9 DECEMBER 1978, Page 17

entirely ported the legend. The truth is c at on one

side of the paper is written: 'All etans are liars' and on the other: 'I am a Reading this sort of thing in the Spectator, „,...was reminded of President Ford in a cievisiort interview talking about 'the rtotestant ethnic'. One felt he knew the sound but not the sense. Of course misinterpretation is sometimes wilful; I once heard the manager of the Manchester Midland Hotel describing the vandalism and theft on his premises: 'One day a group of men pretending to be a removal gang actually stole the grand piano!' Somebody laughed and remarked: 'I've heard of the Lost Chord, but that's ridiculous!' and I reproved them roundly, pointing out that any sort of wickedness was little short of scandalous.

The Spectator should pronounce against solecisms and uphold standards. When I heard someone recently pronouncing syndrome with a long 0 sound, I told him: 'the 0 is short and the final E pronounced as it is in epitome or Penelope'. A few weeks later he gleefully told me about his holiday flight to Italy: 'We landed at Pisa where they've got a lovely aerodromy!' and he added triumphantly: 'Your ruling is faulty!' I kept my countenance, retorting with some asperity: 'One bad doctor does not invalidate medicine' and departed in a flurry of talcum powder. These occasional victories are like tackling a properly boiled egg: you cut off its head with a sharp whack and feel every bit as satisfied as learning that another nationalised industry has been restored to its rightful owners.

Kenneth Williams Cl o Peter Eade, 9 Cork Street, London WI