23 DECEMBER 1882

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The Bishop of Manchester has refused to institute Mr. Cowgill,—Mr.

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Green's curate,—whom Sir Percival Heywood had presented to the living of Miles Plattin g ,—the reason being, as we believe, that Mr. Cow g ill refused to accept condi- tions...

The death of the Bishop of Llandaff (Dr. 011ivant), at

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the great age of eighty-four, leaves a vacancy which it will not be easy to fill. For many reasons, it would be well to appoint to the See a elergyman with a good knowledge of...

The Turkish Government is very angry that so many facts

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about the situation in Constantinople g ot abroad, especially facts about military disaffection, and has contrived very in- g eniously to subject public letters to a censorship....

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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Mr. Forster made a remarkable speech in Glasgow yesterday week,

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takin g as his formal subject the politics of the Liverpool election,—a subject, as we need not say, which allowed him to travel very easily over the whole range of polities. He...


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T HE Archbishopric of Canterbury, after being declined, as some accounts say, by the Dean of St. Paul's, has been

Germany and Austria have been excited by rumours that the

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recent revelation of the existence of a Treaty between the two Empires, and the extension of that Treaty, had been rendered necessary by Russian menaces. There is no evidence...

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Sir Louis S. Jackson sends to the Times an account,

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obviously authentic, of the quarrel between the Cape Govern- ment and Colonel Gordon. The Cape Ministry offered that brilliant officer the supreme command under them, in order...

• Mr. Chamberlain, on Tuesday, addressed the National Federal Association

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at Ashton, in a speech of considerable length and importance. We have dwelt on the portion which referred to Egypt elsewhere, but Mr. Chamberlain also touched on general...

The trial of M. Bontoux, Director of the Union G6n6rale,

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and M. Feder, his principal manager, for raising the price of shares in the undertaking by fraudulent accounts and purchases,. has ended in a verdict of guilty, and a sentence...

The French Cabinet has been seriously moved by an internal

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dispute as to the expediency of the expedition to Tonquin. Admiral Jaur6guiberry, Minister of Marine, demanded a credit of 2440,000 ler the expedition ; but many of his...

The Governor of Madras, Mr. Grant Duff, has made a

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small mistake, over which the London papers are absurdly bitter. The Madras Times published a minute by the Governor about his tour which was not intended for publication, and...

Mr. Dodson, at Lewes, on Thursday, spoke nearly as strongly

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as Mr. Chamberlain on the necessity of patience with Ireland. He thought that although the recent movement had been more formidable than the tithe war of 1831 and the Fenian...

Mr. Baxter made a good speech at Arbroath on Monday,

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in which he insisted on the necessity for the County Government Bill, the County Franchise Bill, the Redistribution of Seats Bill, and a stringent Corrupt Practices Bill, and...

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Consols were on Friday 104 to MI ex. diT. Bank

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Bate, 5 per cent.

Sir John Lubbock, who is one of the best financiers

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in Par- liament, explained very clearly yesterday week to the Lewisham and Lee Liberal Club how mistaken the Conservatives are in • attributing to the present Government a great...

Mr. R. G. Wilberforce writes to yesterday's Times, in relation

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to the criticism passed by the Times on his "Life" of his father, to say in effect very much what the dirty Frenchwoman said who, when people remarked on the un- cleanliness of...

Dr. Close, who has been called "the Pope of Cheltenham,"

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is dead. He was made Dean of Carlisle by Lord Palmerston, and his death reminds us forcibly how completely extinct is the old Exeter - Hall party, of 'which he was one of the...

We have great pleasure in announcing that Mr. Fawcett has

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improved steadily during the week, and that his physicians regard him as convalescent, though he is still, of course, much too ill to see friends or transact any sort of business.

We publish elsewhere an advertisement for the Emigration Committee of

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"Mr. Take's Fund," who are willing to co- operate with, and supplement the action of, the Govern- ment,—while the Government also are equally willing to co-operate with them,—in...

The trial of Commander Maxwell Heron for misuse of the

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'Queen's stores, fraudulent charges, and oppression, ended on 'Thursday, we regret to say, in a verdict of guilty on eleven counts and part of another, and acquittal on two....

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THE NEW PRIMATE. T HE Archbishopric of Canterbury has, as we ventured to hope, in the event of its being refused by the Bishop of Winchester on grounds of health and age, and...


