10 DECEMBER 1954, page 35

Other Recent Books

. PPs: The Story of an Industrial Empire. BY Gert von Klass. Translated by James ( lough. (Sidgwick and Jackson. 25s.) HI S book, first published in Germany last r, is not in......

Tins Book Offers Thirty-one Plates, Of Which Seven Are In

colour, with brief explanatory notes in French and English. A very few are zrchitectural in emphasis; the rest are of paintings and sculptures, mostly of the Empire period,......

More Opera Nights. By Ernest Newman. (putnam. 42s.)

Mn. NEWMAN'S new book is a successor to Opera Nights and IVagner Nights, and con- tains essays on seventeen operas, of which live are Verdi's. The essays are long, learned, and......