9 JANUARY 1841, page 9


The Post-office has recently issued tenders for carrying the letter- bags in the London District Post. They differ from all previous ten- ders, in intimating a readiness to......

Money Market.

The Funds were languid at the commencement of the week ; and on Mon- day and Tuesday Consols for Account were as low as 89, with an appearance of a decline. This heaviness was......

Quarterly Average Of The Weekly Liabilities And Assets Of...

Bank of England, from the 13th October 1840 to the 5th January 1841, both inclusive— LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Circulation X16,112,000 Securities £22,362,000 Deposits 7,049,000......

The Staffordshire Examiner, Writing Of The Walsall...

date of" Wednesday night," says- " Mr. Smith still proceeds with his canvass. He has already obtained a con- siderably larger number of positive pledges than Mr. Lyttelton had......

Progress Of Penny Postage.

The Penny Postage, which it was prophesied would not pay its -expenses, has yielded 441,000/. net revenue in the first year of its expe- riment. So that, judging from the......

" A Lively Controversy Is Maintained Among Our Evening...

the Standard, the Globe, the Courier, and the Sun, upon the questions whether the -Government has shown any, and if any, what favour to Mr. Frost, the New- port traitor, since......