7 OCTOBER 1899, page 24

Spiderland. By Rose Haig Thomas. (printed For The Author At

the Chiswick Press. 2s. 6d.)—This is a little book of tales for children relating to various spiders, frogs, insects, and plants, under such titles as "The Tree-Frogs," "The......

The Traditional Games Of England, Scotland, And Ireland,...

Singing Rhymes, and Methods of Playing according to the Variants Extant and Recorded in Different Parts of the Kingdom. Collected and annotated by Alice Bertha Gomme. Vol. II.,......

The Microscope, Its History, Construction, And...

Familiar Introduction to the Use of the Instrument, and the Study of Microscopical Science. By Jabez Hogg, M.R.C.S., F.R.M.S. With upwards of 900 Engraved and Coloured Illustra-......

Scientific Books.

Colour in Nature : a Study in Biology. By Marion J. New- bigin, D.Sc. (Load.), Lecturer on Zoology in the Medical College for Women, Edinburgh. (John Murray. 75. 6d.)— This book......

Insects : Their Structure And Life. A Primer Of Entomology.

By George H. Carpenter, B.Sc. Load. (J. M. Dent and Co. 4s. 6d.) —" Of making many books" on insects "there is no end," but still the subject remains unexhausted and......

A Text - Book Of Botany. By J. M. Lowson, M.a., B.sc.,

F.L.S. (W. B. Clive. 6s. 61)—This b ook, which is one of the "Univer- sity Tutorial Series," has been specially designed for the use of students preparing for the London......

Insects, Part Il: Hymenoptera Continued (tubulifera And...

Lepidoptera, Diptera, Aphanip- tera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura. By David Sharp, M.A. (Cantab.), M.B. (Edin.), F.R.S. "Cambridge Natural History," Vol. VI. (Macmillan and......

The Last Link : Our Present Knowledge Of The Descent

of Man. By Ernst Haeckel (Jena). With Notes and Biographical Sketches by Hans Gadow, F.R.S. (Cambridge). (A. and C. Black. 28. 6d.)—The substance of this little book consists of......