26 MARCH 1948

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Accelerating American Aid

The Spectator

Those who watch for aid from the west could be pardoned for concluding from the behaviour of the American Congress and people in the past three weeks that in the United States...

Prague and Lake Success

The Spectator

All the news reaching this country from Czechoslovakia—and in existing circumstances it is imposible to know what news is failing to reach us—indicates that the situation is...


The Spectator

T HE tables are turned. For the last two years it was Britain which produced plan after plan for the solution of the Palestine problem, while the United States kept up a refrain...

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The Policeman's Lot

The Spectator

The shortage of recruits for the police force has nothing to do with the so-called "crime wave." Whatever the state of the criminal statistics the police would today be below...

Civil Defence

The Spectator

Predicting the character of a new war is as erratic a pastime as estimating when it will break out ; nevertheless, we must do both as best we can. It is possible that the full...

Cotton Becomes King

The Spectator

The announcement in the Economic Survey for 1948 that exports of cotton yarns and manufactures would have to be increased by 74 per cent, by the end of 1948, with an expansion...

International Socialism

The Spectator

The two conferences of European Socialists Which have taken place in this country in the past week have neither expressed nor inspired strong feelings of brotherhood. The...

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The Aged and the Nation

The Spectator

The report on old people made by a Committee of Liberals (The Aged and the Nation), though written at a time of transition, is useful in two ways. It is an excellent summary of...

Government Information

The Spectator

Accustomed though it is to make publicity for other Government departments, the Central Office of Information stood last week in need of a little publicity on its own behalf....


The Spectator

P ALESTINE, which continues to loom large in the mind of the electors, has appropriately been occupying a good deal of the time of the elected. Last Friday and again on Tuesday...

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The Spectator

T HE timing of the Western Powers' proposal that the free territory of Trieste should be returned to Italy is important. Britain, the United States and France have made their...

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I find the policy of the London County Council, and

The Spectator

of some other councils, in the matter of the admission of primary school boys to public schools hard to understand. When the Fleming Report was published, urging that the public...

The proprietors of The Times have been unexpectedly prompt in

The Spectator

appointing a new editor. In one sense the choice of Mr. W. F. Casey was unexpected, for it was not thought likely that a man of sixty would be put in the editorial chair. But...

I doubt very much whether there has been any more

The Spectator

admirable contribution to the literature of the Palestine controversy than the little booklet Is This The Way ?, by Walter Zander (Gollancz, No Jew certainly, not even Dr....

A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK T HE prospect of a United Nations Conference

The Spectator

(it has opened at Geneva this week) on the Freedom of the Press including 67 nations, some of them represented by between thirty and forty dele- gates and advisers, is a little...

As First Civil Service Commissioner, Sir Percival Waterfield has unique

The Spectator

qualifications for appraising the candidates for the Civil Service, and what he has just been saying about them is, on the face of it, disquieting. But his verdict that "40 per...

Mr. E. H. Keeling had collected a good many instructive

The Spectator

specimens of "Government English" as basis for his attack on that form of jargon in an adjournment debate last week. Some of the examples tax credulity a little. Has anyone...

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The Spectator

By HONOR CROOME T ME was when the national Budget embodied, almost exclusively, one comparatively simple purpose—that of meeting the expenses of government by the raising of an...

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The Spectator

By W. J. BROWN, M.P. A HUNDRED years ago, in 1848, Marx published the Communist Manifesto. It concluded with the ringing words: "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing...

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The Spectator

By WARREN POSTBRIDGE E ASTER falls early this year—not, indeed, as early as it might fall, for Easter Sunday is capable of pushing as far back as March 22nd, just as it is...

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The Spectator

By W. HILTON-YOUNG T HE Italian Festa delle Matricole was originally a collective initiation of freshmen at the beginning of the academic year, but by now this purpose is lost...

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The Spectator

By OLIVIA MANNING J ERUSALEM ; the Greek Easter of 1943—the year the British Police took it into their heads to organise the Ceremony of the Holy Fire. That year there would be...

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The Spectator

By BERNARD CROFT E NGLAND this year will be full of bishops as Ireland was at one time said to be full of saints. They are all coming home (all those who look to Canterbury as...

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The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON U PON the Order Paper of the House of Commons there stands a motion in the name of Mr. Ronald Mackay and others on the subject of European Union. It is a...

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The Spectator

"The Woman on the Beach." (Leicester Square.)—" Les Jeux sont Faits." (Studio One.)—" The Big Clock." (Plaza.) THE WOMAN ON THE BEACH is Miss Joan Bennett, and she is not,...


The Spectator

VERDI'S Falstaff is, with Don Giovanni the most ambitious work that has so far been given at the Ca mbridge Theatre ; and the venture is the more laudable because hitherto...


The Spectator

THE THEATRE "Rocket to the Moon." By Clifford Odets. (St. Martin's.) Tans is a study in frustration. A dentist feels his youth ebbing ; his office becomes a battleground with...

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The Spectator

GRANT me, Oh Lord, before I die, To see the earth, the sea, the sky, That in the winter I may know The whiteness of the fallen snow, That I may see with my own eyes The Spring...

Reasoning Tits It was delightfully said by a scientific writer

The Spectator

on birds that they could be much cleverer if they had to be. An example of this may be quoted from a northern garden this winter. A lump of fat was hung from the bough of a...

