26 DECEMBER 1840

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The news from the Continent this week is far from

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satisfactory. In France, the feeling of animosity to England is again rampant. NAreeasnes, funeral, the •dtenenstrations of the people and of the National Guard on the occasion,...


The Spectator

THE electioneering movements now going on in different parts of the country, imply a pretty general expectation of an approaching dissolution of Parliament. Some of the...

21r. O'CoNNEr.r. has again conic forth to agitate, but with

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the change of tone that has usually been noted on his descent from the mountains a little before the session of Parliament opens. " Repeal" is kept up as a word, but not with...

The Ulster Association, supported by the Constitutional Re- formers in

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the North of Ireland in opposition to the Repealers, has - had its second special meeting, under the presidency of Lord CHARLENIONT. This society owes its origin to Lord...

The Peninsula has added its quota to the general embroilment

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The question of the navigation of the Douro has furnished Spain with an occasion of quarrel oith Portugal; which she has seized with avidity, and with little regard to the...

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The weather has been colder than is usual before Christmas.

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Since the SHOW, which Zell at the end of last week, there has been almost con- tinned frost ; and the sheets of water in the Parks have afforded good skating during the week....

In the Rolls Court, on Saturday, I.ord Langdale decided, in

The Spectator

the case of Colville v. Middleton and others, that the deer in Livermere Park form part of the personal estate, and do not pass by the devise of the property; as the park has...

Ebe (Court.

The Spectator

THE Queen joined the dinner-party at Buckingham Palace on Mon- day : the company consisted of the Dutehess of Kent, Viscount :Melbourne, and the usual Court circle in...

Vibe _Metropolis.

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The election of Common Councilmen commenced on Monday, in the different wards in the City, and ended on Wednesday. In most in- stances the old members were returned. Contests...

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The great viaduct on the Manchester and Birmingham Railway, at

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Stockport. was completed on Monday. It can si,ts of twenty - one ty - one arches, of sixty-three feet span and nearly three hundred feet in height, in addition to the...

Zbe Vrobintes.

The Spectator

The Sta f ford Gazette, in announcing the retirement of Mr. Baring from the representation of North Staffordshire, says—" C. Bowyer Adderley, Esq., of Hams Hall, Warwickshire,...

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The Lord-Lieutenant attended Dualin Theatre on Thursday week, a " command" night. This was the first time he had appeared in public since his declaration against Repeal ; but...

The second eenerid meeting of the Ulster Constitutional Association was

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held at Belfast on the lath ; Lord Charlemont in the chair. At the former general meeting., a Sub-Committee was appointed to report on the Registration and Election Laws : the...


The Spectator

The Court of Session, on the 16th instant, heart] parties in the action at the instance of the Iteverend John Edwards against the Presbytery of' Strathhogie. Two sets of...

Miss Malone, whose informations were recently taken against her father,

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Mr. John Robert Malone, for cruel treatment, left the Castle Yard, Dublin, on Saturday, where she was staying under the protection of the Police authorities until the day of...

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'c'ed that lie credit; .'ratan a s ite 1 ti leen is Sove- the

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- el :nest the e ," s lea :1,, intitte.a . e es C.t tteto of ti. of the : •,:ltati ratify aeil the Settlinie scribed in this do, reittns the Sot creiem. Prot.''-lie :11,...


The Spectator

The Marquis of Normanby left London on Wednesday, for Brighton Viscount Palmerston has left town for his seat, Broadlands, Hants. The Chancellor of the Exchequer returned to...

The fortificatiene of Paris occupy the French journals id" nil

The Spectator

shadee. The .. 1 . - etioaa/ of ' Weill:cell:I approves of the "etiechite conthatie. • ' • , . Willie the (`‘ aimenw is furious in its ho ulin to schemes or plees of...

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The British Queen, which left New York on the 1st

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December, ar- rived off Portsmouth on Monday night. On the 6th November, during the passage out, which was very rough, Captain Roberts rescued five men, the master and four...

Letters from Lisbon of the 1 1 th instant represent

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the Portuguese Government as preparing for very energetic measures, to enforce against Spain its views as to the navigation of the Douro. On the 13th, a Council of State was...

It appears by letters received from Constantinople, dated several days

The Spectator

later than that which announced the determination of the Sultan to persist in the deposal of Mehemet Ali, that the news of the submission of the Pasha had not been received by...

The session of the Jamaica I louse of' Assembly was

The Spectator

opened by Sir Charles Metcalfe, on the 27th October. His Excellency's speech and the replies to it are charaeterized by a strength and warmth of expres- sion altogether uncommon...

The German papers received on Thursday are filled with notices

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of the preparations iu progress in Germany in anticipation of war with France. All the letters received in l'uris from Frankfort, Augsburg, Berlin, Munich, and Vienna,...

