26 MAY 1961

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Portrait of the Week— MR. BUTLER WENT TO SPAIN, opened

The Spectator

his mouth to express his regret that Spain was still cold- shouldered by the West. and thus put his foot in it. ,,The Opposition found it hard to believe that the Home...

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6935 Established 1828 FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1961


The Spectator

But basic pay is only one of the causes of dis- content in the profession; differentials, as Charles Brand shows in his article this week, are becom- ing another. The craving...

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Brief Encounter

The Spectator

W HAT, then, may we hope from the Summit?' the Spectator asked a year ago. 'The grim but realistic answer is: very little.' And we got even less. The events of the last twelve...

Shift System

The Spectator

A FORETASTE of one kind of competition that can be expected from the Common Market was given last week in the story that skilled ship- yard workers are being recruited on...

NEXT WEEK Much has been written in the past few

The Spectator

months about the likely economic reper- cussions of a British decision to join the Common Market; but relatively little attention has been paid to the political aspect—except by...

Confidence Returning

The Spectator

J UDGING by the rather scanty reports filtering out from behind the security screen at Evian, the atmosphere of the talks between the French Government and the FLN is as good as...

Labour and Europe

The Spectator

By ANTHONY HARTLEY A ST week's foreign affairs debate in the House of Commons was instructive: politics may be an exacting profession, but clarity and logic are evidently not...

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South African Tremors

The Spectator

By KENNETH MACKENZIE J usT over 1 year after Sharpeville things are coming to the boil again. The normal pattern in South Africa is for mass raids and police searches to be...


The Spectator

WITHIN a matter of days, final steps must be taken if the legal proceedings on behalf of the Bahraini prisoners unjustly and illegally detained on St. Helena are to be...

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Oldest and Dirtiest

The Spectator

By BERNARD LEVIN So our Mr. Butler is at it again ! In a way, there is something im- mensely comforting about Mr.' Butler, of all people, having his private dinner-table...

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The Teacher's Lot

The Spectator

(I) Does Nobody Care? By CHARLES BRAND L OOK. This is you, in front of twenty sixth- formers in a grammar school. We are going to `do' the Romantics for an 'A' level English...

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(2) A 'Liberal' Education

The Spectator

By H. M. DOWLING* N OTHING is more urgently needed in educa- tion than a restatement of its terms; too many of them, and the assumptions beneath them, arc hopelessly out of...

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(3) The Debate on the Sixth

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By A. D. C. PETERSON* N any social question, conservative and tradi- tional minds—the natural majority in England —tend to accept the status quo simply because it has the...

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Letter of the Law

The Spectator

Blind Goddess By R. A. CLINE T HE Blind Goddess is a moody, unpredictable creature. You can never tell which mood will prevail. There is the stiff-lipped, correct mood in...

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De Trop'

The Spectator

'• By PETER FORSTER A Limn I had forgotten how attractive the .■St. Tropez area is, the loveliest part, for my money, of that whole golden coast. It was over ten years since I...

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SIR, — I would like to express my admiration for Erskine Childers's

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courage and honesty. We, the Palestine Arabs, have not been able to make our voice reach international public opinion and con- vey the true story of the mass expulsion and...


The Spectator

SIR, — Because of my profound agreement with the premises Professor Peierls set forth in the first para- graph of his review of my book, On Thermonuclear War, and the generally...

The Other Exodus Medley V. Cooke, M. P. Dandaleh, Salah

The Spectator

J. Shawwa Agonising Misappraisal Herman Kahn Led Astray Vera Compton-Burnett, William Illingworth Christiansen and Beaverbrook A rthur Christiansen Asian Discrimination Dr. S....

SIR ,—I am an Arab Palestinian refugee from Ramleh, in

The Spectator

the occupied part of Palestine. My father was the owner of Ramlch Suda Buses Co. Ltd. until July, 1948. When the Zionist force, the Haganah, entered Ramlch and Suda. they...

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SIR,—Few people speak very warmly about their schooldays; and your

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series of articles has been for the most part disparaging or derisive: the few tributes to former teachers have come as refreshing changes. Not many of your contributors, and...

CHRISTIANSEN AND BEAVERBROOK SIR,—Leonard Mosley writes that as an editor

The Spectator

I had 'a childish belief' that it was more important for a dramatic critic to report booing in the gallery than the performance on the stage. This is a petulant...


The Spectator

SIR,—Through the thin disguise of Jonathan Miller's humorous article 'Led Astray,' which appeared on May 12, I recognised the school about which he writes and myself as the...

ASIAN DISCRIMINATION SIR.—Mr. C. A. Gunawardenc of the Ceylon High

The Spectator

Commission in London finds it difficult to understand Christopher Hollis's charge of racial discrimination against Ceylon. To get some idea of the racial hysteria that is kept...

ANGOLA REFUGEES SIR,—May we appeal to your readers for help

The Spectator

for the refugees from Angola, hundreds of whom are dying. An eye-witness writes of disease, dysentery, tuberculosis and leprosy. 'More than half,' lie con- tinues, 'are women...

PSYCHIATRIC TRAINING SIR,—One of the charms of psychiatry is that

The Spectator

most people with no training in medicine are convinced that their opinions are of outstanding value. It is, of course, indisputable that the time devoted to training medical...

THE 1918 GERMAN OFFENSIVE SIR,-1 have been commissioned by Messrs.

