28 MAY 1904

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One of those difficult questions of the rights of neutrals

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which always crop up in war-time is creating some excitement in America. The Russians are reported to have " sown " the sea outside Port Arthur to a distance far beyond their...

Mr. Archibald R. Colquhoun contributes a striking article to Wednesday's

The Spectator

Morning Post on the career, aims, and influence of Yuan Shi-Kai, the Viceroy of Chihli and Generalissimo of the Northern Army. Yuan Shi-Kai, who is only forty-five, has a record...

The contest between the Papacy and the French Govern- ment

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is evidently going farther, but it has not gone very far yet. M. Delcasse, considering the discourteous rebuke recently addressed to the President for visiting Italy an...

The reasons for General Kuropatkin's inactivity are variously stated. According

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to one set of observers, he clings to his plan, which Admiral Alexeieff overruled, of retreating to Kharbin, and there awaiting in a great fortified position the advance of the...

T HE news of the week from the Far East is

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the circum- stantial report that on Thursday the Japanese stormed Kinchau, on the west of the Kwangtung Peninsula,—a-placo regarded as the key of Port Arthur. Although this...

The news from Tibet is scarcely reassuring. As the lines

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of communication are threatened, the daily post has been discontinued ; and on Friday London had been for three days without any news from Gyangtse. The total casualties in...

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The West Indian correspondent of the Times contributes to Tuesday's

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issue a very interesting account of a recent visit to the Isthmus of Panama, during which he traversed the canal from end to end. The upshot of his survey is to make it clear...

On Wednesday the delegates to the Boer Congress were intro-

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duced by General Botha to Sir Arthur Lawley. Speaking on behalf of the Congress, General Botha stated that it was the desire of the Boers to help and co-operate with the...

Two important items of news are reported this week from

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South Africa. The native population was thoroughly un- settled by the war and the high wages which were earned in military employment. Hence it is natural to find a certain...

The Daily Chronicle of May 16th prints a telegram from

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Dalziel's Berlin correspondent which sets forth the terrible sen- tence alleged to have been passed upon an unfortunate private soldier for a pointless remark about the Kaiser....

The continuance of anarchy in Morocco has received a fresh

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and striking illustration. Mr. Perdicaris, a wealthy American citizen of Greek extraction, well known to all visitors to Tangier, was with his stepson, Mr. Varley, a British...

An interesting summary of the work done by the Macedonian

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Relief Fund appeared in Monday's Times. In all a sum of £30,000 has been collected throughout the country for the relief of distress in Macedonia, £25,000 of which has been dis-...

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The Times has bowed its head to the storm which

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now rages in favour of cheaper daily newspapers. Its conductors announce that in future they will send the paper, by an improved system of delivery, to all who order it direct...

The Royal Society gave a dinner at the Intel Metropole

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on Tuesday in honour of the delegates attending the triennial Assembly in London of the International Association of Academies. In proposing the toast of the evening Lord...

A large contingent of clergymen went up to Oxford on

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• Tuesday week to vote in Convocation against the proposal that the rule which restricts the choice of Examiners in the Theology School to persons in priests' Orders should be...

Mr. T. P. O'Connor, M.P., presided at the annual Convention

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of the United Irish League of Great Britain at Finsbury Town Hall on Saturday last, and made a curious speech. The Gates. head election formed the text of his deliverance, and...

The annual meeting of the Co-operative Congress opened at Stratford

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on Monday, and was attended by 1,500 delegates. Mr. E. 0. Greening, who delivered the inaugural address, illustrated the growth of the movement by some remarkable statistics....

We regret extremely to note the announcement in last Saturday's

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Pilot that its publication is to be discontinued. During the four years of its existence the Pilot has, alike by the literary quality of its contents and by its courageous...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 901.

Page 4

-9 VIDENCE is accumulating from many quarters in regard to the

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internal condition of Russia, and all of ' it is unfavourable. No doubt news of such a kind received during a war must always be read with caution, and especially is this so in...

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PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND SOU AMERICA. T HE Spectator has maintained now

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for many years that the Monroe doctrine, which is often denounced on the Continent as both insolent and injurious, is distinctly beneficial to Great Britain, to Europe, and to...

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A LMOST all who speak of the "yellow peril" tend to

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exaggerate to a degree unusual even with "the man in the street." If they are opposed to the idea, they pour ridicule on it ; ask how the Mongols, even if united, are to invade...

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N OTIONS to adjourn for a holiday are the occasion of some of the pleasantest hours which fall to the lot of Members of Parliament. There is the sense of coming leisure, for as...

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T .1 AST October we published an article by our Art

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critic severely censuring the President and Council of the Royal Academy for the manner in which they have ad- ministered the the Chantrey Bequest,—thus joining in a protest...

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THE NEW STYLE OF CRICKET. to-day as there was in

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the days of his father, even though the charnels for the outlet of criaket enthusiasm differ slightly. At all events, none of the village or school or second-class cricket clubs...

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T HERE is a form of offence—perhaps there is only one - • for which we all judge ourselves far more harshly than we ever judge any one else: an offence whereof we have all of us...

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F OLLOWING the example of other trunk lines, the Great Western Railway is doing its best to convince the public that there is nothing like the districts to which it ministers,...

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[TO TIM EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR"] Sra,—Your kind reception of my letter on "Party Govern- ment" (Spectator, April 23rd) emboldens me to add to it a few words. My speculations...

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[To ME EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The writer of the

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article in the Spectator of May 21st on the relations between the Vatican and France speaks of the Pope's protest to the Catholic Powers as a crude diplo- matic blunder, and as...

