9 APRIL 1898, page 13

America And Europe.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOB.1 . SIR,—Does it ever strike the United States Senators who are -clamouring for war that in their present unprepared state a war with Spain may......

English And Scottish Education.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—In thanking you for your article on "English and Scottish Education" in the Spectator of March 26th, may I invoke the continuance of......

Bribery In Business.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Sricr•roa."1 SIR,—In your article on "Secret Commissions" in the Spectator of April 2nd you rightly say that the nineteenth century might not unfairly be......

Indian Finance.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOZ."1 &s,—You have given us a very interesting summary of the difficulties of India in the Spectator of April 2nd. Allow me to mention another very......

Do Animals Talk?

[TO THE EDATOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.$'l SIR,—In an article headed "Do Animals Talk F" in the Spectator of March 5th, the writer says that certain shore birds, including wild......

The University Of Pennsylvania.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sru,—On behalf of the authorities of the University of Pennsylvania I beg to express the gratification felt by them, and doubtless by those......