9 DECEMBER 1978, page 17

Alt Greek

S ir: Mrs Collier (Letters, 2 December) suggests that the Parthenon frieze, together With other fifth century Greek art, is characterised by 'a thoughtful serenity, a timeless......

Actor As Critic

Sir: I wish we weren't beset by a thousand Misa pprehensions, but alas we are; the Spec(tor recently referring to Dorothy Parker's t smissal of a Broadway production: 'there's......

About Socrates I Said That He And Other Ootable Sages

lived in , an age 'around 500 BC'. Mrs Collier says I said, nonsensically, that Socrates was 'around in 500 BC'. Mrs ,Collier thus illustrates another point I was . Ir Ying to......

Entirely Ported The Legend. The Truth Is C At On One

side of the paper is written: 'All etans are liars' and on the other: 'I am a Reading this sort of thing in the Spectator, „,...was reminded of President Ford in a cievisiort......