Instinctive Failures

The Spectator

I wished to move a hive of bees a few yards to the west, chiefly for the reason that it was a cause of fear to a timid gardener. When I suggested to the visiting bee-man that I...


The Spectator

SUBSCRIPTION RATES :- 52 weeks. 26 weeks. d. £ s. eL Great Britain and Overseas by ordinary maul 1 10 0 15 0 Air Mail to Members of the Forces in any part of the World...

In the Garden

The Spectator

A number of people who keep a few poultry are inclined to grow sun- flowers for the sake of the oily seeds. Now sunflowers (which an Argen- tine farmer once said to me "make the...

The Warm West

The Spectator

A letter from the North of England begins thus: "I came back to find the lizards basking on the rocks in the sun and doing nothing but blinking red eyes and thinking it was June...

Postage on this issue: Inland, lid.; Overseas, Id.

The Spectator

COUNTRY LIFE THE growing of the grass—Horace's signal of spring—this

The Spectator

year singularly vivid, seems to have re-aroused the controversy on how to deal with it—to silo it, to dry it or to hay it. On behalf of the farmer the silo , seems to be...


The Spectator

THERE are some really outstanding vocal records on my list. Maggie Teyte's two Faure songs, Le Secret and Clair de Lune (H.M.V.), should be missed by no connoisseur ; and...

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Stn,—The very unanimity of the meeting of the British Medical

The Spectator

Associa- tion largely prevented it being as constructive as had been hoped. Where everyone is agreed on the meaning of most of the motions, etc., any speeches tend to become a...


The Spectator

DOCTORS AND THE MINISTER Sta,—The crisis which now confronts medicine in this country is a conflict between the theories of the political and economic planners and the ideals...


The Spectator

Sta,—When the atom bomb was first dropped on Japan, quite a number of people in Press, political and even ,military circles were temporarily jolted into realising that something...

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UNREST IN THE GOLD COAST - Stn,—In your issue of

The Spectator

March 19th, you suggest that there are probably other factors than the Communist bogey responsible for the unrest in the Gold Coast. This is, of course, entirely correct,...


The Spectator

SIR,—As a director of a young and vigorous horticultural co-operative in Hampshire, I was delighted with your article Should Farmers Combine ? How wise Mr. Walston was to use...


The Spectator

Snt,—Just over a year ago the University of Aberdeen received an invita- tion to be represented at the opening of the new University of Olomouc in Moravia. We were so eager to...

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The Spectator

Sta,—Your contributor, Mr. Cleland Scott, draws attention to the need to conserve the soil by allowing for fallows or rotation of crops in the area in Tanganyika to be brought...


The Spectator

Sta,—In all the arguments and controversies about Palestine no atten- tion seems to be given to the offer made by the representative of the Lebanese Republic, speaking on behalf...


The Spectator

Sta,—The letter from the Editor of The Birmingham Mail is a good example of the peevish suspicion into which some journalists can work themselves if a P.R.O. has displeased...


The Spectator

Sm,—Besides Sir Frederick Kenyon, Mr. Gee might consult Professor C. H. Dodd's Christian Beginnings : A Reply to Dr. Barnes's "The Rise of Christianity," which originally...


The Spectator

St,—The Government, in its misguided efforts towards absolute equality, is levelling down, not up, by insisting on the abolition of university representation. The leavening...

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The Spectator

Swift and Stella THE greater the cynic, the more extravagant the sentimentalities in which he may now and then indulge himself. From one point of view at least, Jonathan...


The Spectator

Tins volume is the most interesting of the three yet published. Its main subject is the futile and almost fruitless efforts to deal with the collapse of the European economy...

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Moonlight and Lavender

The Spectator

Victorian Best-Seller : The World of Charlotte M. Yonge. By Margaret Mare and Alicia C. Percival. (Harrap. 15s.) Miss YONGE represents a comely association of High - Church...

School Reform

The Spectator

"RUN about, girls, like boys, and then you won't think of them." Thus Miss E. Amot Roberston summed up the spirit of the expen- sive school at which she was educated. Mr. John...

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The Ethiopian State

The Spectator

MISS PERHAM'S purpose is to offer materials for a proper assessment of Ethiopia's institutions of government and, thereby, of that terri- tory's capacity to govern, itself and...

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The Spectator

[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct soiution this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week April 6th. Envelopes must...


The Spectator

• 2 '4 6 M Ac IH't IA V E't- L.I AN T N g G. H T 1 M E L Alt i 7 E , N C 0 R one N E A Vir SOLUTION ON APRIL 9th The winner of Crossword No. 468 is: MRS. W. A....

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The Spectator

The Black Laurel. By Storm Jameson. (Macmillan. 10s. 6d.) The Dogs Do Bark. By Barbara Willard. (Macmillan. 8s. 6d.) THREE of the novels on our list describe the conflict of...

Learning to Use Words

The Spectator

Words in Action. By Sir Philip Hartog. (University of London. 8s. 6d.) THE detailed recommendations and examples in this book are directed specifically to the practising...

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The Spectator

By CUSTOS ONCE again the stock markets are demonstrating their capacity for springing surprises. In face of dividend limitation and a Crippsian Budget which can scarcely fail...