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SIR,—I see that in your summary of the "News of the Week" in the Spectator of May 21st you write regarding the division on Mr. Black's Motion as follows : "All the Free-trade...


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LTO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—In the course of the very kind and encouraging com- ments which you make on the Report recently published by the Manchester and Salford...

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SIR,—Among "animals which play games" the saras, or Indian crane

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(Ardea Antigone), is, I think, entitled to a place. Some twelve or fourteen years ago, in the Shahjahanpur dis- trict of Rohilkband, I witnessed a dance by three of these birds,...


The Spectator

SIR,—In your article last week bearing the above title you say : "Both stoats and weasels are said to gyrate in order to fascinate small birds." In July, 1885, while walking...

SIR,—Your correspondent's delightful collection of mixed Metaphors culled from the

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present House of Commons in the Spectator of May 21st reminds me of an earlier example for which that same august Assembly was responsible. It was a Member of Parliament who...


The Spectator

OF THE "SPECTATOR." SIE,—If the entertaining and exhaustive collection of Parlia- mentary word comicalities in the Spectator of May 21st has not exhausted the subject, a few...

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SescrATos.."]

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Sin,—Sorrow and anxiety is often expressed by members of the Church of England at the scarcity of well-educated candidates for ordination. The reasons most commonly alleged for...

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SIR,—" Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end,' He said to men who were shortly to see Him crucified" (Spectator, May 21st). Did He not rather say them to the men who were...

THE leaves were blowing red and brown Beneath the beech

The Spectator

trees bare, When the Dark Maid came to our town With gold pins in her hair. Her eyes were like a forest pool, Her lips they were so sweet, Every man put aside his tool, To...

pro THE EDITO/L OF THE " SPECTATOR." I lovers of

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good light verse owe a debt of gratitude to Miss Gaiwey for allowing them to read so vigorous and admirable a specimen of the art as " Chillianwallah," in the Spectator of May...

THE late Mr. Gleig, Chaplain-General of the Forces, lived for

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many years on terms of friendship with the Duke of Wellington. He first saw him in September, 1813, when a movement among the French across the Bidassoa led to a change of...

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Mn. PAUL FOUNTAIN'S books have a fascination of their own

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which does not seem to belong to the twentieth century. They suggest that there are parts of the earth still unknown, except to armchair geographers ; that wild life exists...

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To those who, in Lady Louisa Stuart's phrase, have "an

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old- fashioned partiality for a gentlewoman" this record of one of the last of the elder school of Scottish ladies must have a singular interest. There is not much material, we...

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SIB HERBERT MAXWELL is surprisingly industrious and versatile, for it

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is but a short time since The Creevey Papers appeared. There has long been a place open for a popular and accurate work on British fish, and the volume which be has contributed...

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MODERN novels, as we have frequently had occasion to remark, exhibit so marked a reaction from the placidity of early and mid-Victorian fiction that the quality of refreshment...

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Education and industriai Success. By W. P. Groser. (Hazell, Watson,

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and Viney. 6d.)—The origin of this Report is thus described:—" Last year Mr. Alfred Mosely invited the Parliamen- tary Industry Committee to nominate a representative on his...

Quebec under Two Flags. By 0. G. Doughty and N.

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E. Dionne. (The Quebec News Company, Quebec.)—The character of this' handsome and well-illustrated book is in itself a curious illustra- tion of the Canadian political...


The Spectator

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not ban reserved for review in other forms.] The Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Variorum Edition. Vol....

Tomaso's Fortune, and other Stories. By Henry Seton Merri- man.

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(Smith, Elder, and Co. 6s.)—Here are nineteen stories gathered from various magazines, &c., some of them. very short and slight, but all, we may say, showing signs of the...


The Spectator

The Life of Frederic W. Farrar. By his Son, Reginald Farrar. (J. Nisbet and Co. 6s. net.)—Dean Farrar's Life satisfied most of the usual tests of success. In his pre-University...

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In the series of the "Library of Modern Classics" (John

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Long, 2s. and 3s. net per vol.) we have _Adam Bede, by George Eliot, with a portrait of the author and sixteen illustrations by P. B. Hickling, certainly an excellent specimen...

Queen Elizabeth and the Levant Company. By the Rev. H.

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G. Rosedale, D.D. (H. Frowde. 10s. 6d. net.)—That this is a sumptuous volume, with its facsimiles, portraits, Ise., is plain enough ; we do not feel so certain about the...

A .Tunior History of England. By Charles Oman and Mary

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Oman. (E. Arnold. 2s.)—A book of this kind, the work of one who is a practised writer and an acknowledged authority on his subject, is open to one kind of criticism only,—is the...

Christopher Columbus : his Life, his Work, his Remains. By

The Spectator

John Boyd Thatcher. Vol. III (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 36s. net.)— Mr. Thatcher, in this sumptuous volume, magnificent in its typography, illustration, and binding, brings his great...

We have received Vol. V. of The Linguistic Survey of

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India (Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, Calcutta). It deals with the "Lade-Aryan Languages : Eastern Group." In view of the recently completed Census of...

The Agamemnon of yEschylus. Translated into English Verse by Edward

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Thring. (A. Constable and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—This translation, the task of a great schoolmaster's scanty leisure, was finished three years before his death ; and now, seventeen...

Dictionary of Names, Nicknames, and Surnames. By Edward Lathan'. (Routledge

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and Sons. 3s. 6d.)—This is likely to be a useful book of reference, though, as might be expected, it is not without omissions. Here are some military nicknames which occur as we...