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A S we indicated last week, the appointment of Lord Derby to be one of the principal Secretaries of State—like the rest of the world, we then expected him to be Indian Secre-...

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A "WAVE of shadow" has "gone over the wheat" in Central Europe, and all Germans and Austrians have looked up, to see if it presaged a storm. It does not, we believe, but all the...

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I T is not very useful for journalists to discuss the situa- tion of affairs in Egypt. There is no proof that the Ministry have yet received Lord Dufferin's Report, or that they...

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T HE third volume of Bishop Wilberforce's " Life " has been- published, with great accidental opportuneness. It is interesting, just when an appointment is being made to the...

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M R. PARNELL'S speech on Sunday at Cork is melancholy reading, but the exaggerations current about it are very gross. It is not an incendiary speech at all, nor even a . speech...

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A LARGE proportion of the Entrance Examinations for the English Universities are fixed for next month, and, in thousands of middle-class households the controversy whether...

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we publish to-day, denying that the term " Atheist " can properly apply to one who simply rejects personal Theism, suggests the only ground on which, in our opinion, that term...

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W HILE travelling in France last year, it so happened that on board one of the little river steamers which took us down the Seine from Rouen to St. Melo, the present writer met...

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LIBERALISM AND CULTURE. [TO THE Einron OF THE "SPEOTATOR."1 • Miss Leigh has a "permit" from the Pollee to visit all the prisons and houses of ill.fnme. She and her hand of...

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refrained from answering Mr. Mayo's letter of Decem- ber 4th, in reference to the politics of teachers in Primary Schools, in the hope that I might find some one more able than...


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LTD THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sra,—It is a mistake to say that I have " pointedly " denied to "the cause of creation" an "intellectual and moral character." On the...

rTo THE EDITOR OW THE SPEOTATOR."1 81R,—In considering the reasons

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why, as a rule, the Universities olect Conservatives to represent them in Parliament, you do not mention a real stumbling-block in the way of a union of Liberal principles and...

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THE GROSVENOR GALLERY.—(ALMA TADEMA.) [SECOND NOTICE.] IN our first notice of this Gallery, we spoke at some little length. of the difference in imaginative power between the...


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THE ROBIN. Haan Winter strikes on the pools and the dikes, The ice grows thick and the boughs bend low, Laden with ponderous loads of snow ; Too keen the cold for the ravenous...

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WALTER SAVAGE LAND OR.* Tins book is a boon to, the lovers of classical English literature. We already owe to Mr. Colvin a work on Landor, the careful and appreciative criticism...

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DAMOCLES.* IN Damocles, Miss Veley has given us a story

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interesting, even fascinating, from first to last,—unique and picturesque in con- ception and execution, clever all through, and often very powerful ; but difficult to criticise...

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THESE volumes give us the brilliant description of a journey re- markable both for its exceptional character, and for the singularly realistic manner in which the author has...

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[SECOND NOTICE.] As Mrs. Oliphant has done us the honour to add to her new issue of her unequal, but often brilliant, book on the Literary History of England between 1790 and...

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Wrrn the euormous increase that each year brings to the mass of facts constituting human knowledge, a corresponding desire appears to be felt of reducing it to some sort of...

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ILLUSTRATED GIFT-BOOKS.—VI. The beauty of its coloured plates and its generally luxurious appearance entitle European Butterflies anq Moths, by W. F. Kirby (Cassell and Co.),...

The Prince of a Hundred Soups, edited by Vernon Leo

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(Unwin), is very clever and admirably illustrated burlesque on—at least, we presume so—Italian municipal life of a period anterior to the pre- sent. The preface is quite as...

Harper's Christmas Number (S. Low and Co.) is an imposing

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one, as perhaps it ought to be, seeing that the price is half-a-crown. But in shape it is most unwieldy, being at once too long and too broad. A Christmas number should be not...

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AMERICAN CHRISTMAS CARDS.—Wo Must confess flit we aro here fairly

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beaten out of the field by America, and that on our own ground, too. Mr. Prang, art and educational publisher, of Boston, has just sent us (unfortunately, rather late in the...

Fables of Mr. John Gay. With a Memoir by Austin

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Dobson. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—A very pretty, little edition of Gay's fables, in white vellum, with a portrait of Gay awl a short account of his life, simply and well...