21 MARCH 1840

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The Spectator

NINE weeks of the session have passed. It cannot be said, in a literal sense, that nothing has been done. Ministers think that very satisfactory progress has been made in the...

The Continental news of the week is so insignificant as

The Spectator

scarcely to require a line of notice. The fate of TRIERS'S Administration is said to depend upon the vote tbr the secret-service•money ; and the impression gains ground in...

An arrival at Liverpool from New York brings an account

The Spectator

of the prorogation of the Upper Canada Parliament. on the lOth of February, by Governor THOMSON. MS Excellency thanked the members for their attention to public basins, and...

The President of the United States sent a message to

The Spectator

the Hciuse of Representatives on the 17th of February, acquainting them with the necessity of providing tire means of meeting the engagements of the general government. Unless...

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Dtbatts anb Vrocabinas itr Varliament.

The Spectator

PRIVILEGE. Sir ROMMT INGLIS, on Tuesday, called the particular attention of the House of Commons to a petition from the printers of the Times and Morning that newspapers,...

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Vie (& Curt.

The Spectator

THE reception of loyal outpourings from congratulating corporations generally osettpy the mornings, parties and play going enliven the evenings of the Royal couple at Buckingham...

The Freemason's Hall was filled on Thursday by a very

The Spectator

respectable assemblage, including many ladies, who met to petition Parliament against voting any portion of the public money for Church-extension, The Duke of Sussex was in the...

An Anti-Corn-law meeting was held at the Court-house, White- chapel,

The Spectator

on Wednesday evening. " The Chartists" assembled in con- siderable numbers ; and Mr. Coates having moved a resolution, stating the injurious effects of the Corn-laws on all who...

Vibe arletropolis.

The Spectator

The Court of Aldermen met on Tuesday, when the Lord Mayor stated, that he had waited on Prince Albert, to inform his Royal Highness that the freedom of the City of London had...

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On Monday night, Mr. John Templeman, an elderly man of

The Spectator

small property, living in a cottage in Pocoek's Fields, Islington, near the Barnsbury Road, was murdered, by persons whose object evidently was plunder. Mr. Templeman, though...

At the York Assizes, on Monday, Samuel Mulberry, Thomas Booker,

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William Booker, and James Duffy, were tried on a charge of sedition and conspiracy. The prisoners were the persons arrested in Sheffield last January. On their premises, or in...

Mr. Wise, of Bush-mills, near Northampton, has obtained the order

The Spectator

for the supply of the penny - adhesive stamps. We havo seen a sheet of the paper adopted by the Government. It is divided into three com- partments, each containing two hundred...

An extraordinary a ffairli as (tee erre d tat `A'

The Spectator

i sem. On Wednesday thel th instant, a Sheriff's officer from Maeeltester went to Wigan to arrest the Honourable Adolphus Falser, an officer of the Eighty - sixth Ilegiment of...

Vie Probinces.

The Spectator

Mr. Thesiger was yesterday returned for Woodstock, without oppo- sition. About two hundred residents in Kendal gave Mr. Gibson and Dr. Bowling a public dinner on Wednesday...


The Spectator

The sudden death of Mr. F. W. Grant, :M.P. for Inverness-shire, was mentioned in our Postscript last week. A Tory paper of the county alludes to his probable successor- " The...

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At the Statistical Society on Monday evening, a communication from.

The Spectator

Mr. Rowland Hill on the subject of the new postage was read. It con- sisted of a series of estimates based upon the returns which have just been laid on the table of the House...


The Spectator

Mr. Ralph Abercromby, Minister Plenipotentiary to the Germanic Confederation, has been appointed Envoy-E.II.ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the King of Sardinia ; and...

Letters from New York announce that Miss Shirred and Mr.

The Spectator

Wilson are to play at the Park Theatre for a fortnight in March ; and, after a short engagement at Philadelphia, they will most probably return to England in June. A gentleman...

In reference to the Perthshire election, the following extracts front

The Spectator

the Aberdeen Herald of the 14th instant deserve attention, as coming from a very intelligent and stanch Anti-Tory- " Three - fourths, nay, we believe, nine - tenths, of the...

Lord Granville is stated to have had, of late, very

The Spectator

frequent inter- course with M. Tillers. fin Monday, his Lordship remained a long time in conference with him. Rumour stated that the long-talked-of commercial treaty was the...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. In the House of Lords last night, some petitions were presented in support of the Corn-laws; and Lord ROSEBERRY presented one from Stirling for the total and...

We have received several communications on Privilcgc•, but in the

The Spectator

preseut temperer the noose or Commons it is really useless to insert them. the goutlentan who receives the Spectator badly fettled, will favour its with the address of the...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TILE SPECTATOR. Ludgate 11111. 17th March 18 , 10. SIR—Can you inform me why roar friends the Whig Ministry shut up the Strand on Sundays, by a Whitehall ukase...

