10 DECEMBER 1887, page 20

This Day Week, Lord Harlington Delivered A Very Able Address

to his constituents in Rossendale, contending that the last thing that a Liberal committed to "the authorised programme" of 1885 ought to do, would be to postpone the whole of......

Congress Met On Monday, And On Tuesday President...

to it a Message which "amazed and delighted both enemies and friends." In other words, instead of endeavouring to say what would" divide" American citizens "least," be said......

The Proper Course, Says Mr. Cleveland, Is To Reduce...

—not the internal taxation, which is all raised from tobacco and spirits, the most legitimate subjects for taxation, but the Customs duties, especially those on necessaries. Oat......

The Unionist Conference, Which Met On Thursday, Was...

a brilliant speech from Lord Derby. The only danger was, he said, the danger of granting Home-rule out of sheer impatience of the question, and the sickness of heart with which......

Lord Harlington Insisted On The Perfect Willingness Of...

Unionists to sacrifice themselves altogether for the sake of the end they had in view. He did not think that any numerical loss of power in Parliament,—not even their dwindling......

Lord Hartington Farther Thought That The Grievances...

present clumsy mode of registering the voters should be re- moved; that the Land Laws should be simplified so as to render the transfer of land as easy as possible, and so as to......

Mr. Fairchild, The Secretary Of The Treasury, In His Report

supports strongly the line of the President. He proposes that the revenue shall be so reduced, as for some years to come not to equal the expenditure, so that the accumulated......

The Chief Feature Of The Banquet In The Evening Was

a bril- liant speech of the Duke of Argyll's, who remarked on the wise determination of Italy, composed of separate &tellies as it was, to have nothing to do with Federalism ;......