9 DECEMBER 1978, Page 18

Causes of inflation

Sir: Your correspondent, M.W. Balladon (18 November) is no better at pointing oilt the causes of inflation than the contributor he takes to task. I should have thought that all of your readers unschooled in economics, realised by now that the root cause or inflation is greed of which exaggerate_d expectations are manifestations. The trait is displayed equally by governments 1310jecting a nauseatingly parochial attitude it/ almost any EEC economic issue, and bY individuals exemplified by the prese,itit queues for bread, an occupation flaw. Y worth the effort and motivated by the desire to get the better of others of like mind` Inflation's momentum is sustained not S0 ply by demands for higher wages or by price rises but by public servants, manufacturers and consumers demanding more at the expense of their fellows. Can a cure be, found? To cure inflation, like other of Me nation's ills, two decisions are necessary: 3 common commitment to its demise and time-scale for the operation. We could al,; agree on the latter, but on the former• Should we ever find the restraint, the sel.fdiscipline, the far-sightedness? I doubt Unless — unless, a statesman appears viih° cares less about his position in society than the quality of the world in which he lives; a. government is ready to consider national interests paltry when set in the context of a community of nations; a trade union lea!:ler can rise above the bigotry of his working' class background, can be found — if s01118; one could give a lead, then what might ne happen? Do such people, such instit exist? utions, D. G. Stanley 1 Goodwood Avenue, Battenhall, Worcester