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We wish the Spectator, while retracting, as it has done,

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rather ungra- ciously, its imputation to the Globe, of an absurd story respecting high personages, would abstain from inserting fresh errors respecting our very humble selves....


The Spectator

SATURDAY. The Paris papers of Thursday give the discussions in the Bureaux of the Chamber of Deputies, on the demand of an extraordinary credit of 200,000,000 francs, lately...

At the conmtencentent of the week the Money.: .•..:. 1..

The Spectator

v, in conse- quence of the fall 411 ' OW lINehallp . , ilOttat in (Mr . -• • • --•iOit of the French Feuds. '1'lle tendency to decline mat:,,,11.... I. t, i.t g ence brou g ht...

The ihtuihri,/ Gazette of the 16th contains a Rayal decree

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modifying, or rather abolishing, the Fueros of Navarre, pri.visi.qoally, until a law shall pass on the subject. Article 1 places the military sagvegnment on the same footing as...

- • _

The Spectator

Our next Number will belong to another year. We have t the.' the drp.attunty, when there is less pressure than usual upon our pages, to publish the I NoFX TO MC SPECTATOR fur...

At the seventh annual soiree of the Glasgow Association for

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Promot- ing Religious Liberty, of which a long report is given in the Glasgow Argos received this morning, the following resolution \ Vil■ carried una- nimously— " That this...

Mr. J. M. Gladstone has offered himself as a candidate

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for the bo- rough of Walsall, with every prospect of success.—Thies, Dec. 26. The StaflOrdsbire Examiner accuses the Tories of " ingratitude and turpitude unequalled in the...

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Arrived—At Gravesend. Dec. 18th, Lynher, Browse, from Mauritius ; and 2611,, Superior, Donning, from the Cape. Sailed—Finn G r sve. en d, Dee. 251h. I teartto the F■Atall....


The Spectator

BIRTHS.. On the 20th the Lady of J. Muses GasKst.r,, Esq., 51.P, of a son, still-horn. Ott the 17th lust.. the Lady of 5Lerrucw DAVtES, E•q., of Tawy•bwieli, Cardigan. glare,...


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THE SPECTATOR. Stn—The question of Apostolical Succession is one of deep importance, as affecting the claims of the different hierarchies and sects in the land. The questit n,...

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Now trebly thundering swells the gale." TILE tone of the Ministerial journals is calculated to produce serious alarm on the part of those who are averse to unnecessary wars. It...

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THE new number of the Quarterly Review contains an article on the Infant Labour question. The remedies prescribed to cure the evil of over-working children savour snore of the...


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" A HOUSE divided against itself cannot stand." The retainers of Ministers might. feel alarm on recalling this passage to mind, and noting the different notions regarding...


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Some fighting devil seems to have been let loose upon the world at this proper season of the advent of " peace on earth and good-will to men." France and England have scarcely...

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" It would be a subject not without matter for

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useful instruction, however melancholy might be the contemplation of human absurdity, to compare the various outbreaks of European folly on the tields of Palestine at different...


The Spectator

THIS work is a series of miscellaneous papers, sometimes upon single topics, sometimes forming a continuous series. In their general character they resemble the better portions...


The Spectator

SOME erudite antiquarians trace the Irish to a Punic origin : that grave philosopher Tom BROWN the Younger inclines to the opinion that they are Egyptians.* Their theory of...


The Spectator

MISCELLANFOUS LITERATI:7M, ratell wurk. Ily Captain Basil !fall, R.N., P.R.S. In 3 vole ilfoxon. Fmrms. Mercedes of Castile ; a Romance of the Days of Columbus. Ily J....

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MEncnnEs of Castile is a noble Spanish lady, a favourite of Queen Isabella, and attached to Don Luis de Bobadilla. Of a buoyant nature, and whilst jealous and doubtful of his...

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" THE object t of this drama," says the writer, " is to carry out the principle, awl nothiv rellicle God has made eau be 11 , , , ,ned r,pro- bate,* or he (Melly and eternally...


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"Tian great inconvenience," says the author in his preface, " ex- perienced by the teachers of the National Schools from the want of a treatise on Natural Philo osohy suited to...

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The Poetical TVorks of Thomas :More; collected by Himself. In ten vols. Vol. III. [Tide volume is the richest that has yet come out in point of poetry, but the most meagre in...

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AVHEN it is toinsid■Tc,1 that Iine-engraving is the only style adequate to the translation of a fine picture into the phrase of print, and that the sueeeesful exercise of this...


The Spectator

Goumvs BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA. Tim return of Mr. Got - 1.1), the ornithologist, from his exploration of the Australasian continent, is scarcely known to the eeientifie world,...