10 AUGUST 1962, page 9

Representing Whom?

In a general way I am inclined to think that too much is made of the abuses of public re- lations, and have sometimes fancied that the journalist's eagerness to denounce PROs......

Constitutionolatry Many Good Epigrams Have Been Coined...

constitution—that myth—but it always pleases me to find one I had not heard of before. My latest discovery I owe to J. E. C. Bocl- ley, Dilke's secretary, who, in his classic......


Those impatient spirits who have broken up Sir Oswald Mosley's meetings should beware. The object of their wrath has already had his right to be heard defended by Victor......

Marilyn Monroe

I suppose that the death of Marilyn Monroe can be included under the heading of 'Holly- wood tragedies,' but it gave me and, I should imagine, many others a feeling of shock and......

Ill Wind From Europe

By HENRY FAIRLIE M R. MACMILLAN has commented more than once on the peculiar horrors of a modern statesman's life. Especially, there is the flight back after a protracted......

Spectator's Notebook

T HE workings of diplomatic privilege are mys- terious and becoming more so as time goes on. Speaking as one who used to live in Bel- gravia well within earshot of the clashing......