10 FEBRUARY 1900, page 3

At A Meeting Of The Nationalist Members, Held On Tuesday

in Committee Room 16, Mr. John Redmond was elected chairman of the reunited Irish party. Mr. Harrington, who has taken a leading part in effecting the reconciliation of the......

Mr. Asquith, Who Spoke First On Tuesday, Defended The Action

of the Opposition on the grounds that they would have been abdicating the functions which it was the primary function of the Opposition to discharge had they not raised this......

Mr. Plunkett Has, We See, Appointed Mr. Gill As Secretary

to the new Agricultural Department. The appointment is being most unreasonably challenged, not on the ground that Mr Gill does not know his subject, but because he was at out......

An Admirable Instance Of "cheery Stoicism" Is Found In The

letter of a private in the Coldstreams (now lying wounded at Wynberg), describing his experiences in the battle at Modder River :—" I happened to find a bit of looking-glass. It......

The Reunited Irish Party Came Into Action On Wednesday, When

Mr. Redmond brought forward his amendment urging the stoppage of the war on the basis of recognising the independence of the Transvaal and Orange Free State. Mr. Redmond, who......

Mr. W. A. Baillie-grohman, Whose Credentials Are Above

cavil, has sent a most valuable letter to the Press suggesting the formation of a British Rifle League controlled by a strong central committee. The guiding principle in laying......

Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman, Who Summed Up The Case For The

Opposition in a temperate speech, must be credited with making one good point at the expense of Lord Salis- bury. The Premier had complained of lack of secret service money as a......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

NOW Consols (at) were on Friday 101f.......