9 JANUARY 1841, Page 20



On the 31st Dec.. at Shernford Park, Sussex. the lion. Mrs. Astranaszusza, of a daughter, etill-burn. On the 24th Oct., at Ahmedabad, in the East Indies, the Lady of Sir ROBERT Ken-u Aartuturrar. Bart.. of a daughter.

On the 25th Nov.. at Montreal, Lower Canada. the Lady of Dr. WARREN, of her Ma'esty's Seventh Hussars. of a daughter.

On the 7th inst., in Great Queen Street, Westminster, the Lady of the Lord Bishop of JAMAICA. of a son.

On the 27th Dec., at Frankfort, the Hon. Mrs. MASSY Dswscer, of a son.

On the 7th inst., in Withal Crescent, Lady Resserr, of a daughter.

On the 2d inst., at the Principal's lodgings. Brazenose College, Mrs. GILBERT, of a daughter. On the 8th Nov., at Trinidad, the Lady of Assistant-Commissary-General Butner, of a son.

On the 5th inst., at Priestlands, near Lymington. the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel D'Aecv, K.L.S.. of a son.

On the 5th inst., at Lamborne, the Lady of the High Sheriff of Berks, of a daughter. On the 26th ult., at Rome, the Lady of Sir ALEXANDER YOUNG SPEARMAN, Bart., of Et SOH.


On the Sth inst.. at the parish church. Eccles, the Rev. ALEXANDER Warsos.

of Si. John's, Cheltenham, to HANNAH, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Sherratt, Esq., of Pendleton.

On the 30th July, at St. James's Church, Sydney. New South Wales, ROBERT JOHN- STONE ataxic's, Esq.. son of the late Lieut.-Gen. Charles Barton, to Emitar MARIA. eldest daughter of Major Dowell, formerly of the Ninth Dragoons; and HENRY HER- MAN KATES, Esq.f eldest son of the late Captain Henry Kater, F.R.S., to Emu. Cosa. Leers, second daughter of Major Daman. On the 31st ult.. at Petworth, Sussex, the Rev. HENRY Liken °SWELL, M.A., of Christchurch. Oxford, third sou of the late Rev. Thomas °swell, Rector of Westbury. Salop, to Ceratiuwa, youngest daughter of Charles Murray, Esq..of New Grove, near Petworth.


On the 5th inst., at Brighton, the Earl of SOMERS. in his 81st year.

On the 3d inst., at her house in Hanover Square, the Dutchess of CANNIZZARO.

On the 1st inst., after a few hours' severe illuess. at his seat, Bradbourn Park, East Malting, Kent. Sir JOHN Twisnesr, Bart., in his 65th year. On the 4th inst., at Weymouth, Lady MuLcairrea, Widow of Sir William H. Mal- caster. K.C.11.. Aide-de-camp to the late King William IV. In Orchard Street, ARABELLA, Wife of the late Nathaniel Bland, Esq., of Randall's Palk. Sorry, whom she survived two months. At St. George's Square, Edinburgh. Acores. second daughter of the late Sir John Hamilton Dalrymple, Bart., and sister to the Earl of Stair. On the 20th Dec.. at Mormon& Aberdeenshire, JAMES Srascrustr, Esq.. M.D., In- spector-General of Army Hospitals. On the 31st ult , the Lady RENDLESHAM, daughter of the late Sir George B. Prescott, Bart.

On the 4th inst., at Weymouth, Sonia, Widow of the late Sir William Horne hful- easter, R.N.

Ou the 4th inst., at Hadlow House, the Rev. PHILLIPS afoirrrertav, M.A., of Maytham Hall, Kent, and fifty years the respected Vicar of Hadlow, in the same county, in his 79th year. On the 26th Dec.. in Park Place, St. James's Square. Bath, Maar. daughter of the Rev. Henry Shute. Rector of Frampton Cotterell, Gloucestershire. in her 50th year; and on the 1st inst., at the Rectory. Fmmptsin Cotterell, Mean, the Wife of the Rev. Heury Shute, in her 89th year. On the 30th ulL, after a short illness. RICHARDEnwAnnx. Esq , of Gloucester Terrace, Old Brompton, many years of the Dutch' of Lancaster Office, in his 81st year. On the 5th inst., at Clapham. in his 8ath year. ROBERT WILLIAMS, Esq., one of the oldest members of the Royal College of Surgeons.

On the 27th Dec., in her 92d year. Mrs. M ART DOUGLAS. relict of Mr. Gunge Black. At Oxford, in her 104th year. -ELIZABETH R/CHARDS, retaining her faculties to within a few days of her death. She was for sixty years assistant and night-watch at Winchester College.

At Coveney. Norfolk, in his 102d year. Mr. DANIEL Cox, farmer. Until within two or three years he walked to and from Warily Hill to Ely, twelve miles, with ease and comfort. At Leeds, Mr. EDWARD SIMMONS. in his 105th year. He served twenty-two years in the Twenty-fifth Foot, and was as out-pensioner of Chelsea since 1792. his age being then slatted at 57. Also, five days afterwards, in her 90th year, Arms. his wife. They had beeu married sixty-five years.