24 JUNE 1882

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On Thursday, in answer to Mr. Cowen's question as to

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the truth of the report that the Government had consented some six weeks ago to accept a standing order imposing the closure of debate only by a two-thirds majority, Mr....

Mr. Chaplin called up Mr. Gladstone, who declared that he

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had never heard a motion for adjournment "more unfortunate and indiscreet," or a speech more descriptive of means of mis- chief. He confirmed a previous assurance given by Sir...


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T HE situation in Egypt has remained unchanged throughout the week. Ragheb Pasha, an old official of Arabi's party, has been appointed Premier ; Arabi himself is Minister of...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in anycase.

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The Free Lances in the House of Commons have poured

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out a torrent of qutations all the week about Egypt, but have extorted no information of moment, except that England adheres to its resolution that Arabi Pasha must go. On...

Up to Wednesday night it was believed that the Conference

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would meet on Thursday morning, to decide on the means of restoring the Egyptian status quo. The Porte, however, at the _eleventh hour, signified not only that its...

The Scottish Farmers' Alliance sent a strong deputation to Mr.

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Gladstone, on Wednesday, to press on him the importance of at once abolishing the laws of entail and primogeniture, and of secur- ing to them the full value of their own...

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On Monday the Government made an important concession in relation

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to the newspaper clauses, proposing to limit them entirely to taking power to seize objectionable papers con- taining incitements to crime or violence. And again, on Tues- day,...

On Thursday, the great subject of debate was the clause

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in the Prevention of Crime Bill which re-enacts for Ireland the Alien Act of 1848,—in other words, which gives the Govern- ment power to order aliens who are endangering the...

The House of Lords had a discussion on Tuesday night

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on the subject of Mr. Trevelyan's statement concerning the cruel and unpatriotic evictions going on in Ireland, a statement which Mr. Trevelyan has explained as meaning—nay, he...

Lord Salisbury insisted much on a point he is never

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weary of labouring, that whether the Irish landlords have pressed their proprietary rights to a cruel extent or not, Parliament, in pass- ing the Irish Encumbered Estates Act,...

The Prevention of Crime (Ireland) Bill has made its way

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very slowly, partly owing to the rigidity of the Home Secretary, who has, as we think, refused many most reasonable concessions to the Irish Members; and partly owing to the...

The Fenians seem to have a special regard for Clerkenwell.

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It was in Clerken well that they tried to blow up a prison fifteen years ago, and it is in Clerkenwell that they have just been storing the Snider rifles, revolvers, and rounds...

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Nobody has any money just now, trade being "depressed," the

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agricultural interest "ruined," and taxation "exorbitantly high: , Consequently, the furniture, pictures, and objects of art sold from the Hamilton Palace are realising...

A revolution has, according to the Daily News, broken out

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in Zululand. Sir H. Bulwer having refused to receive the great deputation which asked for the return of Cet,ewayo, the Zulu Chiefs have taken the matter into their own hands. A...

A valuable life, which had exercised an important though almost

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unnoticed influence on the development of secondary instruction in England, was somewhat prematurely closed a few days ago. The Rev. H. G. Robinson was one of the few clergymen...

The Canadians are infatuated with Protection. The dissolu- tion was

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mainly upon this issue, and not only have all the Ministers been re-elected, but the elections known up to Thurs- day night show a clear majority of 43 for the Protectionists,...

The effort of the poor Jews in Russia to emigrate

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to America is impeded by an unexpected difficulty. It is the practice of the Emigration Committee at New York to find work for the immigrants, and distribute them through the...

At an important meeting of the Victoria-Street Society for the

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Protection of Animals from Vivisection, held on Wednesday, at the house of the President, Lord Shaftesbury, Mr. Lawson Tait, the eminent surgeon, made a most effective and...

M. Leon Say, at a banquet given at Bordeaux on

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the 20th inst., stated boldly that to-day the grand difficulty of a Minister of Finance is not to raise the taxes, but to protect the public purse from Members who are urging on...

This day week was Speech Day at Rugby, and the

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large company which assembled there was much edified by the recent additions to the School, the handsome reading-room, the spacious swimming-bath and gymnasium, and the very...

Consols were on Friday 991 to 99i x.d.

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MR. GLADSTONE AND THE CLOSURE. I T is admitted by the Prime Minister that the Government did contemplate making that very unfortunate and, as we think, unwise concession to...

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T HE sharp discussion of Thursday night on Egyptian affairs was, in some ways, even more unsatisfactory than pre- vious discussions have been. The attack, to begin with, led by...


