21 JANUARY 1871

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The news from General Chanzy's head-quarters is always of retreat,

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and he is supposed to be now near Laval, on the road to Rennes. It is quite evident that his army was not really strengthened, while its morale was injured, by the...

Several sorties were made by the garrison on the 13th

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inst., notably against Aulnay, Le Bourget, and Dugny, none of them producing any serious results. According to the English accounts from the German side, the attack on Le...

It appears to be clear, from a comparison of all

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accounts, that the bombardment of Paris so far has done little harm. It has not depressed the Parisians, has not greatly injured Paris—though a few houses, and large buildings...

General Faidherbe has again fought, and, if Versailles is to

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be trusted, lost the battle. During the week he occupied St. Quentin, and after certain outpost skirmishes at Vermand in which the French claimed the advantage, fought on...

General Bourbaki has, hitherto at least, had the uniform ill-

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fortune of French commanders, and we suppose from the usual cause, not being able to trust his troops to attack except when they had every advantage, both as to numbers and...

M. Gambetta has shown how much he prefers the cause

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of France to that of any party in it, by making the Papal Com- mander, Colonel Charette, a General. If he could only assign to. him the command of the Bretons, something might...


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T HE King of Prussia was on Wednesday proclaimed Emperor of Germany in the Hall of Mirrors, Versailles,—perhaps the most dramatic event of this century. He is now styled in all...

' 0 ,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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The Emperor of Germany has put forth a most cruel

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order concerning the Alsatians and Lorrainers who volunteer for the French armies. Any one who volunteers for those armies will be punished by confiscation of all his present...

We regret to perceive from the Lancet that Mr. Childers

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remains seriously ill, that he has lost nerve-power from overwork, the pressure of his former disease, and griefat thepublie amidomeetie consequences of the loss of the Captain....

Sir W. Mansfield has evidently received permission to explain his

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plan of military defence. His ideas have been expressed this week through an article in the Edinburgh Review, through a speech to the London Scottish Volunteers, and through a...

Mr. Otway has made a curious speech to his constituents

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at Chatham. He evidently wanted very much to tell them why he quitted the Foreign Office, and kept leading up to the subject, but finally resolved to keep his explanation for...

Mr. Forster addressed his constituents at Bradford ou Monday in

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a speech partly on the war and foreign policy and partly on education, of which we have criticized the former section at length elsewhere. After he had expounded his view of the...

Mr. Jacob Bright, M.P. for Manchester, and Mr. Baines, M.P.

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for Leeds, both addressed political meetings late last week, and their speeches form a curious contrast. Mr. Jacob Bright, as usual, speaks like his brother minus his...

Mr. Stansfeld, like Mr. Forster, has not been quite successful

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with his constituents. His difference with them, however, was only upon the Contagious Diseases' Act, which he evidently dis- likes, but, as a member of the Government, cannot...

Mr. Baines, on the contrary, was very prudent and sensible.

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" The Education Act he regarded as the best measure that could be passed, under the circumstances." He was in favour of Army reform, and would vote for the removal of the Duke...

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Dr. Bridges' report to the Poor Law Board on the

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spread of small-pox in London, is not of a reassuring, still less of a pleasant, character. It affirms in brief, that the disease has been increasing slowly through 1870—rapidly...

It is amusing to observe the nautical anger with which

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a Times' " scientific correspondent's" account of a gale off the coast of Spain has been received. The scientific correspondent, who was a passenger in the Psyche, (which took...

The Council of Marlborough College seems to have done a

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wise thing. For many years the school has had a high reputation, not only for sending first-rate scholars to the Universities, but also for having extended its sphere of studies...

Our prediction of the result of sending the Fenian prisoners

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to America has been very quickly verified. The Philadelphia cor- respondent of the Times says, in the letter published yesterday, " The Fenian liberated prisoners, when they...

The Conference held to consider the Eastern Question met on

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Tuesday. Nothing was, of course, done in the way of modi- fying the Treaty of Paris, but it is asserted that all the Powers represented signed a Note expressly repudiating the...

The Hon. G. Brodrick gave a good address at the

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Co-opera- tive Hall, Rochdale, on the relations of England and Ireland, in which, after a lucid and fair sketch of Irish history , he proceeded to discuss the future of Ireland....

