10 FEBRUARY 1912, page 16

Rates And The Housing Problem.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—The suggestion in your article of last week on the "Great Goddess Taxation" that relief of the rates on the houses of the poor would do......

The Charity Organization Society And Its Alleged Failure.

[To TRH EDITOR OF THE " SFECTATOR."] SIR,—Ratber by way of elucidation than of controversy I write a few lines on a point raised in Miss Markhanfe letter, published in your......

"the Miracle."

rTo THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOE."1 SIR,—The Spectator must have sympathy with all spectators, and may have room for a letter on the incomparable visions of "The Miracle." It......