20 JANUARY 1950

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The Spectator

N Y feeling of disappointment about the apparently small achievements of the Colombo Conference of Common- wealth Foreign Ministers must rest first on a misunder- standing of...

Reactions -in Peking

The Spectator

The seizure by the Chinese Communists of American consular premises in Peking has been followed by an announcement in Washington that all United States consular representatives...

The Saar Question Renewed

The Spectator

It should have been plain that the question of the Saar would dominate the recent meetings between the French Foreign Minister, M. Schuman, and the German Chancellor, Dr....

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The Wafd's Programme

The Spectator

All Egyptian parties are committed to demanding the evacuation of foreign troops and " the unity of the Nile valley "—which means the incorporation of the Sudan in Egypt. These...

Sugar Troubles

The Spectator

The failure of the British Government and the West Indian sugar interests to agree on terms for the bulk purchase of sugar after 1952 (when the present arrangement ends) shows...

China at U.N.O.

The Spectator

The deadlock that has arisen at Lake Success over Chinese repre- sentation on the Security Council is not to be taken lightly. A situation has been created for which the Charter...

More Freedom in the Food Trades ?

The Spectator

It was bad luck for the Labour Party that its election manifesto, in which it said that the present system of distribution of meat should be made permanent, appeared on the same...

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The Spectator

L IFE would be a good deal brightened if all the com- ments on Mr. Priestley's broadcast could be assembled and neatly presented. There was the suggestion that fifteen or twenty...

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The Spectator

L ABOUR is first in the field with its election manifesto, whether with a winner or not the course of events will soon show. On the whole if the Labour Party is returned it is...

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* * * * The discussion in The Times on

The Spectator

the publication of wills turns on nicely balanced considerations. It is arguable, as some writers have argued, that what a man (or woman) Jeaves is a purely private matter, and...

Marshal Stalin's prediction of the result of the General Election

The Spectator

will be awaited with interest. In February, 1945, five months before the Election of July. the Marshal " remarked that he did not believe the Labour Party would ever form a...

The box, sealed for forty years, and opened at Trinity

The Spectator

College, Cambridge, last Saturday, appears at first sight to have contained nothing of great interest ; but it at least (haws attention to the man who bequeathed the box, Mr. A....


The Spectator

of and advocate for the Council of Europe, and , when he comes to this country and urges, either at public meetings or in newspaper articles, that Britain should throw herself...

Mr. Neil Maclean's grief at being excluded from the meeting

The Spectator

that was called to nominate a Labour candidate in succession to him at Govan is intelligible, for he has represented the constituency since 1918, and does not, I think, consider...

More Latin.—"The town mouse invited the country mouse."

The Spectator

I am reminded that Charles Haddon Spurgeon, to whom I

The Spectator

made some reference last week, was not Dr. That is true ; I followed a mention elsewhere unthinkingly. In compensation let me tell a story about two persons who were. One was an...

* * * * The Piddingtons' act on Monday must

The Spectator

go very far to discomfit their critics. If anything more watertight than the technique then adopted can be devised I should be very glad to hear of it. Mrs. Piddington was in a...

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Steel Must be Saved

The Spectator

By WALTER TAPLIN I T used to be fashionable, a year or so ago, to prophesy that the nationalisation of steel would be the issue on which the next General Election would be...

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Light on the East

The Spectator

By ROBERT WAITHMAN Washington M R. DEAN ACHESON, the Secretary of State, sat down in his seat at the top table in the Press Club auditorium, and there was a gale of applause....

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Middle-Class Argument

The Spectator

For the next few week's two well-known writers will discuss here In a series of letters the present plight of the middle classes. D EAR JANE,—The first reunion after twelve...

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China's White Russians By A. ROYDS D ISPLACEMENT and camp life

The Spectator

have been the fate of many peoples during the last few years. So it is no surprise to hear that the White Russians of China's seaports are once more on the move, pitching their...

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The Spectator

THE SPECTATOR readers are urged to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold...


The Spectator

Going Up By B. R. BARRON (New College, Oxford) U NLIKE the majority of undergraduates going up to Oxford today for the first time, I did not just catch the train at Paddington...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON i . AGREE with those who contend that one of the minor pleasures of -life is to be slightly ill. In order to extract the greatest good from this condition...