The Paris food fund, set on foot some time ago

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by " J. T. K.," has, we believe, been amalgamated with the "French Relief Fund, in aid of Paris and the suffering districts throughout France," of which the Daily Telegraph,...

Consols were on Friday 92} to 92i.

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THE " QUARTERLY " ON THE COMMONS. C AN a popular body ever be consistent, can it ever carry out a policy which requires years for its perfect de- velopment ? These are the...

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P OPULAR constituencies are, no doubt, the only school for representatives. A man may be born a representative as a man may be born a poet, but it is almost as rare an event ;...

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S IR WILLIAM MANSFIELD was wise in telling the public on Monday that he had recommended the Government to revive the ballot for the Militia, for no scheme of that kind has. a...

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E is no good news from France. If we may believe T r i the last reports, General Bourbaki has, like all the other French Generals, lost the moment when success was within his...

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T HERE is one peculiarity in the management of the Times which, for many years past, certainly for the last quarter of a century, has bewildered its readers. The great journal...

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A MONG the questions likely to be brought before Parlia- ment during the coming Session, the foundation of a Legal University for the purpose of imparting a systematic...

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T HERE has been a good deal of discussion of late whether there is any real and essential conflict between the genius of Christianity and W ar,—in other words, whether war can...

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W E do not understand the undertone of half-admiration in which some of the papers record the latest thievish ." exploit "in Upper Berkeley Street. It seems to us sharping of...


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THE BESIEGED IN PARIS. (TO TRII EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—The following extracts from two balloon letters from Paris, dated January 13, may interest your readers. The...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Allow me to point out that you have seriously misrepre- sented a passage in my " Lectures and Essays." You say, " He seems to think it"...


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Sir., - 1 agree with much that your article of the 14th inst. on " The Friends of France " says, but I trust to your candour for the insertion of my protest against the...

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THE OLD MASTERS AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY. THE great success which attended last year's exhibition of works by Old Masters has induced the Royal Academy to repeat the ex- pernment....


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[TO THE EDITOIL OF THE "SPEOTATOR.1 Six,--Tn your notice of the " Piccadilly Annual" you mention a story by Charles Dickens as "never before published in this country, having...

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MR. BALDWIN BROWN ON THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY.% THESE essays are full of power of a very broad and refined kind. They seem to us, indeed, to lose not a little of their force when...

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A CAST FOR A CROWN.* OH ! for the days

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when we were young enough to thoroughly enjoy a story made up of dwarfs, alchemists, lovely golden-haired ladies, and equally lovely, but dark-minded ladies with black tresses ;...

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NED WRIGHT.* " Nevertheless it moves." As we shut this

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curious book, and tried to think it over, and for the thousandth time think out the problem it presents, these words forced themselves most obtrusively upon our attention. Every...

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MR. Annorr's book would at any time have great interest for all who are accustomed to consider theological questions. For his • Bible Lessons. By the Rev. Edwin A. Abbott, M.A.,...

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When I was a Little Girl. By the Author of

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"St. Olave's." (Mac- millan and Co.)—This is a charming book for genuine children, who like a simple history of natural juvenile life, and have not already been spoiled—by...


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Studies in Church History. By Henry C. Lea. (Sampson Low and Co.) This able, thoughtful, and scholarly volume reflects much honour on the American Press, and will secure, as it...

The Principles of the Cathedral System. By E. M. Goulburn,

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D.D. (Rivingtons.)—Dr. Goulburn is a reformer of a thoroughly Conserva- tive type, He is not one of the Deans who wish to abolish Canons, and be naturally does not sympathize...

The Story of Sir Richard Whittington. Written and illustrated by

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E. Carr. (Longmans.)—This is a handsome volume, better illustrated, we are bound to say, than written. The drawings are very graceful, and pretty with a somewhat conventional...

All Round the World. By Parker Gilimore. (Chapman and Hall.)—

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Mr. Gilmore, who is perhaps better known by the name of "Ubique gives us some capital sporting "adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America." Far as he travels, and strange...

an admirable sequel to the author's "Life of Christ." The

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specially French qualities of order, lucidity, and dramatic effect are unfailing in almost every page, and not less so, as we think, the power of historical perspective, in...

War Songs of the Germans, with Historical Illustrations. By Professor

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Blackie. (Edmonston and Douglas.)—Professor Blackie dedicates his little book to Mr. Carlyle, whose style, indeed, and manner of thought it not unfrequently recalls. The...