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Eyre and Spottiswoode to write a history of the German spring offensive of 1918—to embrace not only the events of the battlefield, but the political and grand-strategical...

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The Spectator

Mother Optimism By BAMBER GASCOIGNE Mother. (Pembroke, Croydon.) — Three Posts on the Square. (Arts.) Gorky's novel, written in 1907, is a panorama of the stirrings of...

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Advancing Sideways

The Spectator

By KENNETH J. ROBINSON WHEN I was fleeting the time carelessly as Senior Promotion Officer, Grade Three, of the govern- ment-sponsored Council of Industrial Design, a...


The Spectator

Sans Commercials By l'ETER FORSTER So back to our moutons. Back to be confronted by a nubile crocodiles around the ring in one of those circuses the BBC negress lugging...

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The Spectator

Soft Centre By ISABEL QUIGLY Sparc the Rod. (Odeon, Marble Arch.) — A Raisin in the Sun. (Columbia.) IT's a shame that Spare the Rod (director : Leslie Norman; 'A'...

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er a

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A Mus'cal Nation By DAVID CAIRNS IT should hardly be a matter for congratulation that a city of the size. wealth and civilised pretensions of London is able to fill the...

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New Paperbacks The Quality of Living

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B Y ANTHONY QUINTON O F the mixed strands of opinion which make up the doctrine of the New Left, its con- cern with culture is the most original and dis- tinguishing. Its...

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Classic Examples

The Spectator

`MOST educated people,' wrote Alfred Zimmern in his preface to the first edition of The Greek Commonwealth, now republished in paperback form by Oxford at 10s. 6d., `have their...

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To judge by sporadic press reports and pictures —the latest,

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in an American magazine, showed him gallivanting in a Harpo Marx wig—Brendan Behan is still fighting a losing battle: not against drink, which can reasonably be regarded as a...

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Mass History

The Spectator

As the paperback revolution goes on its admir- able though sometimes capricious way, it throws up in new refurbished form the solid favourites of the recent past. Shiny covers...

... All Remind Us

The Spectator

BIOGRAPHY is at the very least a restfully satis- factory way of learning history. At the most it provides an understanding of a man in an his- torical situation, which would...

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Magnolia and Buckskin

The Spectator

Two of the most influential myths in America in the nineteenth century were those of the Old South and the Frontier. The first was used to justify a status quo intellectually...

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The Spectator

The American Sublime BY RONALD BRYDEN r rOWARDS the end of A Lost Lady,* Mrs. For- rester, thin, rouged, smelling faintly of brandy but enchanting as ever, dons her long garnet...

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The Spectator

Dead eyeballs blurred by hard rain, Mouths that grin into mud and Puddles unwinding heavy crimson. They hear nothing of peace. They remain locked in their problem. The young...

Man Market

The Spectator

The Slaves of Timbuktu. By Robin Maugham. (Longmans, 25s.) ROBIN Nit/writ-Ism has been very clever in writing about a trip he made to Timbuktu. It was, with- out being too...

Before the Beginning

The Spectator

I REMEMBER my mother once confiding to me that her awareness of the world as an exhilarat- ing but risky place dated from the day on which she heard that the Titanic had sunk....

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Seen To Be Done

The Spectator

The Faces of Justice. By Sybille Bedford. (Collins, 21s.) MISS SYBILLE BEDFORD, whose book on the trial Of Dr. Adams established her reputation as a court reporter, has gone...

Slices of Life

The Spectator

Casual Change. By Alan Houghton Brodrick. (Hutchinson, 25s.) MR. ALAN BRODRICK has for some years been among our major autobiographical writers. But he has been an exile, and...

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Several Acconiplishments

The Spectator

Legends and Pastorals. By Graham Hough. (Duckworth, 12s. 6d.) Poems. By Vladimir Nabokov. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 12s. 6d.) You seldom come across anyone who dislikes...

Unreturned Native

The Spectator

DOUGLAS BROWN, whose first-rate study of Hardy has been revised and republished after seven years, is quite clear what he thinks important— the four central Wessex novels, Tess...

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Fire of Exile

The Spectator

Goodbye, Ava. By Richard Bissell. (Seeker and Warburg, 16s.) There are few themes with which the men of our time are more familiar: exile, with its suf- fering, its heartbreak...

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Valuing Equities (2)

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT My jocular appeal to institutional investors to give us all a lead by saying what prompts them to buy equities on a yield basis below 2 per cent. did...

No Frontiers

The Spectator

By RICHARD BAILEY O vER the last four years British industry has been involved in a whole series of operations designed to bring individual firms into the European market;...

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Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS W HEN a market becomes temporarily over- bought, prices are extra-sensitive to bad news. Thus MITCHELLS AND BUTLERS fell 7s. to 72s. 6d. on disappointment at the...

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Company Notes

The Spectator

" our issue of last week an abridged statement a ppeared from the Halifax Building Society Pre sident, Mr. Algernon Denham, which he will li v e at the annual meeting to be...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

Late Night Special By LESLIE ADRIAN TVERY1HING shuts down so early,' is a complaint made by tourists all over Britain, London included. There are even a few natives who...

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Postscript . .

The Spectator

THE governors of great schools tend to appoint their headmasters alter- nately rather more and rather less convention- ally. Let it not be thought that I consider Lord James of...