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The Spectator

THEATRE The Miser." By Moliere. Freely adapted by Miles Malleson. (New) A MENTAL effort, similar to that involved in recalling that there were once wolves in Surrey, is...


The Spectator

PROBABLY not very much of the music written in the 1920s will interest our grandchildren, once its period flavour has been tried and enjoyed a mild vogue. A great deal of it...


The Spectator

it The Blue Lamp." (Odeon).----" Woman in Hiding." (Odeon, Marble Arch.)—" No Place for Jennifer." (London Pavilion.) The Blue Lamp is a tribute to that portion of our Police...

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Alexandra Palace

The Spectator

For the most part, plays televised from theatres are an abomina- tion ; they are neither theatre nor television. But I confess to a sneaking pleasure I took in Mr. Tod...


The Spectator

For the talk of the last few days I should select (though I recognise that the choice is arbitrary) M. Michel St. Denis's contribution to the Contemporary Theatre series on the...


The Spectator

THEODORE GARMAN makes his debut at the Redfern Gallery under the auspices of Messrs. Epstein and Matthew Smith. From these distinguished names, and from the information that...

Nursery Research

The Spectator

For other childish affairs, there is the new, and perhaps sadly- named, Listen With Mother. This programme is designed for the very young, up to the age of five; although I...

Thought in a Tank This he did. Or, at any

The Spectator

rate, Mrs. Piddington (who seemed singularly self-controlled throughout our enjoyable tour of the environs of S.W.1) pressed into my hand before journey's end a slip of paper on...


The Spectator

THE return of The Piddingtons means the return, I suppose, of controversy. I decline to dismiss the subject as flogging a dead horse: for this horse is so uncommonly lively....

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The Spectator

Report on Competition No. By PETER FLEMING AUSTIN MOTORS are givin; Mr. Leonard Lord £100,000 on con- dition that he never works for anyone else—on condition (in other words)...

Competition No. 3

The Spectator

• Set by HILARY BRETT-SMITH A prize of £5, which may be divided, is offered for nine lines to complete a poem beginning: "Some fifty years before These three had shared a...

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SIR.—For persons who, like myself, voted Liberal at the last

The Spectator

election, or are comprised within the " floating vote," is not one very strong reason for now voting Conservative that many of the present Ministers are really very tired men,...

Intercommunion SIR,—Following the Archbishop of Canterbury's notable, perhaps historic, Cambridge

The Spectator

sermon in November, 1946, on a new approach to Church unity, conversations have been taking place between representative Anglicans and Free Churchmen. This conference, which...


The Spectator

Voting Liberal SIR.—You will not expect Liberals to agree with your leading article, Election Issues. Where you go wrong is, first, in assuming that we " have no possible...

English Teaching in Egypt Slit,—Mr. John Bray's article, English-Teaching in

The Spectator

Egypt, in the Spectator' of January 6th, raises points of considerable interest and importance, bu unfortunately gives an incomplete and, in some respects, an inaccurat picture....

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University Salaries think there is a certain amount of misunderstanding

The Spectator

about university salaries, to which your remarks last week might seem to lend support. It is perhaps worth making clear that, in Oxford and Cambridge at least, only a small...

The Blot in the Scutcheon SIR.—In reply to Mr. Huxtable's

The Spectator

enquiry in the Spectator of December 23rd, " the blot in the scutcheon " probably refers to the heraldic " abatement of honour," a system of stains of various shapes placed on...

A Pension Paradox

The Spectator

SIR.—Your Dumfriesshire correspondent refers to the " self-employed " under-sixty-fives. But what of the self-employed over-sixty-fives? Not even the magic of N.I. 28 can do...

Blanket Legislation SIR,—Brave Sir William Hamilton Fyfe need not trot

The Spectator

round while laying blankets if, whenever completely stripping the bed for sheet-changing, he lays aside his blankets folded down their middles, thus making a line to serve as...

SIR,—Some grateful manufacturer' will surely present a complete set of

The Spectator

blankets with one stripe down the middle free, gratis and for nothing to Sir William Hamilton Fyfe for his own bed, in return for this brilliantly simple suggestion of his to...

Service Courts Martial SIR,—I cannot let Mr. Eyre's stricture upon

The Spectator

Army courts martial pass without a reply. Although I have no experience of courts martial in the Army, 1 have sat on many, both as a member and later as a president, in the...

Propaganda and the Election

The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Cole and 1 may differ on a question of opinion, but we must not differ on questions of fact. One of the British sugar refiners com- plaints is that plans were made to...

