7 OCTOBER 1899, Page 24

The Microscope, its History, Construction, and Application : being a

Familiar Introduction to the Use of the Instrument, and the Study of Microscopical Science. By Jabez Hogg, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. With upwards of 900 Engraved and Coloured Illustra- tions by Tuffen West and other Artists. Fifteenth Edition, Re- constructed, Rewritten, Revised, and Enlarged throughout. (G. Routledge and Sons. 10s. 6d.)—The first edition of this well- known work appeared in 1854, and we heartily congratulate the author on its well-deserved success, and on the maintenance of strength and energy which has enabled him to bring out a new, up-to-date edition after so great a lapse of time. As he tells us in his new preface, the microscope has been his constant com- panion for upwards: of sixty years ; and many of his readers will doubtless be interested in the sketch of the first instrument which he possessed, on the title-page of his book. About half the book is taken up with descriptions of apparatus, appliances, and the practical working of the microscope, and the remainder with a comprehensive account of microscopic objects, special attection being given to bacteriology. A vast amount of miscellaneous in- formation is crowded into the book, and the only omission of importance which we notice in turning over the pages is the absence of any reference to the mosquito in the account of Pi/aria sangstinis ho minis. We heartily commend this new edition of a standard work to any of our readers who are interested in the microscope.