23 DECEMBER 1882, page 3

Consols Were On Friday 104 To Mi Ex. Dit. Bank

Bate, 5 per cent.......

Sir John Lubbock, Who Is One Of The Best Financiers

in Par- liament, explained very clearly yesterday week to the Lewisham and Lee Liberal Club how mistaken the Conservatives are in • attributing to the present Government a great......

Mr. R. G. Wilberforce Writes To Yesterday's Times, In...

to the criticism passed by the Times on his "Life" of his father, to say in effect very much what the dirty Frenchwoman said who, when people remarked on the un- cleanliness of......

The French Cabinet Has Been Seriously Moved By An Internal

dispute as to the expediency of the expedition to Tonquin. Admiral Jaur6guiberry, Minister of Marine, demanded a credit of 2440,000 ler the expedition ; but many of his......

Dr. Close, Who Has Been Called "the Pope Of Cheltenham,"

is dead. He was made Dean of Carlisle by Lord Palmerston, and his death reminds us forcibly how completely extinct is the old Exeter - Hall party, of 'which he was one of the......

We Have Great Pleasure In Announcing That Mr. Fawcett Has

improved steadily during the week, and that his physicians regard him as convalescent, though he is still, of course, much too ill to see friends or transact any sort of......

We Publish Elsewhere An Advertisement For The Emigration...

"Mr. Take's Fund," who are willing to co- operate with, and supplement the action of, the Govern- ment,—while the Government also are equally willing to co-operate with them,—in......

The Trial Of Commander Maxwell Heron For Misuse Of The

'Queen's stores, fraudulent charges, and oppression, ended on 'Thursday, we regret to say, in a verdict of guilty on eleven counts and part of another, and acquittal on two.......