10 APRIL 1971, page 32

Tapering Honesty

Sir: Readers of the SPECTATOR with a reasonably long memory who also read the Observer will have rubbed their eyes in astonish- ment at Bernard Levin's review of Lord......

Conservative Pacifism

Sir: Mr W. M. Phipps , Hornby points out (20 March), in reply to my advertisement, how hateful would be a foreign occupation if this took place, after our voluntary disarmament;......

Sir: No One Would Deny Professor Trevor-roper As An...

the right, indeed the duty, to treat all sources, written or oral, as only primary data, to be rigor- ously examined and compared with all other available data be- fore an......

Letters To The `editor

From Peter Owen, L. E. Weidberg, the Rev John Bishop, C. H. G. Wood, Elizabeth Snowden and others, Facts of fiction Sir: With astonishment I read Auberon Waugh's comments (27......

The Gospels And The Professor

Sir: For weeks I have read the SPECTATOR with great interest be- cause of Professor Trevor-Roper's review, which has given rise to so much controversy, if controversy is the......

Sir: Nicholas Davenport (26 March) Has Done Well To Stress

the seriousness of the oil crisis. For the longer term, the days of cheap oil are undoubtedly over: in the short term the progress of nego- tiations between the oil companies......

A Lump Of England

Sir: I see Gibraltar is to the fore with you again. You were good enough to print a letter or two from me on that theme in May 1965. I still think much the same, viz, that at......

Sovereignty And The Common Market

Sir: There seems to be some con- fusion in Mr D. A. Young's mind (March 20) between 'interest' and 'influence'. Of course British poli- cies are of 'direct interest' to a number......