BIRTHS, 11ARRIAG 1:8, AND D17,A . 1'11.S.

The Spectator

lln (ho 1201 iust., at Lalefiant, the Counte-s Alf a tholilder. On the 24th ult., at Rome, the Countess VP:NA C111. V' of a sett unit heir. Oa the 15th inst., in Mount Sare..t....


The Spectator

There Ivas a considerable demand on Monday and Tuesday for all descrip- tions of English Stock, and the number of investments for money caused an improvement in the prices of...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—As a means to facilitate the operation of the New Postage Act, allow me, through the medium of your columns, to suggest that every person...

The Post this morning mentions a prevalent rumour that the

The Spectator

Duke of Sussex is soon to be publicly married to Lady Cecilia Underwood, with the consent of her Majesty in Council ; and that a message will be sent to the house of Commons...

Ross's miniature of the Queen, painted for Prince Albert, has

The Spectator

been lithographed by Lane, with perfect fidelity and extreme delicacy : it is a true, animated, and pleasing likeness, and equally characteristic and agreeable—indeed it is the...

Lord Lyndhurst, as we learn from the Post this morning,

The Spectator

was attacked with inflammation of the chest on Tuesday. He grew worse till yes- terday morning, when a favourable change took place, and last night he was reported decidedly...


The Spectator

Arrived - At ttravesend. March 18th. Mee Merrilies, Sltinuer, from M.turit.1 , 1s. In the Channel. Cant or Packet. 0;4.A ; :mil C.-peland. Sims. from severn, Wake: and Demerara...

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The Spectator

AFRICA AND THE WEST INDIES. WE are equally aware of the horrors of the slave-trade, and anxious to sec them put an end to—we are equally convinced of the im- portance of...

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The Spectator

THE " correspondence relating to China" presented by Lord PAL- MERSTON to the louse of Commons, and the preparations for a war whh the Chinese, remind us of a prediction by this...

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The Spectator

TEE price of wheat is falling in the London market, and generally throughout the country. The average is now quoted at 65s. 9d. . per quarter, and the duty 21s. 8d. This time...


The Spectator

WE really should like to know how much of the PEOPLE'S TIME was expended on Tuesday evening in discussing the Glasgow - Boy Question. This debate, which called forth the...

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it.IBF:TI\r, " AINII " Till.: SHOP."

The Spectator

nicle of last Sunday (..o.dains to l,ln dialrlin' oil our political retro- spect of the ! week...ling %N..k.ek. called The Coutiding Liberals and the Spectator." It is...

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The Spectator

Tnn following paragraph appeared in the Morning 1' of of Thursday ; and, having made inquiry, we are happy to confirm its trials. '• Mr. Beale, of the musical firm of Cramer,...

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The Spectator

WHEN it is considered that the " stars " are not to be had till after Easter, and that Italy will not furnish forth her best artists for a few weeks only, it seems but fair to...


The Spectator

THE Sacred Harmonic Society, in pursuance of what appears to be their almost undivided aim, the revival of all HANDEL'S Oratorios entire, on Friday produced his Said. The zeal,...

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The Spectator

Two revivals at Covent Garden in one week, Romeo and Juliet on Mon- day, and the Double Gallant on Thursday, each presented with charac- teristic splendour, attest the spirit,...

Mr. CitanLEs KEMBLE having been commanded to play Don Felix

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for the Queen's pleasure, lie is to appear in The Wonder at Covent Garden on Tuesday. The rescuscitation of stage-departed actors is a privilege of Royalty ; but as the...

The opening night of the Haymarket passed off without much

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eclat. The house looks all the better for a little cleaning, and the new drop- scene of a " Temple of the Muses," by PHILLIPS, is an improvement on the old one ; though its...

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The Spectator

THESE volumes arc a continuation of the author's previous travels in Persia. The former work described Mr. FRASER ' S overland jour- ney from London to Tehran, the residence of...


The Spectator

Tvvsts. Travels in Koordistan, Mesopotamia, &e.; including an Account of Parts of those Countries hitherto unvisited by Europeans. With Sketches of the Character and Manners of...

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The Spectator

" THE divine art of poesy" does not flourish in this age. Its de- cay is not confined to England, or any particular country. If we look all over Europe, we find it almost dead ;...

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The Spectator

Sergeant TALFOURD first introduced his Copyright Bill, he not only claimed an inherent right of' perpetual property for the author from nature, but from the common law; thus...


The Spectator

THIS is not a revision of an old work, but proposes a new demon- stration, taken from a region in geometry where the solution of the problem has perhaps never been looked for...