11 JANUARY 1975

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Wilson's words, Wilson's will

The Spectator

The Prime Minister's speech directed against the excessive propensity to strike action among British motor workers (and among workers in other industries as well) was a most...

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Lawyer's profits

The Spectator

Sir: Your issue of December 28 under the column headed 'A Spectator's Notebook — Lawyers' Profits' contains statements which are wildly inaccurate. The first statement asserts...

People and policies

The Spectator

Sir: I hope you will permit me to comment on three points arising in your excellent Christmas issue. 1. I am sure you merit the gratitude of every right-minded citizen for...

New pounds

The Spectator

Sir: I note in your issue of December 21 that it is twice suggested by contributors that the adoption of a heavy pound or 'Rentenpound' might be necessary as a preliminary to...

Irish schools

The Spectator

From Miss C. M. E. Peck Sir: Just what does George Gale mean by 'secularisation of Irish schools' when he says that the Churches "should agree to get out of education . . ....

Political advertising

The Spectator

From the Hon. Terence Prittie Sir: My congratulations to The Spectator and to Philip Kleinman on his article of December 28 on political advertising. Might I add the following...

Remarriage in church

The Spectator

From Sir lain 1VIoncrieffe of that Ilk Sir: The Anglican view about the remarriage of divorced people in Church seems a bit muddling (December 7). Is our Anglican Church not...

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Political Commentary

The Spectator

Could Labour break up? Patrick Cosgrave Mr Benn's letter to his constituents, not to mention the Prime Minister's speech on unnecessary strikes, has given a certain point to...

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A Spectator's Notebook

The Spectator

So, Mr Berm is clearly going to escape any reprimand from the Prime Minister for writing out of turn in - his letter to his constituents on the Common Market. This is obviously...

Westminster Corridors

The Spectator

There is nothing which more denotes a Great Mind than the abhorrence of Envy and Detraction. This Passion reigns more among Politicians than among any other Set of Men. As there...

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Middle East propaganda war (1)

The Spectator

Arabs in despair George Bilain kin The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of The Spectator. The article by Mr Bilainkin is published in line with our view that...

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Middle East propaganda war (2)

The Spectator

Arabs answering back John Laffin The Chancellor of Jerusalem's Weizmann Institute, Meyer Weisgal, is calling for $10 million to finance an 'Operation Truth,' to open the eyes...


The Spectator

A sort of peace Rawle Knox Peace duly arrived in Northern Ireland over Christmas, but goodwill never looked a starter. Peace alone was such a novelty that for many it...

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The Spectator

Powellism-with or without Enoch Piers Dixon The leadership crisis in the Conservative Party, though it may appear to be about personalities, is really about policies. If de...

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Personal column

The Spectator

Toby O'Brien I cannot remember a nastier winter or a worse September, October, or November, although on December 1 in my garden in the country I had a Nellie Moser clematis in...

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The Spectator

Medicine The strike to end all strikes John Linklater A healthy young plasterers mate with a super hod, working a fortyhour week, has admitted* that he can take home £400 for...

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The Spectator

H.J. Eysenck on Ivan, the terrible obscurantist There is a lot wrong with medical cafe, just as there is a lot wrong with education, or with any Other human activity. We are...

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Mare's nest

The Spectator

A.L. Rowse Astraea. The Imperial Theme in the Sixteenth Century Frances A. Yates (Routledge and Kegan Paul £6.95) Miss Yates is a scholar about whom it is difficult to make up...

Maids in a row

The Spectator

Gillian Freeman Rise Up Women! Andrew Rosen (Routledge and Kegan Paul £6.95) The Fiction Of Sex Rosalind Miles (Vision £3.40) Never again must young women enter into marriage...

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Top secret?

The Spectator

Miles Copeland CIA Diary: Inside the Company Philip Agee (Penguin 95p) Sometimes it is important to an enemy espionage service to conceal from us the fact that it has purloined...

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Ancient streets

The Spectator

Kenneth Griffith Kensington Geoffrey Evans (Hamish Hamilton £6.00) It comes as a surprise to most people who do not actually reside in the Portobello Road — and indeed to some...

The twilight world

The Spectator

Peter Ackroyd The Leavetaking John McGahern (Faber and Faber £2.50) The Best of Antrobus Lawrence Durrell (Faber and Faber £2.50) The Lea vetaking is written in a Gaelic...

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Apes and angels

The Spectator

Benny Green That Charles Darwin should nave been so mild-mannered and self-effacing an old gentleman, even when he was a young man, is one of the best jokes of the nineteenth...


The Spectator

Bookend Why is it that the exciting things always seem to happen just before Christmas, when the newspapers are preparing to shut up shop? Take the book trade last month, for...

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The Spectator

Kenneth Hurren on what happened to revue Déjà Revue, devised by Olav Wyper, compiled by Alan Melville (New London Theatre) Objections to Sex and Violence, by Caryl Churchill...

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Will Waspe

The Spectator

Last Sunday, BBC viewers in Scotland saw the first episode of a serial based on Guy"McCrone's novel, Wax Fruit. I hope they see the.: rest of it some day. The Scottish reg....

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The Spectator

A gathering, flight from savings Bill Jamieson Whatever "else 1975 may be it will not be a year in which to save money. If anything, a flight from money has already begun. And...

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Skinflint's City Diary

The Spectator

Once again the New Year brought the 'honours' list. I put the word in inverted commas because the distinction seems a bit dubious considering some of the people who get...