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M R. DAVITT'S speech at Liverpool on the nationalisation of the Irish land seems to have meant more, at least aa regards the agitation amongst the American Irish, than we at...

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T HE German Parliament has been prorogued till the 30th of November, and for that time, at all events, Prince Bismarck will be spared the annoyance of seeing a machine in...


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I T is mere nonsense, and dangerous nonsense, to talk of the " revolt " which has broken out in Zululand. Even if the official account, which denies an actual outbreak, is too...

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T HE seizure of arms in Clerkenwell brings up once more the old and exceedingly difficult question of the expedi- ency of Arms Acts. Whenever order is menaced or disturbed, an...

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T HE interest taken by the public in the Hamilton Sale is not only a ,:urious sign of the times, but something of an intellectual puzzle. Why are people so interested ? They do...

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S IR JOHN LUBBOCK has told most of us almost all we know about Ants, and yet in the very amusing book on "Ants, Bees, and Wasps,"* which he has just published, he certainly...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Perhaps the experience of a woman who has done her share of literary labour, and yet has retained bodily vigour and activity till late...


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MR. JAMES MILL. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—At this time, when public attention is again called to the work and character of James Mill, it may not be too much to...

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have read with much interest the letters of your correspondents, "A Victim to Exercise" and "W. W." The former doe i not say what kind of " invalidism " he suffers from, so we...


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SIR,—I have read with much interest the correspondence in your columns on this subject, which is one of no little interest to me, who have managed to preserve physical and...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") have had too little knowledge of the actual plague 'of caterpillars on the oak this year to venture on more than a conjecture of its cause,...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF Tim " SPECTATOR."] Sia,—I have read with great interest the article on "Brain- waves," in your issue of June 3rd, and venture to think that the following...


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THE GROSVENOR GALLERY. [LAST NOTICE.] IN this our final notice of the Grosvenor Gallery, we shall en- deavour to notice briefly some of those works which we have hitherto...

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B 00 K S.

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MOZLI4 - lY REMINISCENCES.* [FIILST NOTICE.] MR. MOZLEY is extraordinarily fortunate in the main subject of his Iteminisceares. They deal chiefly, he tells us on the title-...

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MR. PHIL Rosixsox has his own way of looking at Nature, and a very pleasant way it is. His love of his subject is as genuine, perhaps more so, than that of the solemn naturalist...

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TR.A.SEADEN HALL.* To say that a novel has nothing. stereotyped

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about it, and that it gives the impression of being the genuine outcome of the author's brain and product of his own 'Internal consciousness, is no slight or ordinary...

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TEN years ago, the vast territory in North-West Canada, now known as Manitoba, was described with great felicity by Lieutenant-Colonel Butler as the Great Lone Land. The short...

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LANGE'S "HISTORY OF MATERIALISM "* Fr is now more than

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time to notice the third and concluding volume of Mr. Thomas's able translation of the late Professor Lange's History of Materialism, to the first and second volume of which we...

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THERE are few novelists, perhaps, who are more fortunate in the possession of their readers' friendship than Mr. George Macdonald. He has told us so many beautiful things, we...

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THE LYRICAL DRAMA.* WHEN we recollect how thoroughly the importance

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of music as a social influence is recognised, we are struck by the inadequacy • The Lyrical Drama. By H. Sutherland Eduardo. London : W. H. ALen and Co. of the literary...

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The History of Ralahine and Co-operative Farming. By E. T.

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Craig. (Triibner and Co.)—This story of Ralahine, which was noticed at some length in this journal some twelve years ago, is a very interesting one. It was an experiment in...

Three in Norway. By "Two of Them." (Longmans, Green, and

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Co.) 1882.—A very pleasant book of travel in Norway, told in a way that gives all the freshness of the enjoyment that the three had in their various fishing, canoeing, and...


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His First Love and his Last. 1 vol. By Anna Mollison Clarke. (Remington and Co.)—Lucy Brailsford, having jilted Robert Oldham, was deserted by her worthless husband. She died...

Deepglen. 3 vols. By Hugh Morven. (Chapman and Hall.)— Mr.

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Marren is a remarkable instance of that self-deception which has afflicted the world with a crowd of poets and actors, painters and novelists, who have chosen professions for...

Ireland under the Land Act. By E. Cant-Wall. (Chatto and

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Windns).—The author of this volume was sent, some nine months ago, by the editor of the Standard to observe and report upon the working of the Land Act. The letters which he...