10 DECEMBER 1892, page 22

The Forlorn Hope. By " A. L. 0. E." (t. Nelson

and Sons.)— This is an interesting story of the United States in the time of Lloyd Garrison. Indeed, Garrison, in his character of journalist and politician, is in a sense its......

Stories Of The Wild West. By Ascott Hope. (nimmo, Hay,

and Mitchell.)—We do not know whether these stories have appeared before ; they are certainly well told and of a highly interesting kind. "A Captive of the Commanches " is,......

Those Midsummer Fairies. By Theodora C. Elmslie. (ward...

certain spoilt boy, Sir Bernard Bentinck, drags his half-reluctant mother—a lady of fashion, but full of affection for her child—into the country. What he hopes to see there is......

The Clock On The Stairs. By Alice Weber. (griffith, Farran,

and Co.)—This is a thoroughly ingenious and enjoyable bit of farce. The nurse at No. 14 Windermere Gardens, South Ken- sington, unnecessarily warns the group of interesting but......

Science Stories. By Andrew Wilson. (osgood, Mcllvaine,...

are another instalment of the essays on science by which Dr. Andrew Wilson has gained so high a repu- tation. He disposes incidentally of not a few popular delusions, as, for......

Godiva Durleigh. By Sarah Doudney. (hutchinson And Co.)...

rather singular that so experienced a writer as the author of "A Woman's Glory," should have fallen into the mistake of making her new story—which, moreover, is expressly......

Four New Novels.*

Miss RHODA BROUGHTON'S recent experiment in collabora- tion was so excessively dreary and dolorous, that we are glad to welcome her return to single harness in Mrs. Bligh,......

Current Literature.

GIFT-BOOKS. The Clever Miss Jancy. By Margaret Haycraft. (Hutchinson and Co.)—This is a clever story, dealing with an important pro- blem of the time in a light and airy style,......

The Sound Of The Streets. By Mrs. O'reilly. (wells Gardner,

Darton, and Co.)—This is a curiously minute picture of the ways of Landon young women who work for their living. Janet, who is the aristocrat, Lil, Jess, and Fan, are drawn with......