9 APRIL 1898, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOB.1 .SIR,—Does it ever strike the United States Senators who are -clamouring for war that in their present unprepared state a war with Spain may entail a deadly blow to their cherished Monroe doctrine P The contest might last long enough for the "mailed fiat" to crawl across the Pacific and take a look in at Rio Grande do Sul on its way home. Do not the words -‘` German Colonies" ominously stretch across the map of that province in the "Times" Atlas. France, whose sympathy with 'Spain is so openly expressed, might still find her Guiana boundary unsatisfactory, and prefer to extend her territory to the month of the Amazon. Does the Monroe doctrine find so much favour in England that we would face united Europe in its support P France and Germany could both of them smooth matters in Africa in order to keep us quiet, but what ,could the United States offer ? As one ardently desiring to see an English-speaking alliance, I hope that it would be an arrangement for the joint occupation of Panama and the joint construction of a canal, which would do so much to -connect the whole of the English-speaking race.—I am,