10 APRIL 1886, page 24

In His Own Hand. By Mrs. G. Linnwus Banks. 3

vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—Mrs. Banks's books, occupying as they do a sort of middle ground between fiction and truth, have a well-defined character, which distinguishes them......

Grace Balmaign's Sweetheart. By James Ranciman. (chatto...

sweetheart " is a young fellow who loves very much above him ; for his father is a pensioner, and Grace's father is a long. descended squire. But Harry Leighton—that is the......

Spiders And Flies. By Percy Fendall. 3 Vols. (ward And

Downey.) —We do not recognise either "spiders " or " flies " as very distinctly described in the dramatis persona of this story. True, there is a very handsome adventuress, who,......

Cradle And Spade. By William Syme. 3 Vols. (swan Sonnen-

schein and Co.)—Both " cradle " and "spade," it may be explained, are the names of miners' tools, used in gold-digging and gold-washing. The story, in fact, is a story of......

Conjectural Emendations On Passages In Ancient Authors....

D.D. (Rivingtons.)—The notice of this little volume comes long after date, but we should be sorry to leave unacknowledged the last contribution to classical scholarship of one......

One And A Half In Norway. By" Either And Both."

(Began Paul, Trench, and Co.)—This curious title is explained early in the book by the statement that husband and wife are allowed to travel on Nor- wegian steamboats and......

Without Home, Without Faith. Translated From The German Of "

Detlef Stern," by Nellie Hampson Simpson. (James Blackwood and Co.)—The chief interest, or intended interest, in this volume is in the heroine's conflict with a Jesuit father,......

An Exposition Of The Thirty-nine Articles. By Robert...

(Nisbet and Co.)—" A Protestant Exposition of our Pro- testant Articles" is Mr. Cloquet's description of his work. There is no doubt abont the *Protestantism of tho exposition,......

English Letters And Letter. Writersof The Eighteenth...

Notes. By Howard Williams, M.A. Illustrated with Portraits and Fac-similes. First Series," Swift and Pope." (Bell and Sons.)—This octavo volume of about 550 closely printed......