10 AUGUST 1895, page 18

The "rights" Of Irrational Animals.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Will any of your correspondents who claim " rights " for irrational animals be good enough, firstly, to define what they mean by......


THE NEW POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. HAVE you heard of the famous Professor— His college is near the Thames ' side— Whose theme is the science of numbers To political matters applied ?......

A Strange Sparrow.

(To Tim ED/TOR Or TER " SPECTATOR:I Sin, — There is a Jenny Wren ' s nest on a bough of a cedar- tree in this garden. Noticing a female house-sparrow con- stantly flying towards......

A Dog-story.

go MB EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Among your numerous dog-stories perhaps the follow- ing may find a place. I have a skye-terrier puppy, only nine months old. On Thursday......