open. The future safety of our maritim e traffic and contacts is in their hands. They......

Orders, And A Remittance Of 5s. Per Copy, Should Be

sent to: THE SALES MANAGER, 'SPECTATOR' LTD., 99 GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.1 NEW CURTAINS FOR CHRISTMAS. Hand finished, lined or unlined velour curtains delivered second week in......