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Shakespeare's Sonnets Dated

The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Leslie .Hotson's book, recently published, argues that Shakespeare's " mortal moon " sonnet deals with the Armada, that its date, therefore, is 1588, and that at least...

Ignorantia Juris

The Spectator

SIN—Janus, in the Spectator of January 13th, delivers himself of a very odd dictum. He says: " Every Englishman is expected to know the law, and to order his actions...

Shop Stewards

The Spectator

SIR.—Having read Mr. 1. Reid's letter I still do not know what a shop steward's work is—or who pays him. Is he paid by the union or the " shop " ? I see he mentions the word...

Spare the Trees

The Spectator

a re loud and plaintive laments for the excessive destruction of trees are heard in the land, not least in Sussex. All sorts of people are held responsible. In one case a...


The Spectator

WHEN the weather is warm in January, when the prunus, viburnum and iris are in flower, when thrush, tit, robin and hedge-sparrow sing gaily, when .rooks obviously pair and begin...

A Banned Crop

The Spectator

One farm crop, we are told, is to be much diminished in 1950; and the ban will put an end to a quaint little practice. Owing to the comparative absence of beef, pork and certain...

Sprayed Bees Wild mustard, the detested weed charlock, finds a

The Spectator

place in the annual report of the Rothamsted agricultural station, which is full of the in- genuities of science, physical, chemical, biological and the rest. It seems to be...

In the Garden

The Spectator

The crown of annuals, at any rate for the votary of vases, is the sweet pea. The flowering period is long—it rn‘y last to November— and how wonderfully the colours, especially...

"Tilt spectator," 3anuarp 19t1), 1850 In the howling wilderness of

The Spectator

our Colonial Empire there is one bright and happy spot ; an oasis of good government, prosperity, and satisfaction, in the midst of a wide and hot desert of suffering,...

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The Spectator

66 Praktizismus " The Debate on the American Revolution 1761-1783. Edited by Max Beloit . . The Debate on the French Revolution i789-1799. Edited by Alfred Cobban. (Nicholas...

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England's Treasure

The Spectator

The Growth of English Society. By E. Lipson. (Black. 21s.) IN this book—whose sub-title, " A Short Economic History," is somewhat belied by its 448 pages—Professor Lipson...

A Yalta .Apologia

The Spectator

Roosevelt and the Russians: The Yalta Conference. By Edward MR. STE - I - m[0s who, as Secretary of State, went with President Roosevelt to the Three-Power Conference at Yalta...

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Chinese Poet

The Spectator

The Life and Times of Po By Arthur Waley. (Allen and Unwin. :Ss.) WHEN Po chi'-i died, at the age of seventy-four, in A.D. 846, he left seventy-five scrolls or chapters,...

The Unwanted Child

The Spectator

THIS is a horrifying book. It is also entertaining. Mrs. Hopkirk's quotations of cases of cruelty to children are sometimes unbearable ; but she herself treats the story of...

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Southern Arabia

The Spectator

The Kingdom of Melchior. By The Master of Belhaven. (John Murray. 1 6s. ) THE bottom left-hand corner of Arabia is about as remote as any part of the modern world. The Yemen, it...

Self-Portrait of Nekon

The Spectator

WHEN, two years a g o, Miss Oman published her life of Nelson, one became more eathan ever aware aof the need for a selection of his letters. Sir Harris Nicolas produced seven...

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The Spectator

AGREED, the writing of novels is a very difficult pursuit and demands a great many parts of an author. And yet, for all the fine character- drawing, sensitive responst- and...

Sound and Music

The Spectator

The Instruments of Music. By Robert Donington. (Methuen. 18s.) Tins thoroughly investigated and lucid account of the physical causes of differences of sound produced in the...

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The Spectator

A R S_E ALL e kc, A 5 T R 0 S A S IA N A!l Vd5 0 0 12•2 H E I !olu• (.71 i t A!_1 - M • cIA;M I P:EIR Al . EIN 6 , 14E1.A.]7! . .aIr4 Pa- RE M SOLUTION ON FEBRUARY 3 The...


The Spectator

[A Book Token for one guinea will be encirrded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, January 31st....

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS INVESTORS who turn for light and guidance to the annual statements of the bank chairmen—and they might turn in other directions and fare much worse—are not likely to...